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The Almighty Doer of Stuff

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Everything posted by The Almighty Doer of Stuff

  1. Sorry, I had to remake the poll because the last one had problems. Please lock the other poll thread. Thanks! The complete Option 2 is as follows: "2. Polls that allow for every imaginable answer or lack thereof, only to need to be recreated sixteen thousand times when someone comes up with an answer the creator didn't think of and eventually forgotten in frustration, all in the name of not having to think, are the best! Yay democracy! " EDIT: I still don't know what's going on with options 3 and 4. If you are seeing the same graphical glitch I am, the radio button inside option 3's text area refers to option 4, on the far right.
  2. Oh, sorry, the second option is "Polls that allow for every imaginable answer or lack thereof, only to need to be recreated sixteen thousand times when someone comes up with an answer the creator didn't think of and eventually forgotten in frustration, all in the name of not having to think, are the best! Yay democracy! " I don't know what happened with options three and four.
  3. This poll goes out to Alorael, Salmon, and The Mystic, but also many others, including myself. I hope it provides interesting results!
  4. I have a pet rock called the Byoonifoow Wock. I got it for Christmas when I was four years old. I asked for a beautiful rock, but couldn't pronounce it or spell it. My mother found a piece of red-brown granite, and wrote my name on the smooth, shiny side, and I thought it was a bag of bird seeds when I got it because of the speckled pattern.
  5. My favorite has always been SimTower. It was the only one I was ever fairly good at.
  6. Yes, magically locked doors are fine. It's the regularly locked doors that concern me.
  7. I tested the original BoE and it behaves in the same way. A level 1 character with 6 HP, 1 each of STR/DEX/INT and no other stats, equipped with a strength 1 lockpick, will successfully pick strength 4 locks in a difficulty 10 town about 90% of the time. With a strength 10 pick it seems to be 100% of the time. Why bother investing in lockpicking then?
  8. That's what the documentation says it does, but what does it actually do?
  9. I've always had a phobia of computer errors, Game Over screens, and that screen in Win95 with the black background and orange text that said "It is now safe to turn off your computer." I'm not entirely sure what brought this on, but it's haunted me since I was a young child.
  10. What does Town Difficulty (0-10) actually do? I'm testing some lockpicks, and my test character with no stats or advantages is using strength 1 lockpicks on strength 4 doors (the strongest they can be before being magically locked) in a difficulty 10 town, and he picks the locks about 90% of the time. He also has almost the same luck bashing doors, despite being level 1 with only 1 Strength. I know in the Exile trilogy I've frequently come across doors that were very difficult but not impossible to open through physical means, so why isn't that possible in BoE?
  11. What, E3 item descriptions? In E3, not only did you have the stats and abilities an item had, but you had a little textual description of the item, which was sometimes quite funny. It didn't go into detail on the history though, as anything with a history had its history described more or less in the way I described in my previous post. It disappeared in BoE, and I thought it never came back, but checking A3 now, I see that the item descriptions are present there as well. I thought I heard that they disappeared and never came back at some point, but I could be wrong. Oh well.
  12. I'd much rather there be something like someone telling you about the weapon's legend, or a book nearby describing it, than just magically knowing the item's history when you pick it up. Of course, I'd also like E3-style item descriptions. I don't know if those have returned already or not, having not played any Spidweb game later than Geneforge 1, but if they haven't, they should.
  13. http://encyclopedia.ermarian.net/wiki/Aydin He was still alive as of E/A2, apparently, but hasn't been heard from since.
  14. Is "The Siege of Copperpeak" anything like "The Siege of Sighing Mountain"? I hear that one was pretty bad. This looks pretty, though.
  15. I don't really listen to music while playing Spiderweb Software games, but I do enjoy listening to Electric Light Orchestra's cover of Edvard Grieg's "In the Hall of the Mountain King" while trekking through that area with the outdoor cave area in the BoE version of VoDT, toward the end of the game. Not sure why I think it fits, but I enjoy it.
  16. I've never read Animorphs, but another, 12-book series the author wrote, "EverWorld", was excellent. I loved it, and everyone I lent the books to loved it.
  17. Originally Posted By: Master1 Apple cider (soft, of course) is delicious. I can't wait for it to come into season. It is in season. Where are you in the world, roughly? I'm in New England which of course is the place people usually think of when they think soft cider, so that may be why I can get it and you can't, if you're somewhere else.
  18. Yes, I forgot that egg nog was, like cider, originally an alcoholic beverage that can still be found in alcoholic form, and it can be drunk with cinnamon as well, although I don't know anyone who would drink it hot. Again, I prefer it non-alcoholic. I should be a complete tee-totaller because of my medication, but I don't like to miss out on things. I believe I've had a shot of hard egg nog once. I don't remember if I liked it. I know I didn't like it as much as soft egg nog.
  19. There was the Sleep Cloud spell, which placed a 2x2 square of sleep clouds at the location of your choosing, although it had a very limited range. That and Spray Fields are the closest you get to a Mass Sleep spell in Exile.
  20. I prefer skim milk, although if I have to I'll drink fattier milk. Sometimes I drink small amounts of half-and-half, though...
  21. Egg nog, cider, neither, or both? I like both. If cider or both, hard, not, or either? Spiced, not, or either? Hot, not, or either? For me, not, either, either, although it's particularly nice hot with cinnamon.
  22. I love soy milk. I'm not supposed to drink it since my mother and sister buy it for themselves, but sometimes I sneak some. I don't know whether I've ever had unflavored soy milk, though. Usually they buy vanilla, sometimes chocolate.
  23. My girlfriend and I had a class with about 114 students in it, and that was in the smallest auditorium.
  24. Originally Posted By: Sss-Chah hmmm...that game looks very familiar. do you play this kid who goes into this temple or something and you fight these wolves and then when you come out, you find your home on fire? i played that game like 10 years ago, so i might be a bit off. i kind of remember something about a spell where you can change monsters into other monsters, too Yep, that's it. CotW parts I and II have both been released as freeware by the company that made them, I believe, so if you want it you just have to go find it (I don't know where).
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