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The Almighty Doer of Stuff

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Everything posted by The Almighty Doer of Stuff

  1. I love fruitcake. I don't know why everyone hates it. Maybe they've just had bad fruitcake.
  2. The Exile Wand of Carrunos was disappointing. It wouldn't tell you what it did when you used it, only describing the beam it emitted, although Leith or whoever it was still told you about it. It only raised the target's level, not the rest of the stats, meaning all that happened was it was very slightly harder to hit, which didn't especially make it any more challenging, just slightly more annoying. It also didn't affect party members. I think so anyway. It's been a while.
  3. BoE works fine on WinXP. In addition to the three included scenarios, it has hundreds of user-made scenarios, many of which are very good. Is it worth it? Some people don't like the interface or the graphics. I like them, personally, but they are rather archaic. The best way to decide if you like it is to try it out yourself, of course. It is free, so it couldn't hurt to try.
  4. http://ados.ermarian.net/poetry/toyguardians.html Fixed. Now I need to go fix the Spider Bus thread.
  5. I tend to just use the word "dolls" rather than "plushies" because some of mine are made of plastic, squeezy stress foam, rubber, non-fuzzy fabric, etc. Some people just don't like using the word "doll" because they associate it with humanoid toys for little girls, but nevertheless that's basically what they are. EDIT: Huh. Well what do you know. All dolls are humanoid. Now I feel like a twit, having written that poem. EDIT 2: Now I'm rewriting it. Most of it was easy, but unfortunately I rhymed "dolls" with "halls" so that verse needs to be completely reimagined.
  6. There are rat-men in, I think, The Za-Khazi Run in BoE/BoA. I know in BoE there's a monster graphic and a dialogue graphic depicting a rat man. I'm pretty sure there's no nephilim nearby though.
  7. I didn't write you out. You were standing next to the bus, then the TARDIS came and you weren't. You were merely relocated/transmogrified like everyone else/whatever. For all anyone cares you could be lying on the ground on the other side of the bus where we can't see you, and all you have to do is stand up and walk to the other side. The only reason I did that was to get the TARDIS out of the story because it has too much baggage that not everyone (myself included) is familiar with. Also, I see no problem with a Translator Button on the bus, as Jewels suggested.
  8. You are no longer present, Nikki, so if you want to continue participating you will have to re-enter the story somehow. Maybe the TARDIS moved you high up into a nearby tree or something.
  9. Guys, learn to READ! The "blue dot/blue box" was established as the TARDIS (which outwardly resembles a blue British police box, and which is basically a time machine that often messes with things it encounters), and now it's GONE, because it was making the RP completely nonsensical and hard to follow. Also, Randomizer is at the ruin and NOT at the bus, Harehunter! Gaaah! Jewels, Nikki and Tyran said two sentences to each other after supposedly being transformed, and I just sort of handwaved it because half the participants in the RP don't have the slightest clue what the TARDIS is, as evidenced by the continuing confusion. Also, the only one who can't communicate is you, and that's you're own doing, but I've sent Lampost after you to assist you. Trinit Eye is communicating via UTF-8, which normally most people don't understand, but we can handwave that as well if we want to.
