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Everything posted by Firecage

  1. You shouldn't worry to much about the timed destruction thing on Avernum 3's remake. It is much more forgiving than the original. Heck, I was exploring the regions quite a lot as I was busy with the plagues.
  2. Mmm, BoE and BoA refers to Blades of Exile and Blades to Avernum respectively. They have scenario creators for your own campaigns.
  3. Welcome to pure insanity.
  4. Mmm, it did kind of make me miss the 'special deaths' though. Like attacking people on Oglai(I think I butchered the name) in A2, and then the defenses of that Vahnatai city kicks in and effectively melts you. But yah, mmm, wiping out Fort Remote, and then watching as a survivor crawls into the throne room and declaring a demon horde wiped out the fort and killed everyone, kind of made me sad.
  5. Ah boo, no Blades option? But anyway, Blades of Avernum holds a special place in my heart. Both me and my friend got it on one of those shareware CDs back in grade 4 or 5, and that is how we discovered it(we could never buy it though. Parents didn't trust online transactions from small sites back then), so we were limited to that Vale scenario. Anyway, every school night we would play it, discovering more and more. During lunch breaks at school we would discuss any secrets or hidden items/weapons we discovered. It was pretty damn fun when once of us discovered a false wall leading to a crypt or spell tome. Man those were fun times...The only thing I miss from the overly complex original Avernum and Blades of Avernum....were the false walls which didn't have buttons, but which you had to repeatedly slam into walls and cast that spell to reveal parts of the map.
  6. Mmmm, an old game I played in recent years was Siege of Avalon. I found it by chance as I was browsing for decent isometric CRPGs. It was pretty good, and I guess being released 19 years ago would qualify it as an old game. It was originally released in 6 chapters(with the first one being free and you having to buy the other 5). Eventually it got released as an anthology together so you didn't have to get them separately. Basically, the backstory is that 7 kingdoms are in an uneasy alliance, with the fortress/castle of Avalon being the central meeting place. The world also contains a massive and powerful nomadic race known as the Sha'ahoul(who are kinda orcs). Their entire cultural and religious beliefs are at opposing sides with the 7 kingdoms, and eventually an all out war breaks out. As more and more refugees flees a merciless onslaught, the kingdoms gathers their forces in and around Avalon, it being seen as their last line of hope. If Avalon falls, so falls the kingdoms. And then, the Sha'ahoul starts a siege on Avalon itself. As for legal links, mmm. Amazon appears to have it, I think: https://www.amazon.com/Siege-Avalon-PC/dp/B0000AKA84 Honestly, I don't know where else you can legally get it. People have been requesting it to be put on GOG, but it might never happen.
  7. Mmm, I honestly do wonder what type of 'travel' system the game will use. Will it have an overworld like the first Exile/Avernum trilogy, will it have you traveling from area to area like Geneforge saga or Avadon trilogy, or will it have an openworld like the second Avernum trilogy. I honestly can't wait to find it.
  8. Mmm, Blades of Geneforge would be nice, but due to the issues Blades of Avernum caused spiderweb...yah. Though I guess what would be nice, would be if BoA someday got put on steam, and all the scenarios could be found on the Steam Workshop. Well, could probably be updated like how Nethergate was?
  9. Well, I am REALLY loving Avernum 2: Crystal Souls. It has all the good aspects that the original Avernum 2 has, plus the added bonus of improved gameplay and vastly improved graphics. I also enjoy how things like quickfire, salamanders making fire around them, etc. has made a return. And how some spells like the one to collapse walls and the one to sanctify altars also made a return. Two things bummed me though, though they are really minor things. Firstly, Hydra's being replaced by Hellhounds. Secondly, Chitrachs(I can never spell their name), now looking like scuttlers, even though in Avernum 5 and 6(unsure of 4, played it so long ago), they looked basically like they looked in the original 3 avernum games. But besides that, I am loving this game, and it is an excellent game!
  10. Anyone got a link to a working G4 editor download? Please and thankyou.
  11. ...Avernum 4-6 kinda does use this engine...though I do admit that some icons in avernum 4 could use spicing up.
  12. I am stuck on this quest. I have already found 5 of the triangles. The sixth is supposed to be at the undead past the hidden door in the Bahssikava tunnels area in a body, but I can't find it at alll. Any chance someone can help me?
  13. Well, even a few extra rounds might have been enough for the guards to swarm the throne room and kill you
  14. Superba, you mean similar to how you die in baldurs gate? Not just suddenly, but by being overwhelmed by Flaming Fists.
  15. Pylons in A1 doesnt make much sense...I feel like the pylons which was new things in A4 has suddenly been transported into the past.
  16. Probably a stupid question, but is there any way to get to the northern isles in avernum 6?
  17. So...isnt it possible that the Slitherikai can eat blighted mushrooms and thats why the horde isn't weakened like Avernum is? Interesting idea. Wizards making the anatomy is humans closer to lizards so they can digest the blighted mushrooms
  18. So lets say they get enough fruit trees to begin to grow to support sucha large population, I guess it would take about 10 to 20 years for them to actually begin to properly support the population? In a minor way that is.
  19. So then what would be the best future for Avernum?
  20. I am currently replaying Avernum 6, but I want to know this time. What would be the best possible future or Avernum. Power shared by that Dragon, Avernum and Gladwell?
  21. I have a question. Would the wizards not have been able to produce another food source besides mushrooms, which was obvious to be unable to have been cured. For example those fruit trees. Perhaps have those trees be easier to grow? Or perhaps have them deliver more fruit and have those fruit be more sustainable? What about trying to adjust some other types of crops to grow in Avernum? Albeit in a worse state than on the surface of course, since it is caves. How about make a new breed of lizards which is far more docile, delivers more meat and is able to breed faster and survive on less food. Or somehow make the fish able to breed faster somehow. How about a type of moss or slime that is edible?
  22. Personally I must say I fully agree with the The Upright Man. And I am 18...
  23. Well, I REALLY do hope that jeff expands the variety of weapons again. And I kinda do miss using arrows aswell... Btw, will the skill system be as simple as avadons, or be more complex?
  24. I kinda hope for the original avernum one, but with some of the avadon one in it.
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