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The Almighty Doer of Stuff

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Everything posted by The Almighty Doer of Stuff

  1. When I was poorly medicated and having a manic episode, I decided I MUST become a rock musician! It was my DESTINY! I bought a cheap bass guitar (Fender Squier) and amplifier (Crate) ($300 for the whole setup including picks, extra strings, and electronic chromatic tuner, partly paid for by my mother as a gift), played it for a week, and realized I barely have the dexterity to... something I won't directly mention... nevermind play an instrument. I got two sonic works out of it ("Life In A Fish Tank" and "Mr. Q's Mindrape") but otherwise it was a waste of money. I've tried and failed to sell it, probably partly because in that same manic episode I put my Limozeen (fake hair metal band from Homestar Runner) sticker on it. I guess I'll see if my brother wants it, since he can actually play it (he taught himself on my guitar, scraping it up in the process, another reason why it won't sell.) At least then SOMEONE will get use out of it. I'll even sell it to him cheap. I don't think he wants it though. As for what music I like, I like just about anything, including country and rap (not too much of those two, but a little bit), but I haven't been able to appreciate dubstep. I mostly prefer various forms of rock music, though. My two favorite artists are The Beatles (and their solo/post Beatles careers) and They Might Be Giants tied in first, and after them my favorites are The Who, Rammstein, Fleetwood Mac, Nobuo Uematsu, Bad Religion, Billy Joel, Little Richard, Pink Floyd, and Queen, all tied in second.
  2. ADoS: This is ridiculous. This decrepit old bus shouldn't have been used at all... Actaeon: Well, I'm alive, so I say it turned out okay! ADoS: What about everyone else? Actaeon: What about everyone else? ADoS: Ugh. ADoS realizes that Trenton is staring in his direction. ADoS: What do you want? Trenton: Why is there a stuffed turtle and a flying stuffed goldfish following you around...? ADoS looks behind him, and sees Trenton is correct. ADoS: Oh, hey guys! Oh, you haven't met them yet, have you? The goldfish is Lampost, and the tortoise is Inspector Peanut. They're my friends! Lampost: Hello, everyone. Actaeon walks up and examines them. Actaeon: How did you two come to be friends with ADoS anyway? It's kind of strange. ADoS: It's an interesting story. Why don't you two tell everyone the story? Everyone, listen! Most of the people in the area turn to listen, as Lampost and Inspector Peanut recite "The Ballad of the Toy Guardians" in unison. Lampost: ADoS has lots and lots of toys, and he loves them dearly, so we're quite fond of him. Trenton: Hey, Inspector Peanut, are you the reason everyone here is always talking about fluffy turtles? Inspector Peanut: Yes, I inspired that. Trenton: Do you really eat sanity? Inspector Peanut rolls his eyes, turns away, and ignores Trenton. Trenton: Oh, come on! Someone tell me! ADoS groans and shakes his head, and goes back to surveying the wreckage.
  3. I agree, Ackrovan. I prefer games where the mechanics are a means to an end, rather than the end itself. Such min-maxing, mechanics-based games are fine for things like simple roguelikes, since the main point of a roguelike is seeing how long you can make your build survive, but in a game where the primary draw is the story and the gameplay, forcing me to worry about crunching numbers just serves as a frustrating distraction, in my opinion. Granted, I haven't actually played Avadon or A:EftP, but if the stat system is really that much simpler, I might give them a shot someday, if I ever have spending money.
  4. If you click on the Info/Train button, you'll see, in the lower-right corner, "Special Items". That tells you all the special items you have, plus a description of each when you click on an item name. I've only gotten one broach so far (the spider one), but I know it tells me that it's from the spider cave.
  5. Wikipedia seems to imply he never really settled on any particular religious belief system, experimenting throughout his life. It says he finally decided to go with some obscure offshoot of Judaism shortly before his death, but given his history, who knows whether he would have changed his mind again had he lived longer. This is Wikipedia of course, so take that with a grain of salt, I suppose.
  6. I like your poem, Aran. I kind of like the lowercase actually. Somehow it makes the subject seem quieter, I think. Also, I'm surprised. Goethe was truly a man ahead of his time, writing about space robots. More seriously, the closest I've ever come to any of Goethe's work is watching "Fantasia" and "The Phantom of the Paradise". Maybe I should actually read some of his work. Also, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goetheanum Wow, what beautiful buildings!
  7. When I'm playing a game with a lot of hidden content, I usually use walkthroughs on the Internet. Sometimes I might like playing a game more than once, but never consecutively, and certainly not dozens of times just to experiment, so I try to get the full experience the first time. I prefer to have as little content well-hidden as possible.
