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The Almighty Doer of Stuff

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Everything posted by The Almighty Doer of Stuff

  1. I just finished sifting through all the scenario ZIPs on TrueSite. I didn't try playing the scenarios, but I simply tried to unzip them. Alas, a number of them will not unzip because the archives seem to be corrupted. I got a few of them to work via Spidweb's official tables, but there are still some important and popular scenarios that do not exist in uncorrupted form on either site. If you are in possession of a working copy of any of these scenarios, please email them to TheAlmightyDummyEmailOfStuff @ gmail . com (without the spaces) with the subject line "flank steak" so I know it's not spam. If you know somewhere they are hosted on the Internet besides TrueSite and the Spidweb tables, posting the link here will work too. Thank you. The list of corrupted scenarios is: 100 Evil Sliths Caer Selwyn The Claim The Crusaders Domestic Evil (Thanks, Thaluikhain!) Doomed Land Doomguard Armor (Thanks, Celtic Minstrel!) DragonQuest (this may not be the full title, that's the name of TrueSite's ZIP) Escapades in the Green Mountains Foreshadows (Yes, like I said, some of them are important) Fort Emerald Robbery Isle of Serin Kallaskagathos (Thanks, Celtic Minstrel!) Kistar's Quest Mortishire Nephil's Defense Parody Signs and Portents War Preparations The Za-Khazi Edit Some of these I'd really like to play...
  2. Darth Ernie, he was commenting on my bringing up of the Xian items, ignorant of the fact that they are not actually present in the game we are discussing. I never even finished the early Upper Avernum sections in E3 and just incorrectly assumed. My apologies. "Hey! I'm a talking without checking my facts!"
  3. As I said in the edits to the previous post, I uninstalled a couple Firefox addons. They were... one was for downloading entire websites. I installed it to help me pull all the BoE scenarios off TrueSite, and all the wiki articles off a certain MediaWiki, without having to do it one by one, and wget was doing really weird things. Having done that I don't need it anymore. And the other was FireFTP, which, though I love it, does not cooperate with my webhost's FTP.
  4. Testing one more time with a separate post and a lovely photo in keeping with the theme of the thread... A photo from a few months ago. Photo credit: Allyssa L E Sinkler, a.k.a. FireLily, a friend of mine. From before I started wearing custom shirts, buttons, and my hat. Still was a good photo shoot. EDIT: VICTORY! I HAVE VANQUISHED THE STUPID NUMBERS! BOW DOWN TO ME OR PERISH, YE FOOLISH FOLLOWERS OF THE NUMERAL CULT!
  5. My recent (and first) hiking trip, when I climbed up Mt. Monadnock with my cousin. It was fun and then frightening and then gratifying. This is me at one of the minor peaks. Normally my wild hair is held in place by a cute hat covered in buttons I made, but I guess wearing a favorite winter hat while hiking a mountain in mid-July is not a good idea so I left it at home. EDIT: Testing for stupid numbers, having uninstalled a couple Firefox addons I don't need... EDIT 2: Testing again...
  6. There are two difficulty settings in BoE, and I think it's been there since E1. Go to Preferences, click the light next to "Make Game Easier". I think it halves the HP of all mobs.
