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The Almighty Doer of Stuff

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Everything posted by The Almighty Doer of Stuff

  1. I think he means the game is the same price with the same graphics, but SW charges an additional $5 or so if you want the optional, fancy extra graphics. Not sure how well that would work business-wise, but it's an interesting thought.
  2. Your review of Nephilim Mystery is great, Nikki. I don't think the 100 words is going to become a requirement anyway. I like Stareye's new "no content, no count" rule just fine, and I think it does the job better than having a 100 word minimum. Can we get some opinions on the NC-NC rule, please?
  3. Ephesos, although Excalibur only made one review here, it was a very good one, plus he made many reviews on CSR, so I don't think your characterization of him is fair. Anyway, I think both the 100 word minimum rule and the "only reviews with no content are stricken" rule are just fine, although I'm leaning toward the latter. Try getting a sizeable number of reviews of a scenario like "Minimialism" that have 100 words, without it becoming an exercise in pointlessness, for example. Plus the 100 words by itself is easily abused: "It is very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very bad." EDIT: Also, the "must have content" rule should apply to positive reviews as well. "BEST. SCENARIO. EVER! I RATE THIS SCENARIO BEST" should be stricken too.
  4. It still looks like you stylized the stone chair. Unlike the Exile trilogy, BoE isn't limited to 256 colors, as far as I'm aware. If that's part of the problem, I mean. The size of the chair is much better, anyway.
  5. Yes, you could wander around with the automap open in E1 and E2, on Windows at least. It functions exactly the same as E3's and BoE's automaps, only it's stylized.
  6. I don't think the automap in E1 was a pain. The only problem was that special encounters were represented in the same way as obstructions like trees and stalagmites. That aside, I thought it was a very clear way to do it. You could tell if something was water or obstructed or completely blocked at a glance, instead of squinting and trying to figure out the difference between plain wall and wall with secret door, for instance.
  7. I use Item Placement Shortcuts sometimes. They're good for placing things like pants and sticks and stuff that it doesn't really matter where they are specifically, but that are good to have here and there anyway.
  8. Originally Posted By: Mistb0rn lamppost on hill. I made an alternate version, which I believe is significantly better: Lampost on hill
  9. Originally Posted By: Master1 Jones soda anyone? I love Jones soda. My favorite is Green Apple, although every flavor I've tried was delicious. I avoid their orange soda, though, because for some reason they decided it needed caffeine, and I try not to consume too much caffeine. I've never had their fancy holiday sodas. I want to try their Salmon-flavored soda, but the only way I could would be to buy it on Ebay or something, and I don't know if it's really such a good idea to be drinking soda that old. They make a set of limited edition holiday sodas each year for different holidays, each flavored like a holiday food, and the salmon flavor is out of production.
  10. People tell me E3 for Linux is just Windows E3 with an old version of winelib attached to it, and is slower than just running Windows E3 in WINE.
  11. I like many sodas, although I can't drink anything from Pepsi Co., Coca Cola Co, or the makers of Dr. Pepper and 7 Up (I don't know what they're called) without flattening it first. I like my soda slightly fizzy. I hate overcarbonated soda.
  12. Try 256 colors. If that doesn't work, additionally try 800x600. I've never used Linux or DOSBox, but I'm going by what I've heard and read (particularly in another very recent thread which I believe is in the Exile Trilogy forum). This advice may not fix the problem, but it certainly won't hurt, so try it first and see if it works, then come back if it doesn't.
  13. We have oak trees on the Boston Common, and it certainly snows up here. I'm going to have look at the two sets again. EDIT: Yeah, DRK DRAXIS's set is kind of weird, including the snow drifts, but the snow drift concept is good. Maybe a two-tile snow drift similar to the first graphic in the second row of Wyrmfire's set would be good. Of course, it could double as a large hill outdoors, like the one with the cave.
  14. Oh, I guess I must have been thinking of the other set. Whoops.
  15. The 1x1 and 2x1 snow banks already in the set should do that just fine, I think, although if someone wants to do more that's fine too.
  16. I haven't played A5, so I don't know whether there's a line about Rentar's fate, but I know that Click to reveal.. Jeff himself said, after A4, something along the lines of "Rentar is DEAD. DEAD, DEAD, DEAD, DEAD, DEAD, DEAD, DEAD."
  17. If someone does make embankments, please don't make them look like they've been plowed by a truck.
  18. Yes, there's a hidden dungeon followed by a hidden town in E/A3, found by placing an ordinary pair of pants on a rune in Rentar's fortress at the end of the game. Also, the "Adventurer's Code" isn't something in the games. It's just a player's observation that once you have nothing left to do in a town in a Spidweb game, you may as well kill everyone because it usually doesn't have any effect in-game except giving you experience and making you richer. I don't do that, personally, but a lot of people do.
  19. Actually, just a general "Boat Block" that lets you either block or unblock a node while in boat might be good. For instance, if you don't want a timer to call a node while you're in a boat, you can block it, but if you want a node to be called when you row onto it in town, you can unblock it. As for outdoors, I must have done something wrong. Anyway, that would be another good use for Boat Block. Horse Block would be good too. Maybe combine them into Horse/Boat Block, and have Extra 1a be 0-Block when in boat, 1-Don't block/unblock when in boat, and have Extra 1b be 0-Block when on horse, and 1-Don't block/unblock when on horse. Also, Extra 2a and 2b could be Can Enter/Can't Enter for boat/horse.
  20. A few things, using Classic Win32 v1.0: 1. In dialogue, even when enabled, the text box does not have focus by default. I think it should. If you're going to enable it it probably means you want to use it. 2. A Small Rebellion is still called "A Mild Rebellion" in the Start Scenario dialog. 3. The bigger problems, regarding boats: Outdoors, while in a boat, specials are called when you move toward a tile, even if the tile is blocked. This can be seen at the beginning of ZKR, with the rock on the south shore of the river, just to the east. Row into it from the west and the message will appear. I just tested, and this is not legacy behavior and does not happen in original BoE. Also, in town, special encounters are not called while in a boat. This IS legacy behavior, but it's unusual and should probably be fixed, perhaps with a "Boat Unblock" node or something.
  21. There are no hills in that set. The hills are covered with snow and are invisible, and that's the way I think it should be. It's a direct snow-to-mountain transition. I certainly don't think there should be straight-line transitions to hills if you do decide to make hills, because how often to you see rows of hills in perfectly straight lines? I think that set is just lovely, including the caves and the swamp. Also, that's not a marsh, that's snow-covered crops. We could use frozen-over water, though.
  22. Arrgh! They must have been touched by the Noodly Appendage of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (sauce be upon him)!
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