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So... Is spidweb dying?


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It's been a month, maybe two since I last posted here, and with that time only 24 new topics were made. I remember the days about four or five years ago when we posted about 5-10 topics a DAY. What happened? Surely ALL of us are not drifting away. And there must be PLENTY more to talk about. Is Good old Spidweb really dying out? Or will it pick right back up again at the next game release?

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There's quite a huge fanbase by now, which increased again with the Humble Bundle, it's just that the majority doesn't feel the need to post on forums when they currently don't play. Many are waiting for Avalon 2 and I think even more are waiting for the remakes of Avernum 2 and 3 (from my personal feeling Avernum - Escape From The Pit is the most popular game).

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If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, then the forum was cooked a long time ago.


I never would of thought I'd see someone do this.


Edit: I had an epiphany of what the original quote could actually mean. I've mostly forgot what it was, but I'm pretty sure Schrodinger's cat made it in there somewhere.

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I bet we do have unusually low activity now due to the unusually long time between releases right now.


But I also suspect that something else is going on. Back in early '04, during a comparable lull between games, I don't think that there was as much of a lull in forum activity. At the time, we hardly discussed the games or Spiderweb at all, really, so it didn't make much difference whether Spidweb had released anything or not. These days, I think it makes a bigger difference.

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We can have 13 people post in a single day on the fact that Spiderweb is dying.



—Alorael, who thinks everyone lurking, waiting to pounce with bon mots and cutting witticisms, ideally all in lowercase. Someone just has to take the first step and the first post.

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To post, or not to post, that is the question:

Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer

The Slings and Arrows of outrageous postings,

Or to take Arms against a Sea of Spam,

And by opposing end them: to ban, to edit

No more; and by an edit, to say we ban

The Heart-ache, and the thousand Natural puns

That members are heir to? 'Tis a consummation

Devoutly to be wished. To ban, to edit,

To edit, perchance to delete; Aye, there's the rub,

For in that edit of post, what deletes may come,

When we have shuffled off this moderation,

Must give us pause. There's the respect

That makes Calamity of so long membership:

For who would bear the Whips and Scorns of posters,

The Oppressor's wrong, the proud man's Contumely,

The pangs of despised Love, the Law’s delay,

The insolence of Office, and the Spurns

That patient merit of the unworthy takes,

When he himself might his Quietus make

With a sniper rifle? Who would Fardels bear,

To grunt and sweat under a weary life,

But that the dread of something after posting,

The undiscovered Country, from whose bourn

No Traveller returns, Puzzles the will,

And makes us rather bear those ills we have,

Than fly to others that we know not of.

Thus Conscience does make Cowards of us all,

And thus the Native hue of Resolution

Is sicklied o'er, with the pale cast of Thought,

And enterprises of great pitch and moment,

With this regard their Currents turn awry,

And lose the name of Action. Soft you now,

The fair Alorael? Drunkard, in thy Skribbane

Be all my PDNs remembered.

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Well, the implicit message of the OP (the subtext! LOL) seemed to be a call for more posts. And we have answered! From this day to the ending of the world, we in it shall be remember'd, we few, we happy few, we band of brothers, for he today that posts with me shall be my brother, be he ne'er so spammy. Once more unto the breach, dear friends!

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To post, or not to post, that is the question:


`Trenton!' said I, `thing of evil! - Trenton still, if man or pony!

By that Heaven that bends above us - by that God we both adore -

Tell this Zwei with sadness laden if, within the distant Aidenn,

It shall aid a game developer whom the spiders named Jeff -

Aid a rare and blessed developer, whom the spiders named Jeff?'

Quoth the Trenton, `Forevermore.'



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Rather proclaim it, Westmoreland, through my denizens,

That he which hath no stomach to this topic,

Let him depart; his passport shall be made

And crowns for convoy put into his purse:

We would not post in that man's company

That fears his fellowship to post with us.

This day is called the feast of Crispian:

He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,

Will stand a tip-toe when the day is named,

And rouse him at the name of Crispian.

He that shall live this day, and see old age,

Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,

And say 'To-morrow is Saint Crispian:'

Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars.

And say 'These posts I had on Crispin's day.'

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At least it's not just the mods who're talking to each other all the time. :p


A live dissection of the Geneforge, byte by byte, to make a BoA-like editor for creating new Geneforge scenarios doesn't seem to have sparked a lot of interest. If that isn't forum-death, then I don't know what is. Well, I could be biased, but Blades-of-Geneforge and Geneforge-MMORPG used to be hot topics around here some time ago. Maybe the players have moved on to Avadon and the Avernum remakes, but if the numbers are low even over there, then well *shrug*.

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At least it's not just the mods who're talking to each other all the time. :p

Yeah, that is a problem around here.


A live dissection of the Geneforge, byte by byte, to make a BoA-like editor for creating new Geneforge scenarios doesn't seem to have sparked a lot of interest. If that isn't forum-death, then I don't know what is. Well, I could be biased, but Blades-of-Geneforge and Geneforge-MMORPG used to be hot topics around here some time ago. Maybe the players have moved on to Avadon and the Avernum remakes, but if the numbers are low even over there, then well *shrug*.

That has less to do with the forums dying and more to do with the fact that a fan-made BoG is a terrible idea: too much time and effort spent for far too little payoff.