  7. That could be it; as you know, "The Killing Cave" features random grunts and groans of death. Maybe make exceptions for death and damage, then? Those sounds are important indicators of PC health. 38
  8. 134 Bugs for version BoE-Win-79d8668: Conversation Go Back doesn't work from dialogue nodes, only from basic Personality profiles (name, job, etc.) Loading a save on death still results in not returning to the menu, leaving me with just a gray stone background. Quit and Restart work. Loading and cancelling returns an "error loading save file"ish error. Loading during play works fine. When my party was killed in dialogue by the Daredevil, I lost my items. When praying to the demon, even if you're in combat mode immediately after the Special Encounter dot is stepped on, results in, "You let your guard down" etc. and dumps you in the game over screen. First time, I didn't hear the death sound when frozen by the Frost Giant. I don't know if I wasn't killed or if it just doesn't make the noise because I already left my items in the entry cave. Second time I heart the death grunt but I still have my items during the outdoor frost giant death. I'm not sure that's supposed to happen. [spoileralt=This Wine crash occurs just prior to the brain eating text, both mundane and extended versions.] Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000003 in 32-bit code (0x0043907f). Register dump: CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b EIP:0043907f ESP:0033daa4 EBP:0033dab0 EFLAGS:00210202( R- -- I - - - ) EAX:0033dbf0 EBX:02b3efa4 ECX:0033dbf0 EDX:00000000 ESI:ffffffff EDI:ffffffff Stack dump: 0x0033daa4: 02b3ef38 02b3efa4 0033e09c 0033e090 0x0033dab4: 0042a8e6 0033dbf0 a980ca19 00000005 0x0033dac4: 00000002 7ccea12b 7ce54000 00000000 0x0033dad4: 6a32f910 6a32f910 7ccebf3b 6a27fc30 0x0033dae4: 0033dcb0 00000520 0249c0b0 6a32fb40 0x0033daf4: 6a32fb44 00000000 00000001 00000001 000c: sel=0067 base=00000000 limit=00000000 32-bit r-x Backtrace: =>0 0x0043907f std::map<enum eMonstAbil,uAbility,std::less<enum eMonstAbil>,std::allocator<std::pair<enum eMonstAbil const ,uAbility> > >::operator[]+0xf(_Keyval=0x33dbf0) in blades of exile (0x0033dab0) 1 0x0042a8e6 do_monster_turn+0xee5() in blades of exile (0x0033e090) 2 0x00428d49 combat_run_monst+0x38() in blades of exile (0x0033e10c) 3 0x00428963 combat_next_step+0x52() in blades of exile (0x0033e1dc) 4 0x004153f1 handle_monster_actions+0x110() in blades of exile (0x0033e1fc) 5 0x00415055 handle_action+0x1984(event={type=MouseButtonPressed, size={width=0, height=0xa4}, key={code=A, alt=true, control=false, shift=false, system=false}, text={unicode=0}, mouseMove={x=0, y=0xa4}, mouseButton={button=Left, x=0xa4, y=0xbb}, mouseWheel={delta=0, x=0xa4, y=0xbb}, joystickMove={joystickId=0, axis=164, position=0.000000}, joystickButton={joystickId=0, button=0xa4}, joystickConnect={joystickId=0}, touch={finger=0, x=0xa4, y=0xbb}, sensor={type=Accelerometer, x=0.000000, y=0.000000, z=0.000000}}) in blades of exile (0x0033e5d8) 6 0x004161bd handle_keystroke+0x64c() in blades of exile (0x0033f224) 7 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 8 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 9 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 10 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 11 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 12 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 13 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 14 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 15 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 16 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 17 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 18 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 19 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 20 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 21 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 22 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 23 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 24 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 25 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 26 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 27 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 28 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 29 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 30 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 31 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 32 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 33 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 34 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 35 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 36 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 37 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 38 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 39 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 40 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 41 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 42 