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Oh no! Not another one!


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Yes, that's right. It's time for:




Action! Drama! Suspense! Sarcasm! Godawful puns! Actual character descriptions! A non-convoluted plot!


Go read it now!


Dikiyoba hasn't completely set up the site nor figured out the updating schedule (although larger, slower updates is the general plan (well, not slow in comparison to Episodes 5 and 6), but those will come shortly. Also, Dikiyoba is definitely not a graphic designer (that's why Dikiyoba writes), so if any of you are, please don't mock Dikiyoba's efforts too much.

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Hope it's not necessary to have read the previous episodes too much for background detail... I never finished Episode Four before my mysterious departure, alas. Although that won't stop me from rereading and finishing if necessary, I suppose.


That said, your writing has improved a lot since that strange beginning with Episode 1. It becomes more and more pleasurable to read with every new addition.

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Originally Posted By: Goldenking
Hope it's not necessary to have read the previous episodes too much for background detail... I never finished Episode Four before my mysterious departure, alas.

Nope. My goal is to make sure people can read and enjoy Episode 7 regardless of whether they've read any of the previous episodes or not. (So if something is unclear, be sure to ask.)


Originally Posted By: Nightwatcher
Intentionally stolen from Trenton the four-legged thing:

And Trenton stole it from Dantius, who used it often enough that it was almost his gimmick.

Dikiyoba does not approve of gimmick stealing. Unless you can put your own (hopefully) clever spin on it, and then it's okay.
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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
Dikiyoba has threaten in the past not to post if requested. That's why there were the remarks about Danitus and locking the topic.

Say what?

I have requested in the past that people not bump the thread asking about the next update, but my goal is to not let the story stagnate and go without an update for months on end. Also, the joke about there being a set countdown until the next episode and it being restarted every time someone asks how long it has left to go doesn't apply since an episode is currently underway.

Dikiyoba's hope is to release two or three chapters every week to two weeks. We'll see how that actually works out in practice.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Have a chapter!


Dikiyoba would have put in a second interlude to go with it, but someone had to act silly and get banned after being written into said interlude, which means a huge chunk of the interlude needs to be revised, which means it now fits better after a slightly later chapter, which means even more revision. So the moral of this paragraph is, don't do silly things and get yourself banned.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba

Randomizer was a...
Tyranicus was a...
Student of Trinity was a...
Dikiyoba was a...
Stareye was the...

While I understand that "was" is quite a lovely word to introduce a character and physically describe them, you might want to look into some alternatives- it's quite grating when every character introduced in a chapter by [X] was a [physical description].
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Speaking of the physical descriptions...where do they come from? Are they part of forum lore (such as Slarty's You Facts)? Previously established elements of Dikiyoba's stories? Or just conjured up from Dikiyoba's imagination for this chapter? I certainly never pictured Randomizer as a servile before, so I WAS curious. laugh

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I have NO idea where the hell he got my description :|


Yet I LOVE the story Dikiyoba. I really hope it doesn't get stopped like a bunch of other stories.


Don't you just hate it when your favorite fanfiction is suddenly canceled, and the worst part was that it was forgotten about? I mean, no, nobody died, there was no emergency, they just plain forget about an awesome story!

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Originally Posted By: Dantius
it's quite grating when every character introduced in a chapter by [X] was a [physical description].

I know, but I figured that a lack of updates was a worse writing crime than needless repetition, at least in this particular case where I'd rewritten the chapter twice already and still hadn't gotten it to where it needed to be. (Also, HAH! you do care. tongue )


Originally Posted By: JamesMighty
I've read all the other ones and was wondering why you switched from script writing to prose?

Because prose is more a bit more flexible and Dikiyoba prefers it to the script format.
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Originally Posted By: Triumph
Speaking of the physical descriptions...where do they come from? Are they part of forum lore (such as Slarty's You Facts)? Previously established elements of Dikiyoba's stories? Or just conjured up from Dikiyoba's imagination for this chapter?

All of the above. And occasionally bits from RL appearance too.


Originally Posted By: Actaeon
I took [Trenton's] physical description as something of a metaphor.

Indeed. The lack of coordination and gangly limbs are symbolic of the constant name and interest changes when Trenton first arrived before he was introduced to MLP.

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