  10. I've gone ahead and made an emergency cleanup post, to try to make things make more sense. In the process I've sort of killed your character, Upon Mars. At the beginning, you were small and living in the engine of the bus. Now suddenly you're a Martian in a human golem? I had Doctor Who kill that character and redirected you toward the earlier idea, although of course pending discussion here, I can edit my post as we determine is appropriate, if we change our minds before we carry on too much with the story. I let you remain a Martian, but a more reasonable Martian. If you object, we can TALK about it. Speaking of reasonable, I can't be the only one who has to keep things family friendly, Upon Mars. Are you aware that prior to my "fixing", The Doctor was Nikki, and the TARDIS was Tyran? You just took a dump in a moderator's mouth. If that's not a bannable offense I don't know what is. (JK) On that note, I want to emphasize to EVERYONE PARTICIPATING IN THE RP, in a most hearty fashion, the following bits of advice, to make our collaborative storytelling most effective: 1. Try to put a little THOUGHT into your posts, because if you post hastily or if you post things that make the story more and more complex unnecessarily, it makes it harder for people to have fun, and the story will never reach a conclusion. 2. READ other people's posts CAREFULLY, because when you miss things (such as the fact that the bus LEFT THE FORUMS and was NO LONGER NEXT TO THEM, yet people kept carrying on as though the woods were right next to the forums WHICH THEY WERE NOT), and you post based on misunderstanding what they were saying, it makes the story make no sense, and everyone has to scramble to accommodate you, often in ways detrimental to the story. 3. Try not to "godmod", which means trying to take singlehanded control of the way the story will progress. This is directed at you and your barrier, MMEXPERT, but also to anyone who tries anything similar. The story is supposed to be COLLABORATIVE, meaning we work together to tell it, and when you try to force everyone to do it your way, it's fun only for you, and then people lose interest and it's not fun for anyone anymore. 4. Lastly, generally be POLITE! Pooping in other characters is not okay! Be respectful of other players, and try to remember that EVERYONE here wants to have a good time, and you should afford others the same respect you wish to be afforded yourself. Keep all this in mind, and if you have any concerns or if you're not sure your post idea makes sense or is a good idea, POST IN THIS DISCUSSION THREAD AND ASK! That's why it's here! Have fun, everyone!
  11. The Doctor climbs on board the bus, and approaches ADoS, who is hiding under a seat. "Excuse me," says The Doctor, "but I have something that belongs to you. Don't worry about why I have it or why I need to give it to you. Also, I'm sorry about your friends, Tyran and Nikki. I don't know what the TARDIS did to them, but hopefully you'll be seeing them again soon. Well, I must be off. Good day." He hands ADoS his favorite wooden staff which he accidentally left behind at the ruined Spidweb forums, and leaves to the TARDIS. "Oh, thanks!" says ADoS, who now has a weapon to fight with for the next battle, this one being over now that the velociraptors are fleeing for reasons unknown. The Doctor enters the TARDIS, and violent sounds are heard from within. The Doctor sticks his head out, and says, "Uh, I'm sorry, but I think I just killed one of your friends. I thought he was a Dalek. Goodbye!" The TARDIS, with the doctor and the corpse of the Martian and its humanoid golem, disappear into time. ADoS hears none of this, however, as he is inside the bus and hasn't eaten any berries. "Hey, ADoS," says Lampost the goldfish. "That velociraptor is Jewels, I think. She seems amazed that she is controlling the dinosaur, although I don't know why she is." "I can't hear anything," says ADoS. "Eat the berries," says Lampost. "You'll be able to hear everything. You might still not understand Jewels though. Inspector Peanut and I can understand many tongues, as part of our mission. I'm going to go talk to Jewels." Lampost exits the bus as ADoS pops a handful of berries into his mouth, chews, and swallows. Suddenly he hears much more ambient sound, yelling, and speech. He then observes Inspector Peanut sniffing around near the front of the bus. "What's up, Inspector Peanut?" asks ADoS. "I hear noise coming from the motor," he responds. "Oh, I see. Pop the hood, I'll take a look," says ADoS. He leaves the bus and walks to the front, and the toy turtle opens the hood of the bus. ADoS looks inside, and is met with screams. "Hey, we're busy here!" shouts a tiny gremlin. Another laughs and says, "You can't have our booze! Go away!" ADos furrows his brow and says, "It's my bus! Get out! You're screwing with the bus's operation!" There is much commotion. A leader then steps forward, a small, winged imp, wearing fancy clothes. "Hey, everyone, let's listen to what he has to say! My name is Upon Mars. We're from the Martian branch of Hell, I'm their supervisor, and we're here on vacation. We're just trying to have a good time, and we're collecting our stuff that we left behind when the bus started moving, now that it's stopped. Give us a chance to get it out, and we'd like to come with you, if you're going somewhere fun!" There's some muttering among the imps and gremlins, which slowly builds into cries of approval. "It's better than being crushed in the motor!" cries a lesser imp. "Alright, I guess, but just don't break the bus," says ADoS, too much in shock from the sight of the demons in the engine to be any more demanding. There are cheers, and they gather the last of their booze and snacks and climb out of the engine. "You're getting food, right?" says an imp, punching ADoS in the leg. "Hopefully." "Good!" The imps and gremlins do their own thing. Actaeon approaches ADoS, with Jewels and Lampost following behind. Actaeon says, "Is that why the bus has been behaving so oddly?" "It might be part of it, but I think there's more to it than that," replies ADoS. "Rawwrrwrarar! Hisss! Graah!" says Jewels. "What's she saying, Lampost?" says ADoS. ------------ ((OOC: Especially MMXPERT, Upon Mars, and BMA, but everyone else participating as well, please keep an eye on the Spiderbus Discussion Thread. I'll be posting there soon.))
