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The Almighty Doer of Stuff

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Everything posted by The Almighty Doer of Stuff

  1. It is imperative that when I play Valley of Dying Things and I get near the end, I must play Electric Light Orchestra's rock cover of Edvard Grieg's "In The Hall of the Mountain King". It played on shuffle the first time I played it in BoE, and every time I've played it since, I've put that track on. I think I've only played it through three times, but nevertheless.
  2. This song, "The Bells Are Ringing" by They Might Be Giants, from their Factory Showroom album, is one of my favorites.
  3. Yes, it says "Photo" instead of "Avatar". Sorry, you can't use your pony anymore. You need to show your face now. For security purposes, you see.
  4. Edward Lear popularized the limerick, often using nonsensical words and silly situations. His limericks didn't really need a punchline, because the first four lines weren't all just a setup for the last line. If the first four lines are enjoyable, the last line is like the recurring chorus in a song to tie it all together. I'm a big fan of Edward Lear, and I'm a big fan of the word "bong" which he used in this poem as well as "The Owl and the Pussy Cat", before it came to refer to a water pipe for cannabis. "Bong" is indeed a very fun word.
  5. The trouble is, the forum doesn't seem to know what posts you've read from the old forum. The only thing I can think to do is look at the last post dates on all the threads, read them, then mark the entire forum as read. I'm sure there's a button for that somewhere.
  6. ALMIGHTY LORD SATAN, BRINGER OF SUFFERING AND MISERY, promises cow pies. We will be forced to consume at least one for each post we make.
  7. Oh, there will be waterboarding. And lavaboarding too. Also messageboarding.
  8. I nominate ALMIGHTY LORD SATAN, BRINGER OF SUFFERING AND MISERY, to be our new forum software instead of Greg.
  9. I like kim chi, and I love black pudding and sauerkraut. I just helped my mother pick the leaves off the basil stalks she picked before the first frost. Then she chopped them up, put them in ice cube trays, poured water over them, and put them in the freezer. She says that's a good way to keep fresh basil over the winter. Yesterday I had whole wheat naan with Chobani pomegranate Greek yogurt for dinner. Tasty!
  10. Black Forest cakes generally have delicious whipped cream frosting, I believe. They're my favorite kind of cake! I like them with lots of chocolate shavings covering the sides of the cake too.
  11. You are WRONG, Earth Empires. GRIEVOUSLY WRONG. Exile's graphics are BEAUTIFUL. Exile's graphics are more like little paintings than your standard sprites. Avernum and Geneforge have more REALISTIC graphics (mostly) which are rendered with 3D modeling software and then flattened, but Exile's are more BEAUTIFUL. That is the objective truth, also known as my personal opinion.
  12. There are no drakons in Geneforge 1. I don't know where you can find a drayk, not being a huge fan of Geneforge, although I suspect it's late in the game. There are several walkthroughs and FAQs in the forum header that may point you in the right direction, though.
  13. If you decide to play Exile, make sure you can get it to work before you buy it, by trying out the demos. You may need to install Wine or VirtualBox or something and run it in one of those in order for it to run properly.
  14. "Meet the Characters" may basically amount to major spoilers, so it would be best to hide this by default if you implement it.
  15. I have a distinct memory of someone asking whether it was worked into the story or whether it was just "whoops u r dead" (the exact words), and the response was that it was more or less the latter. Again, this might not have happened, but that's what I remember. It might have been Exile 3, but I feel like it was Exile 1.
  16. I'm not being DELIBERATELY unhelpful. I honestly do remember someone saying that. Whether or not my memory is failing me again is the issue. I'm plagued by a tendency to forget things I should remember, "remember" things that didn't actually happen, and conflate unrelated memories, and then further draw false conclusions based on those misleading memories. Part of it certainly has to do with my bipolar disorder medications, but to some extent it's always happened. This is why I decided to put a cautionary statement in all my message board signatures.
  17. Queen. EDIT: Aww man, I didn't realize that video cut off the end of the song. Oh well. It's more strummed guitar like in the beginning.
  18. And if you eat too much it burns coming out...
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