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The Almighty Doer of Stuff

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Everything posted by The Almighty Doer of Stuff

  1. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba ]Dikiyoba also got around to taking a picture of what must be the least inspiring learning center logo ever. Was it designed by this person?
  2. Maybe if you explore my website, in this case the Mr. Q section, you'll find out...
  3. I have another piece of good news: http://ados.ermarian.net/ My website is finally up! It has all sorts of fancy stuff on it! Games, music, art, fanciness! *goes to update thread title* EDIT: Whoops, forgot about the question! Sorry, it's late and I'm tired and I should be in bed. I didn't actually give the speech. I showed it to Nicothodes after I showed you, and she liked it too, so I started to practice it. However, as I read it aloud I realized it sounded fake and forced. It wasn't something I would say, but it was something I would write. So we were at the Butterfly Garden at the Museum of Science in Boston, and we were talking to the attendants and looking at the butterflies, and as usual I was squealing with joy at the sight of the butterflies. We saw a butterfly fall on its back shortly after it had come out of its chrysalis, so we told the attendant and someone came and got it hanging on to something again, so we sort of saved its life. Then a guy came up to the attendant with two big brown butterflies sitting on his shoulder in mating. He asked how long he'd have to stay there, and the attendant said they'd be stuck to each other like that for hours, but that if he wanted to go he could pluck them off his shoulder, and he did and put them on a plant. Anyway, we looked at the butterflies some more, and had a good time. I said to her, "I love you." She said, "I love you too." I said "You make me so happy." and she said I made her happy too. I told her I wished I could find something to say that could express the way I feel about her and how much she means to me. She liked that, and then I mentioned how for our whole relationship, textual communication was very important, as we spend a lot of time talking on AIM, and how I sometimes express myself better in writing than in speech. She agreed, and so I said, "I wrote something a while back that I wanted to say to you here, but when I read it to myself it sounded fake and forced, like something I would write but not say. I actually printed it out. Could you read it?" She said yes, so I took the paper out of my wallet and handed it to her, telling her to read the whole thing without looking up, and then look up at me when she was finished. As she did that, I pulled the ring box out of my pocket, and held it in my hands so she couldn't see it. When she finished and looked up at me, I opened my hands, and her eyes lit up. I opened the box, showed her the ring, and asked her to marry me, and she said yes! She grabbed the ring out of the box and put it on, which is good because I couldn't remember which hand to put it on. Then the attendants took pictures for us, and we went on our way because it was hot and humid in there. EDIT 2: Oh, and she liked what I wrote, even though I handed it to her in printed form.
  4. Yes. In fact, I think it was all because I had chicken parmigiana on spaghetti for lunch that she said yes!
  5. EDIT:(I guess everyone knows now, so I don't need the old thread title. Here it is anyway, below. Also, scroll down to find out about my new website! http://ados.ermarian.net/ ) For those who haven't noticed already, I have something to say. See if you can guess what. Hint 1 Hint 2 Hint 3: Click to reveal.. Look at her left hand. Click to reveal.. I am now betrothed.
  6. Will: http://audacity.sourceforge.net
  7. I listened to TMBG's podcast for a while, but eventually I stopped when they became less of a show and more of just a collection of rare songs and interviews. I was a big fan of Cecil Portesque, the Duke of Dead Air, but after about a year I think they stopped putting him in their podcasts. Other than that I'm not really a podcaster/podcastee.
  8. If its taste can be described as "funny" then evidently it's not normal. I'm lucky, because the tap water where I live is good anyway and doesn't really need filtering. I just wish the pipes at UMass Boston weren't rusty, forcing me to buy bottled beverages anyway.
  9. I think Lynei is the best suggested spelling of this name, if my opinion matters...
  10. It was actually last Thursday, but I sent my girlfriend a card for it today. I bought it a month before Thanksgiving but forgot to send it to her.
  11. Hello, Thuryl! I see you've never said anything before, so welcome to the Spiderweb Software forums! Leave your sanity at the door!
  12. For someone who goes through such pains to remain anonymous, Alorael sure isn't someone I'd recognize if I saw him in a crowd even after seeing his picture.
  13. I believe Dikiyoba said Dikiyoba only uses third person in the final paragraph of Dikiyoba's posts, and if the would-be final paragraph isn't suitable, Dikiyoba creates a final paragraph that says simply, "Dikiyoba."
  14. My girlfriend and my family are the most important things to me. I don't have much of a single consuming passion for any particular pastime or hobby, so the people I love are really the most important things to me.
  15. Can you select deleted PCs with the Select PC node?
  16. The problem is, you can't pick which character to kill and thus undelete.
  17. All you really need to do is warn them of that fact. A short message in the intro text that says, "This scenario is meant to be played with the included premade party. Using any other party may cause the scenario to behave in unpredictable ways," should suffice. No need to force them to adhere. It's wasted effort. If they want to waste their time in a scenario that's unbalanced or even unwinnable because they aren't playing like you told them to, let them, is what I say. Again, they're only hurting themselves.
  18. You don't need to enforce anything. If the player wants to "cheat", who are you to stop them? They're only hurting themselves.
  19. 5 was Zxquez. I was thinking that but wasn't sure, but now I'm sure.
  20. I believe we have had a child molester on this forum, actually. He is no longer here, as far as I know, but he was here and was popular. So don't trust everyone you meet on the Internet.
  21. I don't remember ever saying #10. With the syntax and spelling errors and random capitalization, it definitely sounds like something JF would say, but Slarty says it's not him. I haven't a clue. I'm inclined to think #5 is either Mr. Fox or Ezrah Kitty of Wonder, who are as far as I know the only two open furries the community has known and therefore the comments about "not completely human" would fit, but they seem to obvious. It definitely could have been MSW too, like Sarachim guessed. I wasn't good at this game last time and I'm still not good at it.
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