  12. I'm totally lost in this game. I want to play but it's moving very fast, I don't want to interfere with other people's stories, and I know zip about Doctor Who. At least with Sylae's and Aran's ponies you could more or less ignore the backstory to ponies as it's more or less irrelevant beyond "talking ponies, some have wings, they can pick things up with their hooves." But Nikki seems to have become one of the actual Doctors from the show, and I don't know how to respond to that. I'm just sitting idly by in the bus with my two stuffed toys, unable to do anything.
  13. The only one I'm really familiar with is the one hanging on my wall, "Yellow Submarine". It's got lots of empty dark grey or white space, quite unindicative of the brilliant psychedelic colors of the movie itself. It also features the tagline "Nothing Is Real" which I suspect may have led some people to be disappointed to find out "Strawberry Fields Forever" doesn't feature in the movie even for a second. I was told once that the tagline was there to remind those people viewing the film while dropping acid that it was all fake and not to do anything stupid based on what they saw.
  14. It's just the registered games on a CD with a jewel case. It may also contain the demos of all the other games and a few other small things, but it's not a special edition or anything. It's just for people who like having an easy-to-access copy so they can install and reinstall without needing to enter the registration code every time.
  15. ADoS climbs onto the bus, with Lampost and Inspector Peanut not far behind. They take a seat in the middle of the bus. ADoS shouts to The Reverend, "Play 'So Far Away' by Dire Straits!" Inspector Peanut groans. Lampost chuckles.
  16. ADoS suddenly forgets what a bad idea using that bus is when people start discussing food. "Whoopie pies!" he shouts. "And bananas and mangoes! And whole wheat naan! Oh, and pepperoni!" He becomes giddy at the thought.
  17. Unfortunately I can't get those samples to play, and I don't have iTunes, otherwise I would listen. Sorry. Apparently it's verboten to promote yourself and your work where people who don't care can see it, but I have links to my Poetry pages in the Poetry thread, so I guess I can link to my Audio page here since people who come here will be looking for sonic artwork and discussion thereof, and I can supply that. It features just about all my finished sonic art, some of which is music and some of which is not. There are descriptions on that page for each item, so you sort of know what you're getting into when you click on the links to the files. It's all extremely lo-fi with crappy synthesized instruments and crappier singing (on those tracks where I do sing, which I believe is three of them), but some people really dig the stuff for some reason. I don't really make any of this sort of thing anymore though. Too much effort for not enough payoff. Poetry's more my thing these days.
  18. I'm not sure what the difference is, Nikki, because I haven't compared it. It's just as good, if not better, however. I've uploaded every poem I've written for public viewing at my Poetry pages on my website. I've highlighted the poems I'm particularly proud of on those pages, although I like almost all of them. There's plenty to read there.
  19. (OOC: Also Hendrix's version inserts the word "kinda" where they are not present in Dylan's original, if you want to nitpick.)
  20. Nice poems, VCH! Nice to see something simple yet beautiful. I have a cousin, who as a child, drip drip drip, they all fell down and cracked his skull. He's alright though. In fact he finished walking home from school that day, not realizing the severity of his wound due to the cold.
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