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 43 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 44 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 45 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 46 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 47 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 48 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 49 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 50 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 51 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 52 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 53 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 54 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 55 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 56 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 57 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 58 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 59 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 60 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 61 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 62 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 63 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 64 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 65 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 66 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 67 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 68 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 69 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 70 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 71 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 72 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 73 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 74 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 75 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 76 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 77 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 78 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 79 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 80 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 81 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 82 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 83 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 84 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 85 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 86 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 87 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 88 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 89 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 90 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 91 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 92 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 93 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 94 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 95 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 96 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 97 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 98 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 99 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 100 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 101 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 102 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 103 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 104 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 105 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 106 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 107 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 108 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 109 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(0x0033fb38) 123 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 124 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 125 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 126 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 127 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 128 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 129 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 130 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 131 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 132 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 133 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 134 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 135 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 136 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades 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blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 151 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 152 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 153 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 154 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 155 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 156 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 157 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 158 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 159 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 160 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 161 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 162 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 163 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 164 0x0046e7fd 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0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 179 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 180 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 181 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 182 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 183 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 184 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 185 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 186 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 187 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 188 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 189 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 190 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 191 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 192 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 193 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 194 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 195 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 196 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 197 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 198 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 199 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 200 0x0046e7fd Handle_One_Event+0x27c() in blades of exile (0x0033fb38) 0x0043907f std::map<enum eMonstAbil,uAbility,std::less<enum eMonstAbil>,std::allocator<std::pair<enum eMonstAbil const ,uAbility> > >::operator[]+0xf in blades of exile: movl 0x4(%edi),%eax Modules: Module Address Debug info Name (138 modules) PE 340000- 357000 Deferred sfml-window-2 PE 360000- 370000 Deferred sfml-audio-2 PE 400000- 691000 CodeView blades of exile PE 6a0000- 75d000 Deferred sfml-graphics-2 PE 10000000-1000d000 Deferred sfml-system-2 PE 61b80000-61b98000 Deferred zlib1 ELF 69075000-690b9000 Deferred usp10<elf> \-PE 69080000-690b9000 \ usp10 ELF 69fd4000-69fea000 Deferred winejoystick<elf> \-PE 69fe0000-69fea000 \ winejoystick PE 70440000-70678000 Deferred libsndfile-1 ELF 78e46000-7a800000 Deferred libllvm-3.4.so.1 ELF 7a800000-7a91f000 Deferred opengl32<elf> \-PE 7a820000-7a91f000 \ opengl32 ELF 7b800000-7ba65000 Deferred kernel32<elf> \-PE 7b810000-7ba65000 \ kernel32 ELF 7bc00000-7bce8000 Deferred ntdll<elf> \-PE 7bc10000-7bce8000 \ ntdll ELF 7bf00000-7bf04000 Deferred <wine-loader> ELF 7c597000-7c5a0000 Deferred libogg.so.0 ELF 7c5a0000-7c5cc000 Deferred libvorbis.so.0 ELF 7c5cc000-7c744000 Deferred libvorbisenc.so.2 ELF 7c744000-7c778000 Deferred libflac.so.8 ELF 7c778000-7c77f000 Deferred libasyncns.so.0 ELF 7c77f000-7c7f1000 Deferred libsndfile.so.1 ELF 7c7f1000-7c7fb000 Deferred libwrap.so.0 ELF 7c7fb000-7c86a000 Deferred libpulsecommon-4.0.so ELF 7c86a000-7c875000 Deferred libjson-c.so.2 ELF 7c875000-7c8c4000 Deferred libpulse.so.0 ELF 7caf4000-7cb16000 Deferred libtinfo.so.5 ELF 7cb16000-7cb33000 Deferred libgcc_s.so.1 ELF 7cc1b000-7cc29000 Deferred libdrm_radeon.so.1 ELF 7cc29000-7cc41000 Deferred libelf.so.1 ELF 7cc41000-7d01c000 Deferred libgallium.so.0 ELF 7d01c000-7d406000 Deferred r600_dri.so ELF 7d406000-7d410000 Deferred libnih-dbus.so.1 ELF 7d410000-7d429000 Deferred libnih.so.1 ELF 7d429000-7d447000 Deferred libcgmanager.so.0 ELF 7d447000-7d45a000 Deferred libudev.so.1 ELF 7d45a000-7d468000 Deferred libdrm.so.2 ELF 7d468000-7d46b000 Deferred libxshmfence.so.1 ELF 7d46b000-7d472000 Deferred libxcb-sync.so.1 ELF 7d472000-7d476000 Deferred libxcb-present.so.0 ELF 7d476000-7d47a000 Deferred libxcb-dri3.so.0 ELF 7d47a000-7d480000 Deferred libxcb-dri2.so.0 ELF 7d480000-7d498000 Deferred libxcb-glx.so.0 ELF 7d498000-7d49b000 Deferred libx11-xcb.so.1 ELF 7d49b000-7d49f000 Deferred libxdamage.so.1 ELF 7d49f000-7d4b7000 Deferred libglapi.so.0 ELF 7d4b7000-7d517000 Deferred libgl.so.1 ELF 7d617000-7d61e000 Deferred libffi.so.6 ELF 7d61e000-7d636000 Deferred libresolv.so.2 ELF 7d636000-7d681000 Deferred libdbus-1.so.3 ELF 7d681000-7d6bd000 Deferred libp11-kit.so.0 ELF 7d6bd000-7d6d1000 Deferred libtasn1.so.6 ELF 7d6d1000-7d757000 Deferred libgcrypt.so.11 ELF 7d757000-7d763000 Deferred libkrb5support.so.0 ELF 7d763000-7d793000 Deferred libk5crypto.so.3 ELF 7d793000-7d851000 Deferred libkrb5.so.3 ELF 7d851000-7d863000 Deferred libavahi-client.so.3 ELF 7d863000-7d929000 Deferred libgnutls.so.26 ELF 7d929000-7d96e000 Deferred libgssapi_krb5.so.2 ELF 7d96e000-7d9db000 Deferred libcups.so.2 ELF 7d9fb000-7da33000 Deferred uxtheme<elf> \-PE 7da00000-7da33000 \ uxtheme ELF 7da33000-7da39000 Deferred libxfixes.so.3 ELF 