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The coming Avernum rewrites

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That's pretty much a guaranteed no. Spiderweb has moved away from large spell lists, and it seems like all games have gone to smaller party sizes. In any case, reusing the Avernum 6 engine means that the spell list is likely to be very similar to that game's and the party size will be four characters.


—Alorael, who would also like all the fun spells back. Party size just doesn't bother him as much. Six was arbitrary, and four is equally arbitrary.

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I can't really think of a good reason to not bring back some of the old spells, I think one of Avernum's biggest weakness over exile was axing lots of spell for seemingly no reason.


They were fun to experiment with and you could usually find a use for most of them. I was especially fond of mind duel.


Using the same small spell list over and over is not as fun as having a big selection as you end up just using the same 2-3 every fight due to lack of alternatives.

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Originally Posted By: goblindolf
I can't really think of a good reason to not bring back some of the old spells, I think one of Avernum's biggest weakness over exile was axing lots of spell for seemingly no reason.

I can think of two:

1. Time (time = money) to code and get new graphics for all the new spells amongst the spell book, and
2. Time to make sure each spell is balanced and not either useless or too egregiously useful

It's doubtful that we'll see a sudden increase in the size of our magical arsenal, especially since Avernum has both priest and mage spells to deal with. However, I fully expect a gradual increase in the amount of spells we can cast.

Of course, the mechanics from the original games will be greatly revamped to fit the new engine, such as the new area of effect spells.
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Originally Posted By: Limerick Oyster
That's pretty much a guaranteed no. Spiderweb has moved away from large spell lists, and it seems like all games have gone to smaller party sizes. In any case, reusing the Avernum 6 engine means that the spell list is likely to be very similar to that game's and the party size will be four characters.

—Alorael, who would also like all the fun spells back. Party size just doesn't bother him as much. Six was arbitrary, and four is equally arbitrary.

Drat. Mostly what I was wanting back would be things like antimagic fields, mind duel, scry monster, other such stuff that really helped things feel a bit more alive.
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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
Originally Posted By: Erasmus
isn't wound == smite?

Smite is cold based damage, while wound was able to bypass magic resistance of monsters that were normally immune to magic based attacks.

I thought Smite did that. It's always been my fallback spell when the other spells don't work.
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I think what Erasmus is saying, and certainly what I am saying, is that Smite is more or less the Avernum equivalent to Wound. It does have an increasing number of targets like the Exile version of Smite, but it seems to do damage to all kinds of monsters like Wound. It's my standard damage spell for fighting demons until I get Repel Spirit 3.

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I'm not really sure what you're saying, Tyro. In Avernum, Smite does single target cold damage. It's like Ice Bolt from Exile. It is nothing at all like Wound, which does fixed damage (never increases, unlike other damage spells) and is essentially typeless.


Also, Erasmus did not say Smite was used similarly to Wound, he said ==. That's a pretty specific operator.

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Right. In Exile, if I remember correctly, priests don't really have a good source of damage until they get Flamestrike, encouraging them to take up weapons and armor. The exception is Wound, which does very little damage but does it reliably regardless of the target's resistance to anything.


In Avernum, Smite is a fine single-target ice damage spell. It functions like Wound in that it's the damage spell priests are going to cast for the beginning of the game, but it's mechanically completely different.


—Alorael, who relied much less on mage-priests in Exile. The system rewarded doubling up on mage and priest skills a bit less, prevented mages from wearing armor a bit more, and he spent even less thought on making optimal parties.

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The damage spell priests are going to cast for the beginning of the game is Bless. Wound's damage is piddly compared to a moderately buffed melee warrior. That is VERY different from the later Avernums, in which Smite can often equal and sometimes beat the damage output of a pure warrior.


OTOH, Wound was especially useful when facing enemies with across-the-board resistances. Smite is typically useless in those situations.

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For a hard fight, yes. But when you have your fighters blessed to the point that they can mow down goblins and nephilim in a single hit and you really just want to pick off enemies a little faster, Wound works just fine.


—Alorael, who doesn't usually need to stack blessing upon blessing. For Ornotha Ziggurat, yes. For hunting unicorns for Mayor Arbuckle, no.

