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Favorite Creation?


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For using I like Cryodrayks.

I can get 7 and killing every creature or human that get's in my way.

I once get seven of them and just went through Kazg and killed everything.

I could probably remove the Shaper Council from power if I tried.

I also like ornks.

Just having a pig/cow following me is fun.

My own cattle pet.

I also like the way Drayks look.

Almost like a dog at my side.

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I like the drakon from geneforge 2 beginning screen(when it's shaped) and those two roamer like creatures from geneforge 3 beginning screen.(i don't like their actual in game models).


As for the best actual creatures i would say the Gazer(because it's damn powerful) and the wingbolt(from an aesthetic point of view).

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Wingbolts, of course.


I've never understood being able to shape drakons, drayks and eyebeasts. Aren't they supposed to be highly intelligent and fiercely independent, after all? And if I'm going to be able to shape such complicated creatures, incidentally, then why can't I create serviles, who're supposedly less intelligent (not to mention less conceited) than the above?


I also liked the Rotghroths and their more highly evolved cousins, I can't remember their name. But definitely the wingbolts are the coolest so far, and quite deadly.


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I like artilas, but I find I have to upgrade me creations as I go through the game. I usually stick with magical creations, ending up with eyebeasts and gazers at the end. Magical creations just seem like the most interesting kinds to me. Battle creations are a bit dull, and the fire ones seem overused in the game. Not that I don't appreciate each and every creation out there, however. smile

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The fyora is a cool partner in the beginning, like a faithful dog or something, but it's just not powerful enough to last. Once you max out its stats, you're stuck with an ever-weakening sidekick.


Once I'm able to, I just let my fyora get killed and then I go for the cryoa... and then the glaahk: glaahks are nice and deadly. I've never used a roamer before, nor, I don't think, a clawbug. Vlish are limited. Battle alphas or similar humanoid battle creations have never interested me (except for the rotghroth and its cousin... the rodhziron? I don't remember its name -- those're good, powerful, useful creations). I tried a kyshaak (sp?) once for a little while, but found it less useful than I'd hoped. Wingbolts seem to be the best.


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Nalyd likes Kyshakk's. They're excellent tanks, and if you can afford to put some extra Intelligence into them, they usually last through battles. The DoT effect is very useful, Nalyd will often just hit an opponent once or twice, and move onto the next one, trusting good ol' Lightning Aura to finish it off.

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I've never tried shaping a cryodrayk... I guess I forgot I was able to shape cryodrayks (my most recent advanced saves in G4 are for a non-shaping agent, so I can't check and see).


I do like the cryoas very much, though not as much as the glaahk or, for that matter, the ur-glaahk, so when I'm able to shape those then it's time to say goodbye and switch.


Aren't pyroroamers the ones that blow up when you tap them? That seems inconvenient if they happen to be too close to you or your long-term creations when they're killed.


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I've found that pyroroamers are great for swarming a slightly stronger enemy; then when one explodes as it dies, the others (usually) get killed in the process and also blow up, which has the potential to do major damage to anything nearby.


Having said that, when I actually bother to make creations, I prefer battle betas, ur-glaahks, and drakons. Battle betas are fairly good meatshields, as are drakons, though with the added benefit of a ranged attack when needed. Ur-glaahks are great for keeping fairly strong enemies in check as you beat them to death.


Also, no matter what creation(s) I have, I always give them enough intelligence so that I control them, not the AI. If I don't, they usually run away and commit suicide on the largest creature in the area, leaving me nearly defenseless.


I haven't played G4 that much (now that I've finally registered it), so I can't say anything about wingbolts and the like.

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I'm jealous!


Hmm, to get back on topic a bit... my least favorite creation would probably be the war trall. Not bad on it's own, but it was probably the least creative addition to the creation list. I like the lower tier creations better, battle alphas just seem like they should be more powerful than the tralls. Maybe if the trall had four arms and could hit twice as often...


Edit: Typo.

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