7da39000-7da44000 Deferred libxcursor.so.1 ELF 7db44000-7db54000 Deferred libxi.so.6 ELF 7db54000-7db58000 Deferred libxcomposite.so.1 ELF 7db58000-7db63000 Deferred libxrandr.so.2 ELF 7db63000-7db6e000 Deferred libxrender.so.1 ELF 7db6e000-7db74000 Deferred libxxf86vm.so.1 ELF 7db74000-7db78000 Deferred libxinerama.so.1 ELF 7db78000-7db7f000 Deferred libxdmcp.so.6 ELF 7db7f000-7db83000 Deferred libxau.so.6 ELF 7db83000-7dba5000 Deferred libxcb.so.1 ELF 7dba5000-7dcd9000 Deferred libx11.so.6 ELF 7dcdb000-7dce0000 Deferred libgpg-error.so.0 ELF 7dce0000-7dce4000 Deferred libkeyutils.so.1 ELF 7dce4000-7dce9000 Deferred libcom_err.so.2 ELF 7dce9000-7dcf7000 Deferred libavahi-common.so.3 ELF 7dd39000-7dd4c000 Deferred libxext.so.6 ELF 7dd4c000-7dde0000 Deferred winex11<elf> \-PE 7dd60000-7dde0000 \ winex11 ELF 7dde0000-7de05000 Deferred imm32<elf> \-PE 7ddf0000-7de05000 \ imm32 ELF 7de5a000-7de83000 Deferred libexpat.so.1 ELF 7de83000-7debe000 Deferred libfontconfig.so.1 ELF 7debe000-7dee6000 Deferred libpng12.so.0 ELF 7dee6000-7df00000 Deferred libz.so.1 ELF 7df00000-7dfa0000 Deferred libfreetype.so.6 ELF 7dfa0000-7dfe3000 Deferred winspool<elf> \-PE 7dfb0000-7dfe3000 \ winspool ELF 7dfe3000-7e0ef000 Deferred comctl32<elf> \-PE 7dff0000-7e0ef000 \ comctl32 ELF 7e0ef000-7e169000 Deferred shlwapi<elf> \-PE 7e100000-7e169000 \ shlwapi ELF 7e169000-7e3b3000 Deferred shell32<elf> \-PE 7e180000-7e3b3000 \ shell32 ELF 7e3b3000-7e4a0000 Deferred comdlg32<elf> \-PE 7e3c0000-7e4a0000 \ comdlg32 ELF 7e4a0000-7e551000 Deferred msvcrt<elf> \-PE 7e4c0000-7e551000 \ msvcrt ELF 7e551000-7e55a000 Deferred librt.so.1 ELF 7e55a000-7e5af000 Deferred libopenal.so.1 ELF 7e5cf000-7e5ec000 Deferred openal32<elf> \-PE 7e5e0000-7e5ec000 \ openal32 ELF 7e5ec000-7e6f6000 Deferred msvcp120<elf> \-PE 7e620000-7e6f6000 \ msvcp120 ELF 7e6f6000-7e7c7000 Deferred msvcr120<elf> \-PE 7e710000-7e7c7000 \ msvcr120 ELF 7e7c7000-7e7f2000 Deferred msacm32<elf> \-PE 7e7d0000-7e7f2000 \ msacm32 ELF 7e7f2000-7e876000 Deferred rpcrt4<elf> \-PE 7e800000-7e876000 \ rpcrt4 ELF 7e876000-7e9b8000 Deferred ole32<elf> \-PE 7e890000-7e9b8000 \ ole32 ELF 7e9b8000-7eb14000 Deferred user32<elf> \-PE 7e9d0000-7eb14000 \ user32 ELF 7eb14000-7ebcd000 Deferred winmm<elf> \-PE 7eb20000-7ebcd000 \ winmm ELF 7ebcd000-7ec49000 Deferred advapi32<elf> \-PE 7ebe0000-7ec49000 \ advapi32 ELF 7ec49000-7ed68000 Deferred gdi32<elf> \-PE 7ec60000-7ed68000 \ gdi32 ELF 7ef68000-7ef75000 Deferred libnss_files.so.2 ELF 7ef75000-7ef81000 Deferred libnss_nis.so.2 ELF 7ef81000-7ef9a000 Deferred libnsl.so.1 ELF 7ef9a000-7efe0000 Deferred libm.so.6 ELF 7efe6000-7f000000 Deferred version<elf> \-PE 7eff0000-7f000000 \ version ELF f7421000-f75cf000 Deferred libc.so.6 ELF f75cf000-f75d4000 Deferred libdl.so.2 ELF f75d5000-f75f1000 Deferred libpthread.so.0 ELF f75f7000-f7600000 Deferred libnss_compat.so.2 ELF f7611000-f77c7000 Dwarf libwine.so.1 ELF f77c9000-f77eb000 Deferred ld-linux.so.2 ELF f77eb000-f77ec000 Deferred [vdso].so Threads: process tid prio (all id:s are in hex) 00000008 (D) C:\Program Files (x86)\Spiderweb Software\Blades of Exile\Blades of Exile.exe 0000002a 0 00000029 0 00000028 0 00000027 0 00000025 0 00000009 0 <== 0000000e services.exe 0000001d 0 0000001c 0 00000014 0 00000010 0 0000000f 0 00000012 winedevice.exe 0000001b 0 00000018 0 00000017 0 00000013 0 00000019 plugplay.exe 0000001f 0 0000001e 0 0000001a 0 00000020 explorer.exe 00000024 0 00000023 0 00000022 0 00000021 0 System information: Wine build: wine-1.7.44 Platform: i386 (WOW64) Host system: Linux Host version: 3.13.0-37-generic [/spoileralt]
  9. I've improved the four designs that were there, and added a fifth. Would it be a good idea to put the shop in the forum header? 34
  10. The Za-Khazi Run for BoE was the most fun I've ever had playing a Spidweb game. I couldn't put it down! It was pure joy. And I always avoided it because everyone else said it was low-quality (to use much lighter phrasing than was actually employed). 38 I'm sure I'd love the main trilogy but there's no surprise anymore. I've been here since 2001, I know most of the main story and much of the subplots just from reading the message board. I find that disappointing. I keep trying to play but I can't finish. I'm going to keep trying though, maybe.
  11. Ir the Great, CBoE hasn't been developed for a long time and the sole developer doesn't come around here anymore. Filing bug reports for it is useless and if you use that version of BoE to make a scenario it will not run in OBoE. There is exactly one scenario created with CBoE and the designer is one of OBoE's three developers (Sylae) so she'll easily be able to convert it once a playable release is built, but if you are new to BoE and can't program code with any usable skill, nobody will be playing your scenario. Join the beta team! We have T shirts!
  12. 46 There is a link to the forum in the header of the shop. I'm also not sure he ever trademarked "Blades of Exile". My quick google reveals that there is a weapon in God of War 3 called Blades of Exile, if that means anything.
