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The Almighty Doer of Stuff

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Everything posted by The Almighty Doer of Stuff

  1. Neither the Crimson Slime nor the Turquoise Slime exist in the Blades of Exile Base yet. Turqoise slime may get a new graphic if we decide to keep the Ice Slime graphic for just Ice Slimes and Ice Puddings, but I'm not sure right now. Poison Touch and Disease Touch are free as far as slime touches go, although Mauve Slime doesn't have a status touch, just minor spellcasting ability, so their abilities are still up for debate.
  2. Yeah, I remember that room. They weren't just trying to merge; There was a slime trying to form the shape of a human but collapsing back into a puddle repeatedly, with no indication that it was "eating" anyone, IIRC. The slimes were always one of my favorite parts about Exile.
  3. No, CRIMSON slime. I had to go with the naming theme of not using primary and secondary color names, but rather, shades. There's no default (blue shade) slime but the graphic is there, it's used for ice slimes and ice puddings.
  4. But I like slimes. I even made a red one which is included with OBoE to round out the set.
  5. Regarding the "I have no confidence in any of the above candidates" option and whether it will actually be used, it would be part of the overall reform I suggested involving mandated voting and abolishing the electoral college, and much more. I don't believe in simple solutions where you change one thing and see how it goes, and change it back if it doesn't work, because that would be like filling a pothole with tar instead of fixing it (as we do here in Massachusetts) and would only color the perception among the public. Much like the Affordable Care Act. It didn't fix EVERYTHING because it was a compromise, so therefore progressive medical systems are inherently bad and we should repeal it and never try it again, according to far too many. So yes, with mandated voting AND that option, among other reforms, I expect that an election like this would be thrown out As for Kenya, my visiting nurse is Maasai. She voted Sanders and then she voted Clinton. Coming from a third world country where people like Trump are always trying to take power (and then killing people indiscriminately, enabling poachers who try to destroy any chance of a brighter economic future for the country, and generally ruining things), she said America should be horrified, and that not said as hyperbole. She's considering fleeing back to Kenya if things go too far south around here, and that's saying something because she once was chased out of her house by marauders and forced to live in a refugee camp. People outside America can see just what went on here this election, and seem, from those I've talked to about it, to be baffled and frightened that Trump took hold at all and that voters were so apathetic. I want to emphasize again: Clinton is a career politician with interventionist, war-hawk tendencies. That's bad. Trump threatened to NUKE EUROPE and as of January will have the keys. I still don't understand at all how it could be "not much of a choice" with the candidates being "equally bad". NUKES. They're not child's play. They're not just regular bombs. They will sicken the entire planet if used, not just wipe out where they're dropped.
  6. Good point, but as an alternative to needing 71% of the population to stay home, include, for each race (President, Senator, School Council, etc.), a checkbox. You are required to vote for every race and question, but you are also allowed to select the "I object to all candidates" box, to show that while you made a decision about which candidate is best, you still don't even want them. Should the box be checked enough times, then the election is conducted again, but you are still required to make a decision in case the threshold is not crossed. The mandated vote will be enforced with a scanner machine. You scan your ballot, and it spits it back out if you did not complete it. To protect the institution of the secret ballot, this is not recorded and your name is not associated with the results of the machine, and the ballots are still counted by hand. Nobody knows how you voted but they do know whether you have actually voted. EDIT: Or perhaps the scans are recorded anonymously and shuffled to prevent associating the vote with the voter, in order to verify that the machines are working and have not been tampered with.
  7. I didn't say it was childish. Most of the American children I know wish they had been allowed to vote against Trump. I'd rather say it's cowardice. Not abstention, but abdication, a desertion of one's fellow citizens due to being too afraid of accepting for themselves (it's a secret ballot) that they made a tough choice that might possibly have a negative impact, and it doesn't matter if the world is worse for their cowardice, as long as they can pretend they weren't part of the democracy they live in. Abdication is never about "protesting" because a protest has to be visible to others to have any impact, and when you vote, as far as anyone knows (and you can lie about this or refuse to discuss it) you only voted to give the pigs some leg room in their cages on the ballot questions. Some countries make voting mandatory like jury duty, escapable only by being incapable of doing it with a doctor's note. I think America needs to go this route.
  8. I read a quote from someone on Facebook, I forget who, about voting: "Voting is a chess move, not a valentine." It doesn't matter if you don't like either candidate. You flipping vote or you shaft your fellow Americans out of pure petty sore-loserness. I adore Bernie Sanders and voted for him in the primary, but I voted for Clinton anyway in the general election.
  9. Did you press E for End? (Always bugged me, I think it would be easier if starting and ending combat were the same key, but it's not, for now.) Did you try clicking the End button?
  10. BoE is still "a thing" although I've been distracted from helping with the project by life (and Minecraft). I don't know what Celtic Minstrel's been up to the last couple weeks. Check out the forum header at the Blades of Exile subforum of this message board! CM is leading development of an improved BoE that runs on modern systems and has some new features and stuff. He's usually in the IRC chat room and I often am too.
  11. I don't know, come to think of it. I can't think of a specific instance. There is a good chance that it was a memory formed out of nothing. That's part of my illness, my memory doing screwy things, putting memories together in incorrect ways and such. It's also part of why I didn't repost this myself after it was moved to the mod board, even though you allowed me to... >_>
  12. Someone in town was smoking those foul Xian nicotine mushrooms and threw the butt in the trash. Tsk tsk tsk.
  13. EDIT: (was remembering things that probably didn't happen again, regarding thinking I had seen some terminology I'd seen in this community elsewhere when I probably didn't, whoops...)
  14. I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned, but Jeff has explicitly stated multiple times that the Avadon series was inspired by a Hungarian opera. Why would it be at all surprising to find Hungarian names in it...?
  15. I loved the old .hlp files, with the little purple books. I liked those just as much as the games they came with. I used to actually use video game manuals as my bedtime reading. Ah, simpler times...
  16. It would only be relevant for legacy scenarios anyway. But I just meant to simply go to Preferences and tick a box when you're playing a scenario and find the graphics don't match.
  17. Why can't we do what we were doing before and just have a toggle in Preferences to switch-in the Windows graphics if they're needed for a given legacy scenario? I really can't think of any better way of doing it.
  18. Right now OBoE is the only place you can play as a Vahnatai, although the program is still having its kinks worked out and there are currently no scenarios in existence which acknowledge the possibility. But you do have the option, at least.
  19. I don't know if it happens in Avadon, but in Avernum: Escape From the Pit, you can sell items such as baskets and dinner plates, which one at a time have too little value to sell, by selling a bunch in your junk bag. You'll get a few extra coins that way. I'm pretty sure that sentence doesn't parse but I'm tired and have a headache.
  20. Someone should port "Terror From the Park". It's a classic horror story that will give you shivers for days.
  21. Well, I don't know. He doesn't remember whether the E3 graphics were included in his initial "full rights, no royalty, lump sum" approach to graphics from early on because he doesn't remember when he stopped doing it, except... they were literally the first graphics he bought at all, so there's really no way it logically could have come after. He made the original E1 and E2 graphics himself. It makes me a little nervous...
  22. How does that fact impact Jeff's ability to release all BoE resources under GNU GPL 3.0, like he did? I hope we're not going to run into trouble.
  23. I like not being the only tester! Thanks!
  24. "his kids will be out of the house" I lived with my mom until last year, and I'm now 28. And it's not uncommon these days. On the other hand, maybe he'll be able to hire them.
  25. I also noted that he said there will be more open exploration, moving back a bit more toward Exile in that way as well.
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