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Spiderweb Number +1

Mea Tulpa

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Ok, so I may have been a bit harsh. But really, Halo is just running around shooting people. I've seen some of my friends play it, and its just plain scary how worked up they get.


And Runescape. I'm sorry, I just can't accept that game as, well, a game. More of a poison, maybe.

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My experience with Halo is that it's actually quite fun if you're playing with a group of friends, in person, and not taking it too seriously, in which respect it's not all that different from many other games. Playing games against random strangers whom you've never seen before and will never see again seems to make most games a poorer experience.

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To be honest, I've always thought Halo was pretty bland.

If you're looking for quality, Team Fortress 2 is the greatest FPS ever made. I have never seen so much character or depth packed into such a simple game. It's also only $2.50 for the next five minutes or so, so you might want to jump on that deal while you still can.

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I have to Agree wth Master1. I cannot see how my friends get worked up over Halo. I do like blasting the daylights out of everything but I do have other games for that.


Yeah I do kinda suck at it.


I used to play runescape but the repeative clicking on eveything, poor soundtrack and overall lack of uniqueness put me off. So glad I never spent a penny on it.


I found a game that is Infinaty times better than runescape. It can be infinatly better because I consider runescpae to be zero. It is called Dofus. Fun! Although Spiderweb is naturally better.

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I quit Runescape when I got tired of all the twelve-year-old dweebs that kept spoiling our clan chat...and because of the sheer amount of grinding one has to do when getting past level sixty in a skill.


Oh, and then there's those noobs that think they can buy your dragon scimitar for pocket change.

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Originally Posted By: Hypnotic
It will be hard for me to meet a fellow spiderwebber. Unless they happen to be one of the four million Newzealnders. Hopefully living nearby, and think that spiderwebbers are not unique spiders.


i demand to know where in new zealand you are exact address not required
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well its interesting to think that the only time that someone might like spiderweb are those you've introduced to it then find out that there is someone in the same region as you who likes Jeff's games aswell


the 2 hours is pretty simple to figure since the in the wellington region the hutt takes the longest time to travel to from where i live and that's about 1 hour 30 min


its not like i'm asking for real name exact address and IRD number

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I said Wellington-ish. That Also includes Plimterton, Whitby, Porirua, Thorndon, Tawa, Masterton, and all those other area around wellington.


Also the Hutt could be Lower, Upper or the erm one at the bottom starting with P which I forget the name of.


I suppose you could count Wainuiamata as Wellington-ish.


For those who don't know, New Zealand has two official languages. English and Moari. Wainuiamata, Tawa, Porirua are a Moari names and at times those names can get long. For example we have, Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu which is a hill.


EDIT: It said up to two hours away. Which means what I just said is totally usuless a. Oh well, I need english lessons.

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Originally Posted By: VCH
Originally Posted By: Thuryl
Originally Posted By: I need no introduction
By The Way does anybody live in the northern country's of our planet.

no. nobody. the entire northern hemisphere is a deserted wasteland.

Lol. smile

what i meant was far northern, i didn't say the country i live in because i want to know if people live in the same country as me because i don't want strangers to know were i live.
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Originally Posted By: Excalibur
You're afraid that some of us are like Charles Manson?

*Helter Skelter*

no i don't think anyone here is Charles Manson, but i am paranoid about murders and sometimes sleep in my bathroom because it is one of the only rooms in my house with a lock. eek

Originally Posted By: sarachim
Listen, friend: I, like hundreds of millions of others, have lived in the same country as Charles Manson for quite some time now, and almost all of us are fine.

good point.
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I can see at least one other possible meaning that also doesn't help.


—Alorael, who doubts there are any Manson types on Spiderweb. That doesn't mean he wants to meet everyone on Spiderweb. When you look into someone's postings you look into his or her soul, and there are some sick souls around these parts of the internet.

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