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Spiderweb Number +1

Mea Tulpa

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I demand to be removed from the chart on the basis that it could theoretically allow Kelandon to track me down and exist within several miles of me. I have an allergy, to skeevy Internet dudes.


Also, I object to being linked in any way to Sah David, either head of the Australo-fundie ettin, Zeviz, Alorael, or Thuryl, who's the worst of them all, also.

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Wait where is Spider web? and Delicious Vlish? that diagram is incomplete you hear me incomplete!


Oh and one thing you can trust only the people who don't trust you because you trust that they don't trust you.

By not trusting me and I by not trusting you, we trust one an other, so we are obliged in some way to trust the internet villagers, no matter how ugly they and (so consequently you) are.

You can therefore trust me.

Logical is it not?


No actually you wouldn't like my trust; but if you want to know more about not trusting and trusting, trust me and read Sha's Sorcerous's apprentice.

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Originally Posted By: upon mars

Oh and one thing you can trust only the people who don't trust you because you trust that they don't trust you.
By not trusting me and I by not trusting you, we trust one an other, so we are obliged in some way to trust the internet villagers, no matter how ugly they and (so consequently you) are.
You can therefore trust me.
Logical is it not?

but how can i trust that you don't trust me and are only faking you mistrust so i will trust you.

Trust No One.
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Originally Posted By: Upon Mars
Wait where is Spider web? and Delicious Vlish? that diagram is incomplete you hear me incomplete!

The diagram only lists Spiderwebbers who have met each other in real life as opposed to just over the Internet. (And then it only lists the people who can be linked together into one big group, leaving out all the little groups of two and three.) No one has met Jeff or Delicious Vlish in real life.

Originally Posted By: Salmon
I'm not aware of any SSMB member who has survived a meeting with me.

The nicest thing about living in Arizona for Dikiyoba is the fact that it practically eliminates the odds of accidentally meeting you. tongue
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(Quick someone find a way to poke fun at the only remaining sentence of Aran's post!)

No need, StudiVZ is the punchline. About the only advantage it has over Facebook is that it doesn't have user apps.

(Though admittedly that's kind of a big advantage... just imagine nobody bothering you with some stupid browser game.)
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I have played Farmville and must say it is very boring, very repetative and little bonus for actually achiving anything. My friends play it but I cannot see why. Simple to play and no stratgy is needed.


I do play Mafia wars, again reptative but there are bonuses and you can directly compete with friends for very little effort. Some strategy is required. I mainly do it for bragging rights.

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All facebook games are very poor and i can see know reason to play them. frown on the topic of facebook i have learned thru it that someone i know plays spiderweb games grin , so i do not hate it as much as i hate other things (dull pencils, root beer, ext).

edit: farmville is foe madmadmad.

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The drinks thread had already wandered far from drinks by the time it faded out. Appending a bunch of new posts to it now would make people strain their brains trying to figure out what SimAnt has to do with root beer, and won't make it clear that what is actually happening is a fresh discussion starting on a new topic. The result would be irritation and confusion for anyone who hasn't been following this thread here for the past 24 hours.


It's not that necromancy is this huge crime. It's just that it makes the boards less welcoming and accessible for people who check in less often than every single day.


Anyone here can start a New Topic. If you lose interest in a thread, and want a fresh start, why not just do that?

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Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
what SimAnt has to do with root beer

Depending on the brand of root beer, this would either be a very awesome combination or very, very gross.

No offense, but you don't seem like the type to discriminate when it comes to root beer. You drank more than one can of the Mug in my fridge that was 6 months out of date at my party. tongue
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Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
what SimAnt has to do with root beer

Depending on the brand of root beer, this would either be a very awesome combination or very, very gross.

No offense, but you don't seem like the type to discriminate when it comes to root beer. You drank more than one can of the Mug in my fridge that was 6 months out of date at my party. tongue

Mug is one of the brands that Dikiyoba doesn't find gross, obviously. Besides, being six months out of date is nothing. It's not like it was diet or anything. tongue
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