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The Almighty Doer of Stuff

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Everything posted by The Almighty Doer of Stuff

  1. I enjoy natto with oatmeal, although it's been years since I've had it. My ex-fiancee used to take me to a Japanese grocery store in Medford, MA but she ditched me in early 2014 and I therefore haven't been able to go there anymore. I also enjoy a Japanese milk-based soft drink called Calpico, a type of smoked green tea called hoji-cha, spicy shredded squid, some canned fish that smells like cat food, and other Japanese delights. I hate the concept of "adventurous eating", where people eat things just so they can say they did, even if it's an endangered animal, like whales, giraffes (some types are doing OK and others are not), elephants, apes, bluefin tuna, etc. Just because it's OK in the local culture doesn't mean it's at all ethical or OK. I admit I'm judging some of you, talking like this is no big deal or like it's good fun, although it may just be my bad mood from seriously upsetting circumstances in my house right now...
  2. Excess happiness is bad, yes. There's a psychiatric symptom called "euphoria" which can be caused by psychosis (particularly mania), as well as heroin and other street and prescription drugs. In a state of euphoria, everything seems great and nothing seems bad. This can lead to risky or dangerous behavior, neglecting one's job and activities of daily living, etc. Sadness, stress, anger, and anxiety, in moderation, are necessary to maintain motivation. The supreme happiness of euphoria overpowers those emotions and can lead to violent, gruesome death.
  3. Yeah, it would be so cool if I could just continue the Libras-Squiggus courier quest forever!
  4. Mystery Man (MM) is an old member of the forum with a penchant for creative trolling. MM sent that email to Jeff, who, sensing he was being teased and not actually accused of sexualizing his daughter, responded in a similarly facetious manner. As for the tabletop mini, as long as nobody's selling them for anything other than the single commission, I see no reason why Jeff would object. You can ask him if you want, at support@spidweb.com . I'm not sure who drew the character graphic. It might have been Andrew Hunter, who made the sprites, but I'm not sure. "Obviously erect nipples" and more are quite common in Mr. Hunter's recent creative endeavors, though, so be aware of that and any local obscenity laws if you go looking for him. But you probably only need to contact Jeff because he has always said he buys his graphics lump sum, full rights, no royalties.
  5. support@spidweb.com I was moved by your story, and I think Jeff Vogel would be moved as well to know his artwork was so integral to somebody's life and well-being. Artists are like that. Send him an email, if you'd like!
  6. I would guess both "slith" and "sleeth" are just taken from "slither", which snakes (which are reptiles) do. I doubt it was borrowed from sleeth.
  7. We once had a Russian forum administrator, Owenrus, so it's nothing new to us. Welcome!
  8. I like "Mushroom Merlot", which is in one of the Avernum games. I googled it once. There are people making mushroom wine but the recipes tend to require less-smiled-upon-by-the-government mushrooms.
  9. Yoda is a hermit and so is Solberg. I can't think of any particular character in Star Wars with a bizarre obsession with one, weird, pointless endeavor like X, but I haven't seen episodes 2, 3, or 7 and I haven't seen 1 since it was in the theaters.
  10. I've been with Spidweb for over half my life. I've been around for over 14 years. Lilith, you're currently the most oldbieish of our active members, predating the Ikonboard, right? How many years have you lost enjoyed this community? I'm curious.
  11. I saw "Daddy's Home" with some friends the other day. It was alright. It's certainly not going to go down in history as a cinematic masterpiece, but for a Will Ferrell comedy it was actually kind of suspenseful, for me anyway. I sympathized with his character for once.
  12. I hear a certain subset of the ancient Australians, millennia before the British started colonizing Australia, worshipped the skulls of their ancestors, and would channel the spirits of the dead through the skulls, which they believed were talking! That was the true origin of the Xian Skull in Avernum 3, and if you take the Xian Skull to the Cult of the Sacred Item, and put all the items in a crate and shove it into the water without killing a single cultist, the cult will reveal its true history, regarding the sacred items in general and of course, the mysterious Xian Skull itself...
  13. I believe a parallel was drawn between the monsters of Exile and the horrifying, venemous, giant spiders, snakes, centipedes, etc. which are in great abundance in Australia too, as well as the dangerous climate and environment.
  14. I am struggling both to comprehend the ambiguity of what I said, and to determine a way in which to eliminate the ambiguity. I'm certain there's some syntactical ambiguity there but I got up at 1:30am and drank coffee. Now my brain broke.
  15. As far as Exile/Avernum being original, some people here once told me that the premise is basically the real-life story of Australia.
  16. I enjoyed "Tatterdemalion" (three scenarios in one, they say), "Amazonian Saga", "Truffle Days", "Riddle of the Spheres" and "Quests of the Spheres" (but not "Destiny of the Spheres"), and I'm blanking on any others. Although you may enjoy the three scenarios I've released... Maybe...
  17. In Exile, attacking anyone at all or getting caught stealing in certain towns (such as the castle) would result in immediate death for the party. I didn't realize he eliminated that feature.
  18. You mean no episode about the Epic Fort Exile Sugar Heist?! D:
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