  13. 18 I designed both these bulk recipes for ease of preparation and simplicity. I don't add salt but you may wish to. Separate them into individual meals in containers. I don't know what temperatures to set the stove to. EASY BULK GROUND TURKEY & VEGETABLES Ingredients: 5 lbs ground turkey 4 lbs frozen diced mixed vegetables 1 lb frozen Brussels sprouts 3 tbsp olive oil 1. Brown the turkey in a large pan, chopping it to little pieces with a spatula. 2. When the turkey is browned, add all the vegetables and olive oil. 3. Cook, stirring frequently, until vegetables are cooked and turkey has reached 175 degrees Fahrenheit/80 degrees Celsius. 4. Season however you like. --------------- EASY BULK RICE, BEANS, & SWEET POTATOES Ingredients: 2 cups dried brown rice 1 lb dried beans of your choice 3 large orange sweet potatoes 3 tbsp olive oil 1. Sift, rinse, & soak the beans overnight, if necessary. (Peas and lentil do not need soaking, usually.) 2. The next day, drain and rinse the beans again. Wash the sweet potatoes. 3a. In a large pot, boil the rice according to instructions, until it has absorbed all the water. 3b. Cook the beans according to instructions. 3c. Microwave the sweet potatoes until they are mushy, then chop them into smallish pieces, being careful not to burn your hands. 4. When all three ingredients are cooked, combine them together in a large pan, stirring until evenly heated and mixed. 5. Season however you like.
  14. Just uploaded a fifth design, "Blades of Exile: Action". It features the action buttons arranged in a square.
  15. "As long as you aren't profiting on the images, I think this should be fine." -Anonymous Spiderweb Software Employee, in response to my desire to post the shop on the forum Also, http://www.spiderweb...opensource.html All graphics and resources, it says. It says Common Public License, granted, but he's since changed it to GNU GPL 2.0 and just hasn't updated the page. It also states that he hopes to host a version of it once we've got something usable. That will happen sooner if some more people beta test for us. It's not even a commitment like we usually do with BoX scenarios, let alone an actual new Spidweb game. It's just show up in chat, ask CM what he wants you to do, download the latest version, poke around for a few minutes whenever you have the time, until something screws up, then let him and/or Paul Erdos know what happened. Even if you spot one bug it's better than spotting no bugs. Please? Pretty please? Also, my shop header does, in fact, mention GNU GPL 2.0, as well as all four designs. Do I need to specifically mention that the designs themselves are GNU GPL 2.0? I did mention that on my website's BoE section, at least. 49 51
  16. I sent him an email early this morning with my original inquiry, and after I opened the separate shop, I sent a second stating that. 73
  17. Jeff has always stated that he only buys his graphics lump sum, full rights. You can find that somewhere on the main site. 48
  18. OK then, here are the links to the four designs: (SNIP) EDIT 2: I've gone ahead and created a specialized, separate shop, eliminating the conflict of interest: http://www.cafepress.com/bladesofexile They're for sale on a variety of products, some more legible than others. EDIT: I still have no idea what's up with these random numbers. It might be a browser add-on or something... 33 171
  19. 87 It's not just for crises. You can seek advice and clarity. It's a good hotline. And it doesn't sound like you're crocking anything up. I still suggest you give that hotline a call. It can't hurt. 99
  20. 1-800-799-7233 <--This is a 24/7, confidential, anonymous, national (US) domestic violence help hotline. They can assist with information, resources, finding shelter, and other things, and they are also a crisis line, and a line for family and friends of domestic violence victims. I'm afraid not being a party to the situation there's nothing I can really do for you. I hope things get better for your mother. Good luck. 75 EDIT: The forum software is appending random numbers to this post. Please ignore them. @_@ 77
  21. Hello. Today I designed three advertisements for Blades of Exile, and this evening I'll make a fourth. They're for sale on a number of products in my shop on CafePress. I set the markup for all BoE products to $0.00 so I won't be profiting off the sale of these products, except to the extent that if someone sees one of the designs somewhere and makes a scenario or helps code or beta-test (I like beta-testing but it'd be cool if I weren't the only one doing it), then that would be my pay. Is it OK to link to the shop and/or the specific BoE sections here? I just want to ask so I don't do a no-no.
  22. Does it describe the magical glowing kind? Or the poppy shrooms?
  23. I have no idea where I put it, but I just googled '"blades of exile" book' and this came up: https://www.spiderwebsoftware.com/hints/blades.html Easy enough.
  24. Play Shining Force 1! It's just as good as 2. Jogurt!
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