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The Almighty Doer of Stuff

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Everything posted by The Almighty Doer of Stuff

  1. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba You can complain about how Spiderweb sucks by dragging up things that happened 6 to 11 years ago or you can have a new beginning at SW, but you can't have it both ways. Dikiyoba. Would it help if I apologized and said I'd like my new beginning to start with my previous post? Like I said, being here in this community as a child helped me grow up but it also traumatized me somewhat, and it's just as hard for me to disconnect this community from that distant past as it probably is for the rest of you to disconnect me from my past. I guarantee you I will slip up again here if I stick around, because unfortunately my mental functioning is not quite normal, a long-developing fact that I am still coming to grips with, but I'd like to think I couldn't be faulted for trying, at least.
  2. Eh, I don't know what to think, really. Part of me would be interested in returning here. I "grew up" here. I was 13 when I joined the community in 2001, almost 11 years ago. But I suppose my perception is colored. In my formative teenage years I learned that it was cool to be mean, rude, bawdy, and obscene. I learned that I was a jerk and would always be a jerk and that that was a good thing, and part of me fears if I come back here, then by simple conditioning those behaviors will emerge again. I've tried to move on and the FSM community has helped me do so immensely, but I'm still afraid of this place. In the FSM community I'm known as a peacemaker, a good listener, concerned about the well-being of my friends, sensitive, intelligent, self-aware, and witty. It's a perception I've worked hard to cultivate, because it's the way I want people to know me. It was a new beginning, just like college was a new beginning for me that same year. I don't even know how people perceive me here anymore. If I could come back here with a new beginning, it might be nice to reconnect with my past friends, but I wonder whether I'd be able to be my "new self" here without people dragging up the past. (Yes, I know I just dragged up the past myself, but at least I didn't name anyone in particular, and again, I screw up a lot and still make a lot of social gaffes for a variety of reasons, but like I said the FSM community is a LOT more forgiving of those gaffes, sometimes even breaking forum standards and deleting my stupid posts on request just because they like me that much.) I finally learned when I showed up at FSM Discussion that I don't have to be categorized by what other people think I should be, or that what other people think is cool is the way I should be. But I remember between 2006 when I found the FSM community, and 2008 when I mostly left this place, I was leading a double life. The "old me" was still here and the "new me" was over there, and I didn't like it, so I left here and stayed there. That place is like family to me. We have a subforum called "Rant, Rave and Misbehave" which is viewable only by registered members with at least one post, which isn't searchable or archived by search engines, and which is autopruned every 30 days. There we have threads like "The Good News Thread", "Daily Rant", "Daily Whine", "The Bad News Thread", "random thoughts thread", and others, where we post intimate details about the goings on in our lives, and we help each other through our problems, and we celebrate our successes, and we vent about our frustrations, and it makes us all feel very close to one another. There's nothing like that anywhere in this community, except for CalRef, but even there there's often angry fights between people who are otherwise friends. There was an angry, bitter fight at the FSM Discussion boards when I showed up, involving one admin being dethroned and replaced with another, and several people left, but I don't know what they were fighting about because aside from heated debates in the debate forums and a bit of occasional admin-baiting (which they take in stride), there hasn't been a single flame war since! We're even nice to the religious-nut trolls, never mind the non-nutty non-troll religious people who show up just to be friendly or to learn and debate! That was 2006, and it's now 2012! SIX YEARS! What a stable, happy community! THAT'S something I can feel good about being a part of! My memory loss prevents me from recalling the exact circumstances of my departure, but honestly I don't want to be reminded. I probably did something embarrassing and rude and felt this place was incapable of forgiving me for it, and I don't know how true that last bit is. Like I said, I don't know how people perceive me here. I don't even know how I'm perceived at CalRef, aside from being sarcastic, because we fight a lot and a lot of hurtful things are said that we don't mean. I'd be curious to find out whether people actually miss me here, how they remember me, and more importantly, whether they'd let me have a new beginning.
