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Spiderwebber for life.

Spddin Ignis

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Quit lying, Nik.


SW has been my first video games, my first forum (My first internet site at all, actually), and my homepage for as long as I've been here (What, six years? Since I was nine? Sounds right). I love the place, despite not being an active or memorable part of the community. It's been one of the most influential things in my life, if only because it's been a constant presence through the years leading up to who I am today, which could be good or bad. I prefer to think of it as a good thing.


I love this place, anyways, and always will.

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Spiderweb is sitting in the very nice population size where it isn't an entirely closed, self-referential, too tightly knit community, but you still can and should know everyone by sight. Or, well, whatever passes for sight on the internet.


I'm sure others have different size thresholds, and they tend to gravitate to the ideal boards of those sizes, but I'm a fan of Spiderweb's size.


—Alorael, who supposes that it might even be the preponderance of scientists that keep this place together. Okay, it's actually the strong force, but the physicists describe it best.

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Originally Posted By: Harsh Truths in Advertising
—Alorael, who supposes that it might even be the preponderance of scientists that keep this place together. Okay, it's actually the strong force, but the physicists describe it best.

No, the strong force only operates over the short distances within the nucleus. The strength of the force is inversely proportional to the operational distance.

Gravity is needed to operate over the far flung distances between members or maybe electromagnetism because we are using the Internet.

I'm still seeing Bart Simpson using static electricity to power his computer during a blackout.
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TM obliterates newbies who don't know their place with devastating one liners, scathing exposes about his relationship with your mother, and inspired personal attacks. TM laughs at the moderators, and spits on the Code of Conduct. TM has made Blades scenarios of epic scope, whose intricate plots cannot be matched by any of this generation of posters.


But, oh, you silly newbies. TM never truly was; he's just a myth that all of the veterans of the board tell to the newcomers to keep them in place. Be careful, or TM will get you!

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Yeah, this community is pretty cool. Type in Jeff Vogel on Wikipedia, and they refer to us as a "sarcastic community," or something like that. I spend more time here reading posts than I should, but I don't really reply much nowadays.


Oh, and Spddin would like a straw to suck his first post up with. Hinthint.


~Artemis and forums. Each forum has the same type of people in it. And a couple of weirdos sprinkled on top. Yay, stereotypes!

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Originally Posted By: Iffy
I find myself on the CalRef chat much more than this place. I'll, like, forget about this place and not check it for a while. Actually, I'm not entirely sure why I still check this place. It's not like there's anything here for me anymore.

Either you don't like playing SW games anymore, or this is a fairly sad indictment of the state of affairs on this site. frown
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Originally Posted By: The Mystic
Originally Posted By: VCH
The spiderweb forums are rather strange.
Actually, no.

Someone telling you about an enlightening conversation he/she just had with a park bench, that's strange. If you think there's a tree stalking you, that's strange.

The Spiderweb forums are normal.
The SW forums are stalking me.
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Originally Posted By: Delicious Salmon
Originally Posted By: Iffy
I find myself on the CalRef chat much more than this place. I'll, like, forget about this place and not check it for a while. Actually, I'm not entirely sure why I still check this place. It's not like there's anything here for me anymore.

Either you don't like playing SW games anymore, or this is a fairly sad indictment of the state of affairs on this site. frown

I spent an entire night playing Geneforge 4, and enjoying it quite a bit.

I guess I've just lost interest here, since not much goes on here that's interesting to me.

People have been saying that Spiderweb is nothing like it used to be. It seems that I had joined near the end of it's prime, according to what people have said. As for the 2008 and 2009ers, even later.
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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
Originally Posted By: Harsh Truths in Advertising
—Alorael, who supposes that it might even be the preponderance of scientists that keep this place together. Okay, it's actually the strong force, but the physicists describe it best.

No, the strong force only operates over the short distances within the nucleus. The strength of the force is inversely proportional to the operational distance.

Gravity is needed to operate over the far flung distances between members or maybe electromagnetism because we are using the Internet.

I'm still seeing Bart Simpson using static electricity to power his computer during a blackout.

But the strong force increases linearly with distance! What else could hold things so tightly together? Well, unless you pull them too far apart then you get pair production... and unless you're in a quark gulon plasma, then there's Debye screening, of course... and then there's the jets and hardonization to worry about...

Or maybe we're held together by the analog of the strong force for the case of N=4 SYM, which is like QCD but with no confinement? Yes, yes, that must be it...

What were we talking about again?
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The quark confining force of QCD increases linearly with distance. The 'strong nuclear force' is a force between color-neutral objects; it is to QCD what the van der Waals force is to the Coulomb attraction. It's described quite well in an effective theory as being mediated by pions, and because they're massive, it decays exponentially with distance.

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At 7:48 AM Yesterday...

Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan
Eh. I could take a week off with no problem.



Thirteen hours and forty-five minutes later, in the "Let's Make a fanfic" thread...

Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan
Editing to correct errors is always, always, always, always a good idea.


[more stuff]

Not even 24 hours, Ackrovan. For shame! tongue


Anyway, the only definitive reason I come back here is for AIMHack. Note the 'definitive'; I'm sure I'd still be bouncing around here if AIMHack didn't exist.

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Spidweb doesn't seem to have changed much in my eyes (though I'm not around much). A lot of the names have changed but I reckon many of the old members are still around. Alorael's icon and sig are obvious but I'm curious who else still kicks it around here.


Also TM is gone? I mean really gone? When did that happen?

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Three and a half years ago.


Few of the really old members are around. The only ones who post regularly are Alorael and Thuryl; there are others who are around every so often, like Stareye. But the vast majority of everyone who was here before 2006 or 2007 is gone.

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