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The Almighty Doer of Stuff

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Everything posted by The Almighty Doer of Stuff

  1. I mostly drink Dunkin Donuts coffee (brewed at home from store-bought grounds) because that's what my mother buys. It's quite good and only very slightly bitter. When I brew it so super strong that my mother can't drink it and complains about it, it tastes fruity, very sweet and acidic, with the many other more subtle coffee flavors, but bitter is not one of them. Sometimes I drink coffee with skim milk, sometimes black. The nuclear bomb I brewed and put in the refrigerator in preparation for the hurricane (turns out we didn't need it) is so acidic that it's undrinkable without milk, but it's still delicious.
  2. It's not hard to pick out if you know what you're listening for. I listened to it three times and then I got it. It's that double crunch, when the dinosaur's leg gets bit. It's a slightly higher crunch, followed by a slightly lower crunch. It's been used at least as far back as Avernum 1, and maybe even BoE but I forget. It's a "monster dies" sound. EDIT: Now I remember! It is in BoE, as a PC dying sound, accompanied by a low-pitch "OOOGH!" I believe that's how it's used in Avernum too. Actually maybe it's not in BoE, it's been a while since I paid attention to BoE sounds, but I was playing Avernum recently and it's definitely there.
  3. You're right. It still doesn't taste anything like wine though.
  4. O'Doules makes me sick. It's awful. Try the non-alcoholic Kirin. You might have to go to a Japanese grocer for it though. That's where I get it. There's grape juice, and there's grape juice. I've had grape juice that tasted like wine but without the alcohol and fizziness. Then you have filtered, sweetened, colored piss like Welch's "grape juice".
  5. The point is to get the taste without the drugs, obviously. I've been known to twenty cups of strong decaf coffee in one day. My stomach regrets it later, but boy is it tasty. Kirin is also delicious. Beer without alcohol is pretty much just a soft drink, and would you say drinking other soft drinks, say, lemon-lime soda, is pointless? Beside the obvious nutritional aspect, we generally eat and drink various things because they're tasty. Intoxication is equally (hopefully not more) important to some people, but it's not to everyone, and to people like me it's harmful. Beer is very tasty. I don't want to give it up just because I can't get drunk on it. (Note that I can't drink more than two or three cups of regular coffee in a day without getting sick, for the same reasons I can't drink alcohol.)
  6. I've only ever had Bailey's Irish Cream once. My family and I were sitting around my grandmother's living room one night, tasting all the old booze in her liquor cabinet to see what, if anything, was still good. Much of it was delicious. We discovered after we had all tried the Bailey's, however, that it was so old it had turned to cheese. We threw that one out. Nowadays I'm on too much medication to drink alcohol, so my favorite beer (out of the two non-alcoholic beers I've tried, the other being O'Doul's, blech) is Kirin 0.00% ABV beer from Japan. I lament that I can't drink whiskey, having tried Laphroaig once and determining that I could easily acquire a taste for it, but other than that I can get most of the tastes I want from non-alcoholic sources. I'm not a fan of the taste of alcohol in general, nor of the idea of becoming intoxicated, so things like "sparkling wine" and "sparkling cider" (high-quality fruit juice with fizz), rum cake, non-alcoholic beer, non-alcoholic egg nog, etc. suit me just fine. There's just nothing that approximates the taste of whiskey without alcohol.
  7. I think it's pronounced "aa-LOR-ay-el" like it's a Hebrew name (which it isn't) but I'm not sure. We had a discussion about this years ago I think, but I don't remember for sure if there was any resolution. I still unconsciously pronounce it "AL-orr-ale" sometimes though, out of habit. BONG
  8. As a young child, I decided I would go into business as a bookmark salesman. I took several sheets of construction paper of various colors, and cut them into bookmarks of various sizes and shapes, with all sorts of spikes and spirals and deep nooks and the like along the edges. I priced them according to size. The one that cost one hundred dollars was cut from an entire 8.5inx11in sheet of black construction paper. I was dismayed when my mother yelled at me and told me to stop wasting paper and that I wasn't allowed to sell construction paper bookmarks that won't fit in any normal book for $100.
  9. Trick-or-treating is postponed until Saturday. I took off my pirate garb and put on regular clothes.
  10. I think Mosquito---Slayer means that since Sandy is supposed to combine with TWO other weather systems (or so ze heard, I have no idea), one is the aforementioned winter storm, so what's the other weather system Sandy and the winter storm will combine with? Just another winter storm? Winter doesn't start until late in December, but I guess people will call any bad snowstorm a "winter storm".
  11. I'm in my usual pirate garb. I took off my parrot, cutlass, and flintlock pistol though, because I have stuff to do today and they get in the way. They shall return when it comes time for the trick-or-treaters to not come to my house.
  12. The first scenario I finished took 48 seconds from conception to completion, I believe. Unfortunately it got libelously labeled as a "utility" scenario. The other two I finished are also extremely short. Between planning, stringing together nodes, drawing maps, writing text, etc., they each took a couple days of solid work, IIRC, but I usually don't RC, unfortunately.
  13. Rainbow Bridge, etc. The cat I had had since childhood, KitKat, died April 2, 2010, the very same night my fiancée's adoptive brother, Danny, died from cancer. Although I'm an atheist I consoled myself with the notion that they died together so they could keep each other company on the journey to some sort of pleasant afterlife. Sometimes I still miss KitKat, but fairly often, when I go to sleep at night, I have wonderful dreams that KitKat has come back to play with me for the night. I treasure these dreams. I guess what I'm saying is kind of clichéd, but still, if you keep fond memories of your departed loved one, you don't ever really need to lose them. As I said, I'm an atheist. I don't believe in any afterlife, but I don't discount it either. I live my life as though it is the only one I get, and if there's an afterlife after all I'll worry about it when I'm dead. But if it turns out to be the case, maybe Missy will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.
  14. Corngratulations! I have the Myst CD ROM which I bought at a yard sale, but I've never played it. Is it good? Or are we talking about a different Myst? I know there's at least two things called Myst, and at least one of them is an old RPG.
  15. People turn off signatures altogether?! What if someone fails to take something I say with a grain of salt as a result?! The terror!
  16. I think we can't start giving people free passes to do bad things just because they've done many good things in the past. At the same time, considering his philanthropy, I think the world will probably forgive him for it, and that's the benefit he reaps from being a good person, not that he gets to get away with committing a crime to the tune of millions of dollars. He will be unlikely to be able to return to the position of business power he previously held, of course, but a man of his intelligence (and immense wealth) will probably find something worthwhile to do with his time when he gets out.
  17. I just noticed Tim Farland isn't on that chart. I never knew Tim Farland, but he made some excellent BoE graphics. I also don't think he ever joined the post-IkonBoard Spidweb forums.
  18. Indeed, the fluid layout looks just as nice as the fixed-width. Good job.
  19. WinXP will no longer be supported with any sort of updates as of April 2014, I believe. Then comes the malware.
  20. Alorael doesn't shoot at spambots, Trenton. By the way, could you walk to the store and fetch some milk?
  21. I think it looks very nice, and I like the fixed-width layout, despite having a 1600x1200 monitor.
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