  3. If I remember correctly some of the mods were in on it as well. My memory is shot to hell due to my medications, though, so take what I say with a grain of salt. Show starts in less than 8 minutes. Tune in here: http://calref.net:8000/stream Here's a page with instructions for people who don't know what to do with that URL: http://calref.net/index.php?action=radio Come here to join the chat if you want, I'd like to interact with the crowd maybe. You'll need to register. http://calref.net/chat/
  4. Most of it happened on Desperance, but it did spill over here as well. It seemed like everyone was trying to get in this girl's pants, whether seriously or not I don't know.
  5. Nice to see you again, too. I dunno, maybe I'm imagining things. I just tend to associate Spidweb with rudeness and obscenity being applauded, people categorizing and characterizing themselves and others compulsively (often in offensive ways), and everyone just taking themselves and their hobbies and interests far too seriously. I mean, seriously, does anyone even remember that Rosycat was a 13 year old girl who was relentlessly sexually harassed by adults until she left without a word, and now she's a robotic tour guide on a rehash of an immature RP I started years ago? I don't understand it. Is my understanding incorrect? Maybe it's just colored by the fact that I grew up and learned to be a good person through endless social gaffes here, and I kind of want to forget it all happened. But a lot of you seem nice still. But tooooo serious nevertheless.
  6. Hello. Yes, I'm still around. I just don't come to the Spidweb boards anymore. I've found a much more relaxed, more fun, less uptight, more understanding, less judgmental, more forgiving community at the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster message boards, and I had to make choices about how I wanted to spend my time, and Spidweb didn't make the cut. Nevertheless, I'm here to say that I will most likely be doing a radio show on RadioRefuge just prior to Sylae's tonight, at 7 PM - 8 PM Mountain Daylight Time, or 9 PM - 10 PM Eastern Daylight Time. I will most likely be playing a variety of music, including classic rock, alternative rock, neoclassical, New Wave, folk-pop, and other assorteds. Have an open mind and you may enjoy it.
  7. I took Slarty's advice and looked up Judaism on Wikipedia, and found this article. It says there that Maimonides has the title of "The Rambam". Ha ha. What a funny title! Thank you, ma'am!
  8. While I'm on the subject of potentially offending Jewish people, is my understanding correct that unlike Christians who believe God is loving and benevolent and takes good people to heaven and sends bad people to hell when they die, Jews don't believe in heaven and hell, and believe God is petty and wrathful and will cause you and/or your descendants misery and misfortune while they're still alive if you disobey him, but on the other hand will occasionally lend you a hand if you do what he says? That's just what I've gathered. I've never really known any Jewish people personally enough to have asked them about it. Asking a mere acquaintance or relative stranger in person about their religious beliefs is asking for trouble regardless of whether they're Jewish or something else, but here, if I unintentionally start a flame war I can always just slip away and not come back like I've been more or less doing for the past year or so! EDIT: I've also heard rumors that Jews believe God's attention is focused on them and he doesn't care what non-Jews do. Is this true? Is it an orthodox/reformed difference thing?
  9. That's about what I was expecting. It's definitely not one of my better designs. I just had the idea and thought I'd get it out of my head. Having so far read Genesis and about two thirds of Exodus (I believe I just finished the bit where God tells Moses how to build the ark and the menorah and the big tent thing or whatever was going on that I don't have the spatial reasoning skill to understand), I'm finding the KJV Bible to be an entertaining read so far. I'm not so sure "entertaining" should be a good descriptor for a book that people base their lives around and believe to be absolute truth though. It's actually kind of frightening.
