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The Almighty Doer of Stuff

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Everything posted by The Almighty Doer of Stuff

  1. It's okay, red doesn't need anyone to pick it. It has the satisfaction of knowing that regardless of what color you pick, the results bars on the graph still show up red. That is, if you're using the best forum skin.
  2. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Well, Phase One is about finishing some famously unfinished projects dating back, in some cases, several years... omg did drakey give you permission to finish RiB
  3. DragonLore Software released it as freeware. Try going to their site. I think it's there.
  4. I was informed at one point in recent history by a Desper (probably Alec) that Desperance remains active, but on IRC. I guess the board is more or less just a toy (probably a Sybian) at this point, but it is still there, for those who are curious. There's no link from the main page anymore, however.
  5. The graphics and sounds are released under GNU GPL 2.0, along with the rest of the game.
  6. You shouldn't eat your papers, Artemis. I procrastinate by reading message boards, evidently.
  7. Assuming the graphics aren't changing, a solution would be to zip the Mac graphics by themselves, and then just include the zipped graphics in the Windows version, and have just one version, like is often done with BoE. That way you can update the scenario without redoing the graphics. I don't know why the community suddenly decided we need two versions of every scenario, but it's kind of silly.
  8. Nance, Elspeth, and Walner seem to be popular, yet they're certainly minor, if recurring, characters.
  9. I choose my favorite teams based on their names, their colors, their logos, and their mascots. I like the Buccaneers and the Raiders because they're piratey, and I like the Vikings because vikings are about as close to piratey as you can be without really being piratey. I don't really like horses. They're sort of cute sometimes, but they're far from my favorite animal, and regardless the teams with horse names don't choose their names based on the cute factor so much as the tough, fast, sometimes wild nature of them, so I don't like the Colts. On the other hand, I don't really like saints either, seeing as I generally dislike the Catholic religion. I like the Saints' colors better, plus I was aware that it was their first Super Bowl, so I cheered for them. I would have preferred a Vikings-Jets Super Bowl though. It would have been awesome if the Jets, who the Colts basically let win, turned around and beat the Colts, but it didn't turn out that way. Also, the damned Saints almost tried to murder Brett Favre in the NFC Championship, which was awfully dirty football.
  10. I was responding to the OP, and Exile I does indeed have two or three references to the Vahnatai, although I don't know whether they relate to the end of the Resting.
  11. PETA kills people, you know. They're the legitimate face of the Animal Liberation Front, a terrorist group that assassinates people and stuff like that. Donate to your local animal shelter or regional SPCA instead.
  12. Presumably there will be. I don't see why there wouldn't be. There usually is.
  13. I've never played Avernum 1. Those details were present in Exile 1. Are you saying they're not in A1?
  14. In addition, Grah-Hoth was not at his full power at that time. He was still weak and recovering from his imprisonment. Perhaps he didn't think he had a chance against any place bigger than Fort Remote, or any place which the Exile army could get to quickly, such as Blosk, which is just a stone's throw away from the castle. Fort Remote is, indeed, remote, poorly staffed, and very difficult to defend against a sudden, powerful attack. In addition, Grah-Hoth also wanted to show that he had no mercy or sympathy for his victims. Destroying Fort Remote so thoroughly showed just how callous he was. In Exile 1, there were some encounters west of Fort Remote, where it says there used to be something there but it was burnt to ashes. Are those encounters different if you visit them before the attack?
  15. I've said "FYT" on other forums before, and everyone thought I was saying "**** You Too". I had to explain the concept to them, and eventually they got it, but they spell it out instead of abbreviating it. I'd figure that that phrase would be represented by FU2 and not FYT, but apparently not everyone sees it that way.
  16. I bemoan the loss of the gremlins' disco suits from the Exile series. What are they wearing now, animal skins? That's not what a TRUE gremlin would wear, let me tell you!
  17. http://ados.ermarian.net/aboutme/ This page contains a picture of me and my fiancée, a few minutes after she became such.
  18. What version of Windows are you using? XP? Vista? 3.0? We can't help you unless you give us as much information about the problem as you can. Again, what happens when you try to run the program?
  19. I detect no trace of sarcasm, irony or smarm in that post, Thuryl. Are you getting a little too liberal with the punctuationless lowercase? EDIT: Oh, okay, so while I made this post you edited it, like you knew what I was going to say! Wow!
  20. I got it too, but it said "hey there I was just talking to Aaron and they asked me to show you this" + URL. I'll PM him here in case he doesn't visit the board for a while, so he'll get an email. EDIT: Or not. Two posts while I wasn't paying attention.
  21. I spent New Year's Eve talking to losers on the Internet. I would have preferred to be with my fiancée, but alas, neither of us can drive a car to get to the other's house. My mother was going to open a bottle of champaigne at midnight, but she and her boyfriend got tired and went to bed at 11:30 and didn't open it, so I had Kahlua instead. It was tasty, but there's something unsatisfying about "celebrating" the new year by drinking by myself in my bedroom... At least I called my fiancée on the phone just prior to midnight, so it's sort of like we celebrated the new year together. Sort of. Maybe.
  22. It's recently been divinely revealed to me that Santa Claus is real. He gives presents to everyone on Christmas, but the Flying Spaghetti Monster hides his existence by taking away or relocating some of the presents (so it looks like not everyone gets them) and planting false memories in people's heads (and relocating their money) so that the parents/spouses/whoever think they bought all the presents, when really some or all of them are from Santa Claus.
  23. Nobody was suggesting that there was or wasn't anything wrong with the Communist Manifesto itself. The point was not to post the entire (very long) text and risk crashing the finicky message board software.
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