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A Long-expected Post

Alorael at Large

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I have posted here for a Purpose. Indeed, for Two Purposes! First of all, let me tell you that I am immensely fond of you all, and that ten years is too short a time to converse among such excellent and admirable Spiderwebbers. I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.


Secondly, I wish to make an ANNOUNCEMENT. I regret to announce that – though, as I said, ten years is far too short a time to spend among you – this is the END. I am going. I am leaving NOW. GOOD-BYE!






—Alorael, who wants to be sure everyone understands that this is a farewell thread. He'll be back tomorrow.

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Originally Posted By: Alorael
Secondly, I wish to make an ANNOUNCEMENT. I regret to announce that – though, as I said, ten years is far too short a time to spend among you – this is the END. I am going. I am leaving NOW. GOOD-BYE!

Yes! Maybe now I'll be able to catch up, given a lifetime of posting!

Originally Posted By: Alorael
—Alorael, who wants to be sure everyone understands that this is a farewell thread. He'll be back tomorrow.

...Drat. Nevermind.
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Originally Posted By: Actaeon
Only five thousand more posts and they'll be obligated to change up the titles again (though I imagine the next game will probably do that first).

No, titles get changed with game releases. The number of posts needed for the next level gets increased whenever Alorael gets near the highest level.
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Unless "Alorael" is an idealised view of a Spiderweb poster. I mean, the title "The rest is Alorael" seems to be saying that the posts number one *hasn't* made are Alorael, and that they're trying to capture what it means to be Alorael by posting.


Given that reading, number one certainly could catch Alorael, supposing Alorael isn't posting at the same rate as number one.

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
The number of posts needed for the next level gets increased whenever Alorael gets near the highest level.

But it was Drakefyre who did the changing. Without him around to do it, it's up to... me?

—Alorael, who could fix the problem at any time with a custom title. In fact, he could fix it with a custom title usually reserved for post count. He's always wanted a chance at one of the newer flavors of title. The only game-related one he's ever had was "Citizen of Exile" back when it was one of only two titles.
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Originally Posted By: Niemand
no1 can't catch alorael.

But Alorael is the number one poster. That would mean he posts so fast, not even he can catch himself. tongue

Now that is as good a definition of infinity as I have ever heard. The only thing more infinite than that is infinity raised to the infinite power.

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Mmm. Only 20,000 posts? You're slacking, Alorael.


Originally Posted By: Goldenking
Originally Posted By: Alorael
Secondly, I wish to make an ANNOUNCEMENT. I regret to announce that – though, as I said, ten years is far too short a time to spend among you – this is the END. I am going. I am leaving NOW. GOOD-BYE!


Yes! Maybe now I'll be able to catch up, given a lifetime of posting!

Oh please. You can't even catch up to me, and I don't even post anymore really. tongue

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Originally Posted By: Actaeon
I don't need Aran to figure out that even gaining on Alorael, much less catching up, requires at least 2000 posts a year.

While not beating Alorael on a per-year basis, it's been possible to outrank him on a daily, weekly, and/or monthly basis. I know, for instance, that Iffy was posting at a greater rate than Alorael for a while. Thank goodness we don't have monthly post analyses anymore!

For most posters, surpassing Alorael is not something that can ever feasibly be done, even given a cessation of posts. Unless, of course, the spamming regulations become a lot more lax.
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Originally Posted By: Harehunter
Originally Posted By: Niemand
no1 can't catch alorael.

But Alorael is the number one poster. That would mean he posts so fast, not even he can catch himself. tongue

Now that is as good a definition of infinity as I have ever heard. The only thing more infinite than that is infinity raised to the infinite power.


But that's just Inf^^4; Inf^^Inf would be much more infinite.

Congratulations, Alorael! May your skribbane jar never grow empty and your rifle always fire true.

To another ten years and another twenty-thousand!
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Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
That is just what it's like to be that cool. All that we lesser beings can do is look on in awe.

As for sleeping, well, the old book puts it bluntly: whosoever there be that snoozeth, that same shall surely lose.

"Like the Code of the West says, a plowed field keeps the weeds at bay."
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Originally Posted By: Hostile Climate

—Alorael, whose average daily posting rate is substantial but by no means outrageous. He just has a slightly higher average than most other oldbies and far more years than most highly active posters.

So... they're catching up. Perhaps Aran would be willing to use his analytical resources to judge when, at current posting rates, you would be surpassed, and by whom?
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At one point, I thought I might catch Alorael. Then I realized that it's impossible. Do the math. He has 10 years of 2,000 posts per year. 2,000 posts per year is an average of more than 5 posts per day, every day of the year. To catch up to him, you'd have to manage 10-15 posts per day, every day of the year, for a good 5-10 years. That's a high and unabating level of activity for many years at a time.


Alo is a dirtier spammer than any of the rest of us will ever manage.

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That's me! spamming under the radar. Spamming slowly. Spamming like the river undermining the canyon wall.


—Alorael, who will just point out that before catching up to his post count, there are a couple of top ten posters who aren't actually still on Spiderweb. Catching up to a huge lead still takes more time than many people spend on Spiderweb before moving on to greener pastures.

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Since the the last Ermarian update (2007, I believe), Randomizer has posted 5,983 times. Alorael has posted 5,437. I believe that qualifies as catching up, though it would take about eighty years to close the gap.




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Catching up with Alorael is like Zeno's Arrow Paradox, by the time you reach the point where the arrow was it has already moved on so you can never reach it's current position.


My posting rate has gotten much lower per day except when a new game is released. There will be a spurt this month and then I'll drop back below Aloreal's steady rate.

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