  10. I've been making pixel art, mostly in the 100x100pixel, 8 color format. Most of it is humorous holiday themed so far. I've been considering putting this stuff on shirts and mugs and stuff. Not any time soon, because I don't think I'm mentally, emotionally, or financially equipped to be running a small business myself. My cousin Muffins is a Small Business Administration major in college, and one of the ventures he's considering is selling shirts. Maybe I could work something out with him. Anyway, the holidays I've done are Christmas (you may have seen this one, although I cleaned it up a bit today), Valentine's Day, US Independence Day, Easter, and... Passover. Note this: I am an atheist. I am NOT a Jew. I have NEVER been a Jew. I NEVER WILL be a Jew. This presents problems, because I am under the impression that it's rude to tell Jewish jokes if you're not Jewish yourself. I don't think it's an offensive one, like "Jews are stingy/greedy/spiteful/ugly! Ha ha ha!"-type jokes. It's just a Passover joke. I'm reading the Book of Exodus (King James Version) and it struck me as interesting. But I'm still not sure it would ever fly if it was on a shirt or mug. I believe there are several Jews here on these forums, so I'm seeking your assistance. Is the following image offensive, funny, both, or neither? Thank you in advance for your assistance/lambasting/disinterest.
  11. 5 as of yesterday i also have a fluffy rattlesnake his name is edgar he is cuddly and rattly and he has a quadrifurcated tongue because he is into body modification and sticking his head out the window on the highway to let his tongue flap in the breeze like a dog i love my new rattlesnake my fiancee ashley bought him for me at the zoo yesterday i love ashley too she is the best
  12. Still working on my Fiendish Can of Asparagus. I screwed up the last one and had to buy a new can, and now my room is too cluttered to actually work on it. Some day, some day...
  13. 2. This is kind of a wild guess, but I remember a Mortal Combat-like fighting game where the Shao Khan figure was a fat guy with a shark mouth on his belly, sort of like a Snapping Turk from Yellow Submarine, but more naked. I vaguely recall it not really having any sort of intro or exhibition and just sort of getting right into the game, which would make the fighter description first text fit the game, but I can't remember the title of the game. Do I get half credit at least?
  14. Important is immune to Capture Soul, I believe, and Undead is also immune to sleep.
  15. Is it "Dinosaurs Kill Your Bananas"?
  16. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith Also, afro monk. Too bad the Exile graphic doesn't have nunchaku instead of a staff.
  17. It's okay, Slarty. Putting cameos in a utility scenario where the actual characters don't really matter is one thing. Another is when a certain major designer actually puts Final Fantasy characters and rock stars and himself in his real scenarios...
  18. Alternately, it could be that you're saving the graphics as JPGs, which compress the image. Don't do that.
  19. Yes, but most of them these days are extremely short, and production has slowed drastically since the first few years of the millenium, sadly.
  20. The terrain editing area would be expandable or shrinkable in the editor, but NOT the game itself. Whether this is done with a click-and-drag or with a dialogue box, or some other method, can be decided, of course. CM would like a simple "Revert Terrain Editing Area to Default Size" button or menu item, so that it can be done quickly, simply, and automatically; since it will definitely be the most common size to use, as it is the game's viewing size, this makes sense.
  21. I think it was just a joke, meaning "bad (social) consequences". Pants are basically just another equipment slot for potential armor bonuses or enchantment, although it seems useful pants are significantly less common in Exile games than other equipment types. I know Pants of Protection are available in VoDT, and I believe other scenarios as well. Also, pants can be assigned Special Item Type flags (I think that's what they're called, it's been a while) so it's possible to check if a party member is wearing pants, but only if those pants were not brought in from another scenario. I don't know if it's ever happened though. The only pants check that I know of is the one in E3, where you place pants on a certain tile in the last dungeon to unlock a hidden town and a hidden dungeon.
  22. I haven't played Aquaria, but last time a thread about it came up on Shadow Vale, I looked it up on Wikipedia. For all the talk of how innovative it is, it seemed to basically be the Ecco The Dolphin series with pretty dress-up capability. Is it a lot more than that?
  23. The Mac icons look nicer for the entire Exile series, in my opinion. I like the bevelled, painted-engraving-on-a-stone-tablet-like effect.
  24. This is not true. There are THREE programs, and those two have the same icon. The different icon is for the SCENARIO editor.
  25. Of course, there was the one about the chicken...
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