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The Almighty Doer of Stuff

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Everything posted by The Almighty Doer of Stuff

  1. What? You didn't know I have a girlfriend? We've been together for three years as of December 12th.
  2. My girlfriend has an HP WinXP laptop for which the number pad movement in BoE doesn't work either, so I don't think forcing people to use the pseudo-numpad is a good idea.
  3. My main news sources are Boston.com for Massachusetts and USA news, BBC for international news, the Discovery Channel website for animal news, and various message boards for miscellaneous news. I also watch NECN's "Good Morning Live" on weekday mornings if I'm up early enough.
  4. Originally Posted By: Ephesos (I feel like this topic works a lot better in the form used at SV... every so often just come in and post a song you're particularly enamored with at the moment. I think a combination would be better. When I visited Shadow Vale regularly, I never participated in that thread, because I rarely ever listen to music while I'm doing other things that require my attention. For a while I listen to anything in my collection, and eventually it's reduced to just my favorite artists, then just the Beatles, TMBG, Fleetwood Mac and Rammstein, then just TMBG and Rammstein, then just Rammstein and I can't listen to anything else without become bored or irritated. Soon I can't even listen to Rammstein. I deliberately avoid listening to my music so much that I no longer appreciate it, and even then it still happens occasionally and I have to sort of "detox" from my music and go a month or more without listening to it at all, then I can appreciate my favorite songs again. But tonight I broke my rule and listened to Pamela Wyn Shannon's "Tree Song", "Once Again Too Soon", and "Twig" from her "Nature's Bride" album. It was relaxing.
  5. I put my classic R&B collection on shuffle today, which consists of The Four Tops, Aretha Franklin, The Temptations, The Supremes, The Shirelles, and Martha and the Vandellas.
  6. If they do that, you can bring it back and say "I said I don't want any sauce on it. Please give me a new one without sauce." and they will. You might have to go back a couple times, but they'll eventually fix it. I take issue with the fact that they call it a "fillet" though. It's a ground-up patty, not a fillet. *looks it up* Ah, it's a "Filet-O-Fish", with only one L. That's how they can get away with it. It's like how candy bars are "chocolatey-covered", meaning they're covered with a non-chocolate substance called "chocolatey". Of course, their cronies have already vandalized Wikipedia and called it an actual fillet, where the lie can't be proven to be linked to the corporation.
  7. I recently acquired a remastered CD of Little Richard's first two albums, mostly for the first song (Tutti Frutti), but also for the rest. I've been singing Tutti Frutti for about four or five months now, ever since my girlfriend introduced me to it. It's starting to annoy her.
  8. On my computer (XP), I have a Logitech mouse, with two thumb buttons which navigate back and forward in the browser and a scroll/tilt wheel with middle click functionality. Sounded great, and it works mostly, except I had to disable the tilt wheel. Instead of doing what it was supposed to do (side-scrolling), all it did was make my typing go backwards, which was often triggered accidentally as it was very sensitive, and there was no way to make it do anything else, so I just disabled it. Also, the forward thumb button puts ♠ in any text-entry fields, and the back button places ♦. It's annoying. I even took it back to the store for a replacement, and the new one did the same thing.
  9. I don't know about Avernum, but in Exile III there are cave cows who respond to anything they aren't programmed to respond to with "Mooo. Never heard of it. Mooo." The poll didn't specify that it had to be Avernum and not Exile.
  10. I'd like to point out that one of the benefits of the current Display Message node style messages (where you enter two string numbers) is that you can reuse one message and change the other, without having to copy-paste as you would if you were forced to use consecutive strings a la Display Dialogue node.
  11. It's definitely a program bug and not just a corrupted or poorly-noded scenario. We've known about the bug for a long time. What causes it? I have no idea, but we know it's a program bug.
  12. The entire animation doesn't have to be 256 colors. Each individual frame can have its own pallet, you know. Also, it's way too fast. I think it's okay if the animation is slow and long. I intended this ad for inclusion in my sig at FSM Discussion, so people will have time to see it. Thanks for trying though! I'll see if I can make it better. EDIT: How's this? http://ados.ermarian.net/BoX/boeaniad.gif
  13. Yes, don't use that flag. I think the bug's been fixed on Windows, but it may not have been on Mac.
  14. I'm creating an animated GIF to advertise BoE. I finished all 11 frames, but I still need to stitch them together. Here's the frames: http://ados.ermarian.net/BoX/animad/boeadf01.bmp http://ados.ermarian.net/BoX/animad/boeadf02.bmp http://ados.ermarian.net/BoX/animad/boeadf03.bmp http://ados.ermarian.net/BoX/animad/boeadf04.bmp http://ados.ermarian.net/BoX/animad/boeadf05.bmp http://ados.ermarian.net/BoX/animad/boeadf06.bmp http://ados.ermarian.net/BoX/animad/boeadf07.bmp http://ados.ermarian.net/BoX/animad/boeadf08.bmp http://ados.ermarian.net/BoX/animad/boeadf09.bmp http://ados.ermarian.net/BoX/animad/boeadf10.bmp http://ados.ermarian.net/BoX/animad/boeadf11.bmp If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, post them here. Incidentally, I noticed that the large Vahnatai crystal from E2 is very pale on the light version of its terrain sheet. I believe that E1 and E2 had the same brightness graphics on both Windows and Mac, so those graphics don't actually have to be lightened for Windows. If you put that crystal on the green floor, it looks strange because the floor tiles are so pale compared to those around them.
  15. Something still just doesn't seem right about someone with no stats and crappy lockpicks being able to pick any non-magical lock with ease. Is this going to be addressed?
  16. Yesterday, it gave me an error when I tried to access the full forum overview, but I could access the individual forums, and I could access the General and Games sections by themselves, but not together.
  17. Originally Posted By: The Mystic If you want absurd aliens, watch Plan 9 from Outer Space. You should see the other movie From Outer Space.
  18. Alorael (and the rest of the moderatorial team) might become angry anyway if this is the Shaper Master who was banned years ago for being a horrible troll and spammer and again for evading his ban, although of course we can't tell from this one post. I've only played G1, but I'm willing to believe Sleeping Dragon's assessment of the strengths of G3, given that another Spidweb game that for a long time was more or less universally reviled by the community (ZKR) turned out to be one of my favorite scenarios.
  19. Is the Draw function a vector editor? OOo has a program called Draw which is a vector editor.
  20. I'd like custom alchemy too, so hopefully that skill can be made less useless. In E1 and E2 it was useful because you needed it to get Graymold Salve for a few quests, but in BoE, where you can't assign item property flags to alchemically-created potions, it's kind of a waste of skill points usually.
  21. My girlfriend has tried to make PowerPoint presentations in OOo, but when she saves them as PPT files and tries to use them on a copy of Microsoft Office, it gives her an error and doesn't open. This has caused problems because normally when she does this she's giving a presentation in class. What might be going wrong? Other than that, I also recommend OOo.
  22. The Windows version, at least, has an option in the main program's Preferences to choose whether you want light (Windows) or dark (Mac) graphics. I don't know about the Mac version, though. I'm on Windows. I still play new BoE scenarios, but I haven't finished any lately. Most of the recent ones have kind of sucked.
  23. FSM forbid you play a game that requires patience! Gasp!
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