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The Almighty Doer of Stuff

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Everything posted by The Almighty Doer of Stuff

  1. I have the hint book somewhere, with the Spidweb game CDs. I keep them in the envelope BoE's CD came in. I don't know where it is but if I find it while cleaning my room (I need to do it top to bottom because I'm moving at the beginning of August, most likely) and you haven't figured it out by then, I'll let you know.
  2. Don't go out of your way to find that, Sylae. I've become friendly with one of my Prescription for Transportation drivers and he's going to upgrade my RAM and my PSU, as well as reseat my heat sink with new thermal paste and give me a PCI wireless NIC, for $10. Can't beat that, I guess. Thanks for the offer though, I do appreciate it.
  3. I haven't read a book for more than about ten minutes for a very long time. I'm starting to realize that the uncomfortable head bobbing and eye pain from my lazy eye do not happen remotely as much when I read on my computer screen, compared to when I'm reading a paper-and-ink book. I don't know why that is. So I'm thinking I might look into e-books. I don't know where to get e-books that are not for the Kindle or other e-readers though; I want books I can read on my desktop computer screen. I want to catch up on all the poetry I've had on my list (and bookshelf) as well as some novels. I used to love reading and it saddens me that I can't do it anymore due to physical (possibly neurological) ailments. Now I have hope again. What should I be looking for when trying to find desktop computer e-books? Is there a special keyword for that?
  4. Yes, I know. what I meant was, before the offer, I was going to buy a PCI USB controller and plug my (rapidly dying) USB antenna into it, but a PCI wireless adapter would indeed be a better solution.
  5. Really? Wow, thanks! What is the cost of shipping? Those things are pretty light, right? It might be nice to have extra USB ports, but really I have plenty already and it's only the USB WiFi adapters that are having problems with my on-board USB controller, not my mouse or thumb drives or anything else, really. The guy at ThinkPenguin explained it to me once but I forget what he said.
  6. Judging from looking at photos on Wikipedia and eyeballing it, it appears to be PCI and not PCI-E.
  7. Found a Parallel PCI USB controller on Amazon but I can't afford it this month. Hopefully the adapter will survive until next month, but it's getting worse day by day...
  8. Yes, it's a desktop, from 2007, secondhand, and it's plugged into the back. Is there anything I can do?
  9. http://pastebin.com/rPtZ4QN3 There's the output. I don't know what I'm looking for.
  10. He says what happens is the packets are too big and it overworks and kills the adaptor. It's happened to me once, and when it started happening with the second one I got a replacement, and now it's beginning again. This is the one I got on ThinkPenguin: https://www.thinkpenguin.com/gnu-linux/penguin-wireless-n-usb-adapter-w-external-antenna-gnu-linux-tpe-n150usbl Accursed thing costs $45 plus shipping. I paid for two and got the third one for free because it was still in warranty. I'm no longer in warranty, I'm fairly certain. I mean holy crap though, $3.90 with free shipping on Amazon? What's the catch and why am I paying ThinkPenguin $100?!
  11. Thanks, although there's not much walking-through to do. It's very short with clear directions on what to do. To clarify: There's nothing wrong with the scenarios themselves if you can get your hands on a good copy, but I mean the ZIP files on TrueSite for several scenarios are corrupted and the scenarios can't be extracted, at least not on my machine. Also, "The Killing Cave" is not on TrueSite. You can get it on my website, here: http://www.almightyw...sc/spidweb.html It would be swell if you could email me that copy you have, just to be sure. Thanks!
  12. ThinkPenguin sucks and they sell sucky products. This is the third USB WiFi adaptor I've gotten from them. They die within a few months and this is on its way out now too, dropping my connection at random and slowly getting worse. The guy at ThinkPenguin keeps telling me it's my USB controller that's bad and that Dell makes bad USB controllers that send packets that are too large, and I need to change my firmware to shrink the packets, and I did that and it keeps happening anyway. Dell is a huge, reputable company and they do not make faulty USB controllers to an extent that would require special firmware replacement downloads. That would be stupid and I can't believe this guy is right. The thing is I need hardware that will work with my Linux Mint 17.1 computer, which is why I've been buying from ThinkPenguin. Does anyone have any suggestions for what I could do before this adaptor dies completely? I have an open expansion bay (not sure what kind) but the computer is from 2007 so finding non-USB hardware for it may be difficult.
  13. So "The Killing Cave" might not be corrupt. However, several of the ZIP files on TrueSite4Blades cannot be unpacked, at least on my copy of Linux Mint. 7zip gives the following error: The scenarios I've tried to unpack and have received this error for are "Foreshadows", "Islands of the Wheel", "Kallaskagathos", "Nephil's Gambit", "Signs and Portents", "Slavers of Pardes Valley", "Trouble in Mendor", and "Truffle Days". I don't know how many other files this is affecting. EDIT: "Islands of the Wheel", "Nephil's Gambit", "Slavers of Pardes Valley", "Trouble in Mendor", and "Truffle Days" seem to have working copies on Spiderweb's Solid Adventures Table (which somehow is still there). "Slavers" has a corrupted readme, so I don't know whether any of these files actually work, or whether they're the latest versions. The others I had trouble with are not on the Solid Adventures Table.
  14. (EDIT: The scenario in question probably isn't corrupt but rather it may be a glitch in the BoE program. There are other issues though and I have changed the thread title, see posts below.) It appears the only copy I have, including on my website, of "The Killing Cave" is corrupted. This will make me cry if I can't get my hands on a clean one. Does anyone have it?
  15. Hey! If you simply start aiming to injure pedestrians instead of killing them, you can increase business!
  16. If you like goats, there's a really wonderful book of poetry available on Amazon called, "The Goat (& How It Died)"... (can I do that is that allowed)
  17. No, it's just Jeff screwing around with us. He does that a lot, giving useless items abilities that don't functionally do anything. You want a snazzy book, look for the Xian Tome!
  18. Easy. Create your own church, with your own school of theology, and call yourself Rev. Dr. kaitm42, like the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., only without remotely the same effort that he put into it.
  19. I'll be playing through A:EFTP first, at least. But I'm already downloading all the classic scenarios that I haven't played or want to replay. I'm still considering making that scenario I was daydreaming about too.
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