  8. Thanks for the compliments, Jewels! It's not something you never thought about perhaps, but I think about it frequently, because my family is always criticizing me because they don't like my hobbies. Unfortunately it seems the Hobbiswipe may have gotten to them. As for meter and rhyme, I'm not especially good at either. I just write freeform or even just prose with line breaks, and I judge line length more by the literal distance from beginning to end in monotype characters than by the number of syllables. Maybe that makes me a lousy poet, I don't know. I just know they're not essays or articles, and most of them aren't narrative stories, so I figure they must be poetry.
  9. I really like that first one, Nikki. Does it have a title? I'm not sure what you mean about breathlessness, but the imagery is pretty. The second one sort of seems Noah-ish, but I'm not sure. City Hall? That must be another symbolism I'm not grasping situation. Maybe someday it'll click.
  10. Back on topic, as I've mentioned, I enjoy these two poems, by Edward Lear. One is far more well-known and popular than the other, but both feature the word "bong". "The Owl and the Pussy Cat" "There Was An Old Person of Sestri" I haven't read very much of Edward Lear's work, but I find what I've read to be brilliant.
  11. Ha ha. I just read "Prophesy of Andaria". I still haven't read Revelations, but it sounds Revelationsy from what I've heard about it. Also the first line is missing a comma I think. Interesting poem.
  12. I love your poem, Goldenking. The rhythm is as jagged and shifting as the mountains it describes. (It does describe mountains and erosion and such, right?) Here's my newest poem. It's called "The Hobbiswipe". here EDIT: Updated the link.
  13. "Nightfall", "Two Plus the World", and "A Lullaby for the Fire Plane" were wonderful. In the first two, it looks like there's some sort of symbolism I'm not grasping, and I haven't read the Book of Revelation yet. But the moods are quite nice. My poetry is generally light on symbolism. It tends to be either nonsense, or very straightforward. The only one where I consciously included symbolism is "A Tree" (here) but it's so obscure that sometimes I can't even remember what it means myself. I saw your second one, Jewels, and it started with "Ender" and I immediately stopped reading, assuming it has to do with "Ender's Game" which I've not read. Is that so? Also, POOP Huh. Uh huh. Huh huh huh. I said "poop". Huh huh.
  14. My first two good poems are on my website, but they're not very accessible. Here are three of my more recent poems, from this year. The first one is "Maddish Krulb's Radish Bulb". It's lengthy, and it rhymes. Rhyming is not something most of my poems feature, but this one rhymes. here Next is "Florpishnoy, Dloo-Prum, Jidknarf". You may recognize the title from my Spidweb forums Location message from years ago. I've composed numerous acrostic poems centered around gibberish words, and I'm quite fond of writing them. here Last is "Poeshrub". It's got no rhyme or meter, like most of my poetry. here These poems are MINE and YOU CAN'T HAVE THEM OR USE THEM OR PROFIT FROM THEM, but you may enjoy reading them. I hope to publish a book of poetry some day, and these three will be in it. EDIT: Fixed the links to my newly updated site.
  15. The chief admin, a.k.a. the shared account of the three Spiderweb Software employees. Who watches them? The everyday user, because if the owners of the company do not behave themselves on their own forum, the company looks bad and will lose business from the average joes. It's the circle of life or something.
  16. http://awos.ermarian...opss1172012.png I'm boring. I'm currently using one of the wallpapers that ships standard with Linux Mint 13, although I did make a custom color scheme to match it like I usually do with my wallpapers. I have a large collection of wallpapers, but right now I'm just using one of the standards. That little bar in the middle is there to remind me of where the top of the right monitor is, because the software doesn't recognize the full resolution of the right monitor for some reason, resulting in that monitor's display being stretched. I don't usually keep icons on my desktop other than the little bar (a file name of underscores with a custom blank icon) but I have that "doctor" text file there to remind me of the details of some upcoming doctor's appointments. Other icons are often there on a temporary basis however.
  17. Um... I don't know. It says "Boob" but that's the name of a character from a Beatles movie. If your college's firewall is so sensitive that it blocks the word "Boob" I can't help but fear for your college's students' quality of education.
  18. "Hello, this is Lesley Down with the Daily Home Astrology Report. Taurus, contemplate domestic turmoil. Aquarius, abandon hope for future plans."
  19. You don't say "Iseewhatyoudidthere" to your own jokes. And it's pronounced "Fowst", like "mouse".
  20. He's referring to sales, not quality, I think.
  21. I hear most people hate green tea with milk, but I love green tea with milk. With the exception of sencha green tea which is like dessert on its own, I almost always add about one part skim milk to three parts green tea. I find it imparts a delicious perfumey flavor. I first did this with hoji-cha, which is smoked green tea, before I realized it was green and not black. I've since tried it with other green teas, and I've found it to be wonderful.
  22. If the coffee is hot, I usually add half a cup to a cup of cold skim milk per cup of coffee, just so I can drink it quickly without burning myself. I don't drink it quickly because I don't enjoy it, mind you. I need a good mouthful in order to really enjoy any beverage, so I almost always drink fast.
  23. Powerpuff, not powderpuff. It's a pun, see. Of course I plan to watch.
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