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Except that spell points are not infinite. Regeneration of spell points is low. If your fighters are mowing down goblins and unicorns in one hit (and presumably taking no damage back), why waste the 2 SP to cast Wound when you could just have the fighters kill them for free?

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You can optimize in-game resources. I sometimes choose to optimize the out-of-game resource of time. I'd rather just slaughter goblins faster when I'm not dealing with a dungeon, or if I'm already leaving with a full haul of loot, or for many other reasons.


Spell points aren't infinite in Avernum either, and using warriors to kill enemies is often most efficient except for time there as well. Yet I still find myself frying enemies en masse.


—Alorael, who can think of another important reason in Exile: experience allocation. The hefty bonus to the killing blow requires that you carefully manage priests so that they don't fall too far behind the rest of the party. Actually, everyone needs to be managed, but priests fall behind most often.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh, shiny new character graphics. Elevations are still there with separate indoor areas for towns and dungeons.


Looks like Phil Foglio type illustrations for the ability/stat explanations. smile


I can't tell if the skill tree will work. I hate to lose all those spells from the First Trilogy.

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
I hate to lose all those spells from the First Trilogy.
Now you know how we felt when Avernum 2 came out.

That said, skill trees could plausibly be combined with lists of spells you know or don't know, and having more passive effects in the skill trees.
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I have to admit. I have been hitting the refresh button for like 2 weeks now hoping to see some screenshots. And when I saw the first one, my heart stuck in my chest. I was so afraid, so horribly afraid, that the outdoors was done away with. But when I saw the picture of the party leaving Fort Avernum, all was right with the world. THANKYOU, from the BOTTOM OF MY HEART.

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Will there be a level cap, And if there is what will it be set at? As I recall the first two had a cap at 40 or 50 where as in part 3 your level was unlimited. Never did hit the cap in the last two games though.


Also will there be an option to have a 5th NPC character join your party like in some of the Blades of Avernum games or Nethergate?

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Those screenshots look amazing. <3


Other things I like:


- The skill tree mixed with regular spells/abilities.


- The fact that it's only gonna cost $20 if you didn't already buy Ex/Av 1, or $10 if you did.

- Redone creature/character rendering - hopefully, to make the A6 monsters look more like A1 ones.

- This:



The Traits system has been massively reworked. Instead of picking two traits at the beginning of the game, you can select one new beneficial trait every two levels. A lot of these traits give simple bonuses, while others (like Backstab and Swordmage) can dramatically change the way you play the game.


- And this:



[There's a] new, large town with a pile of quests. New hidden dungeons. New hidden characters with lots of backstory and things you can do for them. A completely new starter dungeon/tutorial.




Edit: Also also: Reputation!


(quotes, and more, at http://www.avernum.com/avernum/avernumFAQ.html)


Edit: I just hope there are plenty of level-ups to effectively get all abilities/skills. It was nice in Avadon, having to pick and choose and making different characters each time due to that, but I wanna be greedy and not have to make choices.

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The red head archer art looks hot laugh


Chiming in a lil bit here:


I am extremely happy for the Avernum remake. Simply can't dig into the graphic and overworld navigation mechanic of the earlier Avernum trilogy(based on the demos played).


I am probably in the minority when I say that the no-walking animation bothered me. Took me awhile to get over it while blasting through AV 5 demo.


Would be happy to 'plonk' in $20 for this.

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Have the normal skills been scrapped, like special skills you unlock with the right stats and stuff like luck, mage spells, priest spells and tool use. As all I see are the base ones like strength, endurance, intelligence, dexterity like avadon had.


The trait system seems interesting although I have always thought of traits as a strong one off choice you make to change the game experience, which adds replayability as next time around you can choose a different trait.

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We love you, Jeff. I hope you keep rewriting your old games for as long as you continue to write new ones. It's such a wonderful thing to be able to replay newer, better versions the old adventures every few years. Some people may wonder why you spend so many resources rehashing old stuff, but not I, and probably not anyone else here. I wish more game companies would revisit their old classics and update them for modern operating systems and machines.

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From the traits we can see, I think the system probably replaces the old skills with new traits. From the screenshot, the bottom four combat skills in the tree are melee, pole, bows, and throwing. I'm sure some other ones are familiar faces like dual wielding, defense, hardiness, quick strike, quick action, and all our other old friends. They're a tree now, but that's not necessarily so different.


The one thing that seems interesting is that a level 1 character has at least five skill points. If it remains 5 per level, the Spiderweb standard before Avadon, that's 200 over 40 levels (the cap of A1). 14 skills on each of the three tabs would give us 42 skills to play with for an average of just under 5 points per skill. That like more chances to make choices than Avadon! I'm hopeful that the tree will be more forgiving; I don't want to have to put equal points in melee and pole in order to be any good at anything further up the tree.


Of course, it also might be true that there are fewer points per level, and it also seems quite possible that those "traits" are things you pick at the beginning of the game, like the current Avernum games, and never change. We'll see.


—Alorael, who still thinks this looks like a prettier, polished engine in which to have a game that has the same world with more strategic and tactical decisions. Would pre-order.

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The new Avernum 1 looks freaking awesome. If I were not at work I would be jumping around the room in fanboy glee. As I have said on these forums a dozen times, I don't like the indoors/outdoors thing. But I admit, the outdoors graphics look great. With the improved graphics and interface it might not be as annoying. Maybe it won't be annoying at all!


It looks like the character improvement system will be fun. And as a bad player and non-min/maxer, I am reassured by Jeff's statement that he will make it as difficult as possible to build a really terrible party.


I am not clear on the discount Jeff mentioned. Is the discount for anyone who bought any Avernum game, or just people who bought the original Avernum 1?


Yes, I realize the game was not called Avernum 1, and that World War I was not called World War I. And so on.

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Originally Posted By: summon tentacles with pentacles
Of course, it also might be true that there are fewer points per level, and it also seems quite possible that those "traits" are things you pick at the beginning of the game, like the current Avernum games, and never change.

Not possible -- Nikki's quote above, about traits, came directly off the Avernum website.
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Also, given that there are no classes, this makes sense: there might be enough skill points to max out the melee combat tree and pick up a few skills elsewhere, but you can't expect to max out everything. Thus, this will be different from "Why can't I max out all of Shima's skills?"

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Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
Also, given that there are no classes, this makes sense: there might be enough skill points to max out the melee combat tree and pick up a few skills elsewhere, but you can't expect to max out everything. Thus, this will be different from "Why can't I max out all of Shima's skills?"

Yeah, this is what I meant when I said I wanted to be able to have everything - I meant that I wanted my mages to have all magey-type skills (all the spells, etc), and my fighters to have all the fightery-type skills.
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There's essentially no chance of getting Exile spells back. Alchemy seems plausible, since it's been a fun part of Exile/Avernum for both iterations. I'd expect poison to be in the combat trees, but it might not be part of alchemy.


Oh, and I missed Nikki's post entirely. That makes sense.


—Alorael, who has to say he's excited to have leveling be flatter. In Avernum, the benefits you get for leveling generally decrease over the course of the game, because skill points per level are static and costs for the things you put most of them in go up. Here, you'll get steadier boosts. Unless, of course, you have to sink huge numbers of skill points into those base skills you don't want to work your way up the ladder. But on the bright side, it also looks likely that there will be more skills for casters than a couple of very expensive skills that are absolutely necessary.

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I'm so excited! The FAQ and screenshots so far look absolutely perfect, keeping the the best of the old games and adding the best of the new. I really have the feeling this is going to work out very well. It all seems to fit together. And release before the end of 2011? w00t!

I wonder, though, about the retail price. 20$ doesnt't seem very high. It's very, very reasonable in my opinion. But 10$ for owners of previous Avernum games? I'm not sure what to think of that.

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Jeff has always given a discount on remakes, if you purchased the predecessor game. It's never been a 50% discount, though. I suspect the increase has to do with the fact that there will be an iPad version, and it will necessarily sell for less than $20. If the iPad version were $10 and the old customer discount got you a Mac/PC version for $15, well, that wouldn't feel like much of a discount.

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