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The Almighty Doer of Stuff

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Everything posted by The Almighty Doer of Stuff

  1. Hey, