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The Almighty Doer of Stuff

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Everything posted by The Almighty Doer of Stuff

  1. I like it! Don't save it as a JPG though. If you still have the raw graphic, I suggest saving it as a PNG to prevent compression artifacts.
  2. I updated this banner ad I made a while back, to include the URL of the forum instead of the Google Code project which isn't being used anymore. The tinyurl of this BoE forum is http://tinyurl.com/bladesofexile-ipb . Any concerns?
  3. If you ask me, they don't look any less realistically-human than any other popular cartoon character, and I don't see the Arthur resemblance. They also don't look pregnant to me. Some people just have high wastelines, even cartoons aside.
  4. Actually, I think I noticed that too. I thought it was odd but didn't think too deeply into it until you mentioned it. Thanks for playing and reporting that bug, Ulf!
  5. Bug found when playing "The Foolish Giant" in Wine 1.4, copied from my post in the scenario's review thread (soon to be erased and replaced with a regular review): EDIT: Come to think of it, it's possible that it's something in CBoE that broke it rather than something in the scenario itself. What happens is EDIT: Indeed, this is a CBoE bug, as when I play this in the original BoE, the giant is exactly where he should be. If I were to take a guess, I'd say it's probably because he's sitting on a (Blocked, Obstructed) Boulder terrain, but I really can't say not being a programmer and not having seen the code. I'll have to copy this post into the bug reporting thread. EDIT: It seems it's not the boulder. First of all, there's a talk node ("balt") set to use a personality in another town, and the scenario editor gives me an error when I ty to click any button except cancel, not letting me out unless I change it, but somehow, in the original BoE, Desert Plah managed to do that successfully. Secondly, Morris is set so when a certain Event occurs (it doesn't), Morris will not appear. I know Major Events have always been buggy, so this may be the source of the problem.
  6. I've always thought Formello was pretty (as far as I'm concerned A4-6 are non-canon and never happened so pooh-pooh to them) but I don't think I could live without the sun. I've often daydreamed about life in the Realm of the Spheres, from Brett Bixler's Spheres trilogy of Blades of Exile scenarios. The first two are well worth playing and I recommend them to everyone.
  7. I had difficulty completing this scenario, but I somehow finished. I disagree with previous reviewers saying the combat was boring hack and slash. The combat was challenging and required using strategies I don't normally use. It took me many tries and several party builds, and it was frustrating, but it was satisfying when I hit upon winning strategies for each of the three battles. The writing was interesting and engaging as well. For such a very short scenario, it packed a lot of flavor. I wouldn't recommend it to novice players, but for more experienced players, it's a treat. GOOD
  8. I downloaded this thinking it was the Paterick from the Revere Local Moron Brigade who made it, but evidently there's more than one Paterick. Oh well. It made me smile and laugh, but not because it was good. It was buggy, it used a modified Warrior's Grove as one of the two towns (don't get me wrong, I love Warrior's Grove, just not in scenarios that aren't Quest For the Sword or Guys Running Around Lost. ) It was playable and finishable, and it was coherent, although for a two-town scenario that's not difficult. There's only one fight you actually have to participate in (all the outdoor fights are accompanied by guards and a bladesman who will gladly wipe out all the wolves, goblins and bears you encounter). I died a couple times before I remembered I could , after which it became easy. Worth playing if only because it's finishable and only takes two minutes to beat, but it's definitely not a shining example of what BoE can be. SUBSTANDARD
  9. Desert Plah seems to have set out to create a cute, fairy-tale-like scenario, and he succeeds. The writing is detailed and charming, as any good fairy tale should be. Morris the giant is almost sickeningly cute, and the mayor's wife inspires irritation and annoyance (in an "I don't like this person" way, not in a "this character sucks and shouldn't exist" way). Unfortunately there were a few minor errors (east and west are confused at one point), a stupid riddle that could have had any number of correct answers (luckily the walkthrough has the answer or I wouldn't have figured it out), and you don't actually get the loot and reward promised at the end of the scenario as far as I can tell. There's an optional dungeon. It's simple and easy, but incredibly pointless and I felt I had wasted a couple minutes by completing it, as absolutely nothing happens in it, not a single special node. This scenario has a goal and it does it well, without trying to be something it's not. Even the riddles, though they're annoying and stupid because they're required to be solved to win the scenario (unfortunately like just about every riddle in any BoE scenario), they're still just as cute as the rest of the scenario. If you're bored and have fifteen minutes to spare, or if you're in the mood for a fairy tale, it's certainly worth playing, but it's also nothing spectacular. AVERAGE
  10. Ooh! I love Skylark Vale. I'd play it. Nikki said he might play scenarios, the code developers (Sylae, Tridash, Harehunter, maybe others) most likely would, and if Trenton can figure out how to click his mouse without me holding his hand () then he might play as well. It's not nearly as huge an audience as during the BoE heyday unfortunately, but it's still enough players that a new scenario would hopefully be worth it.
  11. Welcome back! I strongly encourage you to stick around, and design and play some scenarios! We need the audience, and we need the content. The more of each we have, the bigger the potential draw for new and returning players.
  12. Just read the FAQ. So they just haven't been transfered over yet. It's looking like they won't be, given the current popularity of BoE, but I can still hope that someday, people will play again...
  13. Oh, I guess they were never there...? I could have sworn I had some reviews of my scenarios somewhere... Was there some sort of cull?
  14. There appears to be a couple hundred scenarios missing from the BoE reviews forum. INCLUDING ALL OF MINE!
  15. No, he was telling the truth! Totally! But the thing is, to find the sticks you need to get the quest from Rentar-Ihrno first, by showing her the Xian Skull...
  16. I made a hackjob shell script to display the splash screens at the appropriate times when I launch the game, using the Eye of MATE Image Viewer. I still don't know what to do about the lag in N:R, but I don't plan to play that for some time, so it can wait I guess. If anyone has any clues, they're still welcome though.
  17. env WINEPREFIX="/home/ados/.wine" wine C:\\windows\\command\\start.exe /Unix /home/ados/.wine/dosdevices/c:/users/Public/Start\ Menu/Programs/Avernum\ 2/Avernum\ 2.lnk That's the launcher command Wine put in my Mint Menu by default when I installed the software. It's worth noting that the problem occurs even when I navigate directly to the installation directory and double-click "Avernum 2.exe". I actually did have that problem with BoE even with those commands in place, and what I had to do was create a shell script for each of the three BoE programs, with a cd command to the BoE folder prior to launching the applications. ---- Also, a new problem. I installed Nethergate: Resurrection, and every time I move my cursor on or off a button, the screen flashes black for half a second as the graphic changes. It also flashes when I select a side, and it flashes several times when I accept the selection and move to party creation. I haven't tested it beyond there though.
  18. Also, this only happens with Avernum 2, not Avernum 1 or 3, or Blades of Avernum. This happened on my old computer too.
  19. I'm having an odd problem when I run Avernum 2 in Wine on Linux Mint 13. I get the normal sounds and the normal delays when I start the game, but the screen is black when it should display the Spidweb logo and the intro splash screen. Once it reaches the main menu, everything behaves normally. Is there anything I can do to make the splash screens appear?
  20. I'd be a door creature, the ones that open and close doors when you approach, because I wish I had a door on my bedroom, to keep people out, so I wouldn't have to constantly look over my shoulder when I'm trying to... ...get dressed. Actaeon would be a living tool, because he's such a tool.
  21. Did you see the Flying Spaghetti Monster chandelier, Triumph?!
  22. No, sorry. Too much has happened since then, too many posts. Anyway, Jewels has retconned a large swath out of the RP into a dream her raptor had, including that post, so feel free to resume your Martian-in-a-human-golem role or whatever if you think that will make the RP better.
  23. "Sss-" is an honorific. I forget what it means, but I think it indicates a position of leadership or respectability. Someone somewhere says something to that extent. I think. See signature below.
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