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BoA never really took off, and it always seemed to me that this was just because it was too much work to make a game with the more sophisticated engine. Jeff couldn't manage the work to eliminate the many bugs that didn't happen to hurt his own scenarios, and few designers were keen enough to finish a scenario. The Geneforge engine is fancier still than BoA. I think BoG would be a nightmare.


I saw the same pattern with Escape Velocity — the 2D space combat and trading simulator games. They came in three successively more polished editions. All of them have lots of user-made patches and modifications, like extra ships and outfits. But the big deal with EV was 'total conversions', where someone re-wrote all the graphics and planets and items, and made a whole new story line that just used the basic game engine. For the original EV, which wasn't all that far above Pong in its look and feel, there were quite a few of these. There were also quite a number made for Escape Velocity: Override, the sequel, which had more sophisticated graphics. Escape Velocity: Nova had beautiful sprites, and subtle banking and accelerating effects, weapons glows and everything. Only a handful of total conversions were ever made, and to be honest only one real one was ever finished. Its author had started it in the original Escape Velocity, kept doggedly on with it, and finally just upgraded it. Moreover most of his ideas were just lifted from a bizarre pen-and-paper RPG that he and his friends had been playing for years. So it seems that literally nobody ever just sat down with EV:N and a big idea, and pushed it through to the end. EV and EV:O were amateur games, and the bar was set at an amateur level. EV:N was professional grade, and the bar was just too high for normal folks.


I also know that the very thing I like about the Geneforge games would discourage me from writing a BoG scenario. Geneforge is a unique world with a unique flavor, and Jeff's story arc is a fascinating epic. I don't want to write a fanfic game, kind of like Jeff's but not as good. I'd want to make something more uniquely mine. Starting from the Geneforge system, with the Geneforge graphics, would probably just make it harder for me.

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I saw the same pattern with Escape Velocity — the 2D space combat and trading simulator games. They came in three successively more polished editions. All of them have lots of user-made patches and modifications, like extra ships and outfits. But the big deal with EV was 'total conversions', where someone re-wrote all the graphics and planets and items, and made a whole new story line that just used the basic game engine. For the original EV, which wasn't all that far above Pong in its look and feel, there were quite a few of these. There were also quite a number made for Escape Velocity: Override, the sequel, which had more sophisticated graphics. Escape Velocity: Nova had beautiful sprites, and subtle banking and accelerating effects, weapons glows and everything. Only a handful of total conversions were ever made, and to be honest only one real one was ever finished. Its author had started it in the original Escape Velocity, kept doggedly on with it, and finally just upgraded it. Moreover most of his ideas were just lifted from a bizarre pen-and-paper RPG that he and his friends had been playing for years. So it seems that literally nobody ever just sat down with EV:N and a big idea, and pushed it through to the end. EV and EV:O were amateur games, and the bar was set at an amateur level. EV:N was professional grade, and the bar was just too high for normal folks.


another thing that's probably a factor is that nowadays it's not uncommon for big-name commercial games to have their own modding tools released to the public, so the people who do have the time, expertise and motivation to finish that kind of project are off making mods for Half-Life 2 or Skyrim or something instead, where they have a much larger potential audience. look at DOTA: it started off as a Warcraft 3 mod and has now spawned an entire subgenre of games. good luck achieving that level of success with a BoA scenario

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There is a difference between Jeff doing the work of developing the software and having to do it yourself where you have to figure out what Jeff or another programmer was doing.


Basilisk Games is going to release scenario making tools for it's Escahlon series, but it probably won't be as much as some players think they are getting. It dropped as a priority over finishing the 3rd game and starting the next series where they can make some money.

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but Blades-of-Geneforge and Geneforge-MMORPG used to be hot topics around here some time ago. Maybe the players have moved on to Avadon and the Avernum remakes, but if the numbers are low even over there, then well *shrug*.


Those wonderful feels from two years ago...


To avoid teh spam:

They weren't so much hot topics as one of the more popular ones among random uninformed newbies who thought they had a unique idea,


That was me two years ago too :p



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At least it's not just the mods who're talking to each other all the time. :p


A live dissection of the Geneforge, byte by byte, to make a BoA-like editor for creating new Geneforge scenarios doesn't seem to have sparked a lot of interest. If that isn't forum-death, then I don't know what is. Well, I could be biased, but Blades-of-Geneforge and Geneforge-MMORPG used to be hot topics around here some time ago. Maybe the players have moved on to Avadon and the Avernum remakes, but if the numbers are low even over there, then well *shrug*.

They weren't so much hot topics as one of the more popular ones among random uninformed newbies who thought they had a unique idea, which would be followed through a (eventually) practiced and collective no from everyone else. I'd consider that a hot topic the way I would threads from spambots during the time we had them.

Now, as interesting as a fan-made BoG is, it's clear uninformed newbies have moved on from that topic. I wouldn't cite it as evidence that the forums are dying.

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There's a plenty going on than BoG: as stated before, Avadon comming up, Books being written, the geneforge wiki still waiting for users to take notice of it... Hell not much has changed that much really. From my perspective Spiderwebsoftwere was always like this: a calm, cosy place where people talked nostalgia...

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From my perspective Spiderwebsoftwere was always like this: a calm, cosy place where people talked nostalgia...


Exactly! Except that back in the good ol' days, we had super cool mods like Ephesos and Slarty! Now there are just boring mods like m- umm, wait...

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