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Ishad Nha

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About Ishad Nha

  • Birthday 10/10/1977

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Well-Actually War Trall

Well-Actually War Trall (13/17)

  1. Jeff's channel is SpiderwebSoftware1, it can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC9KFkSmStmAEPSVrmS4OgQ Check this to see if there any new uploads.
  2. The BoA Editor forum has a list of BoA bugs, that may help. This problem may not have been detected before, if that is the case there may be no known solution.
  3. Aetuzcu said at one point: "Sorry for the low resolution photo. But when i try to take screenshot i just take black screen." If you play in a window, this problem should not occur. At the bottom of the startup dialog box, check both the 'Play Game in Window' and 'Always Start in this Mode' boxes. Then Quit and restart the game. Here is a screenshot of the relevant dialog box: https://www.freewebs.com/ishadnha/StartSettings.png When you want to take a screenshot, just press Alt+Prt Sc, then paste the image into a graphics program like MS Paint. Save the file under a name of your choosing. If for some strange reason, you will be taking a lot of screenshots, a freeware program like Greenshot can automate the saving of the files. Go into the Destination tab of Settings/Preferences, choose the "Save directly (...)" option, then set it up.
  4. Here is a link to a picture of Celt level 15, Under Goagh Nar, in the Spoiler section below. https://www.freewebs.com/ishadnha/CeltLevel15.png
  5. In the original game, I think they could use Armor Use skill to reduce encumbrance. Then there was the Defense skill to avoid the need for armor. The NR game has a work-around for Celts: Armor Use (Roman cost: 1, Celt Cost: 3) - Enables you to wear and get benefit from bulky armor. The more of this skill you have, the more your armor protects you. Also keeps your armor from slowing you down and taking your action points in combat.
  6. Circle Warrens also show up on 908.bmp, the Shadowvale map that can be accessed in your list of game buttons.
  7. In Hollow Hills, look in the south-west side for a room with no doors or windows. Walk around it, a placed special will remove a part of the wall
  8. Circle Warrens are south of the Crone Caverns, where the old hags tried to imprison the party.
  9. As a Roman party you are probably meant to use Tool Use to open a door. Roman parties have easy access to this skill while Celts can't train in it, they can only buy a few levels in Tool Use.
  10. I am not sure what Vox is intending for his scenario. He might be thinking of different amounts of Slave Lore at different parts of the scenario.
  11. You can use a SDF to record an unofficial Slavery Lore, it is your only hope here. This can be displayed with a custom special ability.
  12. In the Celt version, the arrows seem to disappear whenever you leave a town and then go outdoors...
  13. The process could be automated by a batch file or a small custom program.
  14. Put the official outdoor wall types in a safe place, You can create a special folder in your BoA directory. I think the graphics are types 614 and 616. All terrain graphics should be found in the folder: Blades of Avernum\Data\Terrain Graphics Make your own two new wall types, name them G614.bmp and G616.bmp and put them in the Data folder. This change will affect all outdoor sections in your scenario, whether you want that or not.
  15. You can create two new outdoor terrain types that replace the two existing types but that is about it, unless you want a town to function as a surrogate outdoor section.
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