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A2CS: Petty Pleasures

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Of a slightly different category, I enjoyed the reference to the hot springs quest from A:EFTP. The note that construction had started was nice. I realize that there are a lot of NPCs that carry over between the various games, but to see the results of what was really a throw away quest carry over was nice.

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i had some fun eating every single cookie i found in game. as soon as i found one in someone's house, lair or base, the first guy in my team munched it down.


back in exile times i had some fun placing magical barriers in doors and windows, then tossing quickfire into buildings. too bad it hasn't been possible for a long time.

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Having all the best junk in the game. Just look at it all, sparkling away:




It's not petty, but Dikiyoba also gives food to the Cotra refugees (or at least drops it on the ground near some of them) in Silvar and Fort Duvno. Bill and Bill get all the cake, ale, and a few board games.

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Selling bars of Uranium (and the gauntlets made from same) to merchants I don't like. "Oh, you want me to search the ruins of one of the greatest tragedies of the war for shiny stuff and sell it to you? Suuuure! Here, I found these AWESOME gauntlets, you should try them. Hm? What, you have to forge weapons and gear for the Empire? Tell you what, I'll sell you this wonderous metal - make something really cool from it, will ya? Maybe give it to an imperial commander or mage or something - they'll love it!"


I MAY also accidentally have sold a bar of the stuff to the dude at the Tower of Magi who collects junk... but hey, he's a wizard who deliberately wants to buy weird stuff, so I figure he knows how to handle it.


Also, in a slightly different vein - in both EftP and this one - deliberately NOT robbing any of the dragons, even though I know I can totally take them, just because I think dragons are cool and it's terrible that the empire has hunted them nearly into extinction. Don't worry, dear old Motrax - I could walk through the defenses of your Hoard like they were made out of paper, but I'm not GOING to, because it just wouldn't be nice. (I'll happily steal from PEOPLE, though. They're mostly assholes, anyway.)

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I love how the NPCs all refer to my PCs from the first game as "the great heroes". They don't know what happened to them, they just disappeared one day. But they wish they knew what happened to them, because Avernum could sure use their help now. Haha!


Hey, we're right here! Same foursome, same portraits, and even the same names!


And then at the end, when King Micah tells us that we're just as good as the great heroes... IT'S US, DUDE! WE ARE THE GREAT HEROES! haha!


All those mushrooms must mess with people's minds over time... :grin:


Love it!

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Speaking of Pyrrhic Gauntlets, agreed but I sold them because of the radioactive effect already, it was more because of the annoyance than the actual damage. However, can anyone tell me whether Walner, who's interested in such items, can uncurse the gloves or has anything special to say if you bring them to him?

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I tried that, with both the gloves and the bars, but he had no reactions. Well, when you talk to him about it, he pretty much says that you're better off just throwing stuff like that out, since nobody has any use for it.


Can't really see how it would be possible to 'uncurse' them, anyway. To the people of Avernum, they seem cursed, sure - but us enlightened future-people know that they're just radioactive, and there's precious little to be done about THAT, except wait a few thousand years for them to go inert.

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You show the real demonslayer to him to mock him. :D


You even get a 1-point reputation boost for showing Demonslayer to Efram in A2:CS, by the way. Not that it's useful for very much, since you need at least enough reputation for Royal Clearance to get Demonslayer in the first place.

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Various types of hoarding.


Making an arbitrary collection of something. One of my characters is amassing as much cloth and coal as they can in their inventory, and never selling any of it.


Never selling any unique item, even if I don't plan on using it. The floor around the tower of magi portal is littered with enchanted armor and weapons.


I'm also trying to see how long I can go without selling any crystals or gold. One of my characters has an inventory full of sparkling treasure.

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Various types of hoarding.


Making an arbitrary collection of something. One of my characters is amassing as much cloth and coal as they can in their inventory, and never selling any of it.


Never selling any unique item, even if I don't plan on using it. The floor around the tower of magi portal is littered with enchanted armor and weapons.


I'm also trying to see how long I can go without selling any crystals or gold. One of my characters has an inventory full of sparkling treasure.

For me it's rocks. I don't think I ever sold any gold or fine steel either.



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Since Wisdom Crystals, unlike most other sources of experience, don't get worse as you level up, it may make sense to save them until as late in the game as you can. The other argument would be if you feel the game is more challenging early on, but you don't find most such crystals till after Dark Waters, anyway.

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I hoard consumables way too much, but with the Wisdom crystals my justification is that if I find myself near the endgame and realize that I need a skill point somewhere I have a stock of them. Or if I am in one of the final fights and want to restore a characters spell points by leveling them up.

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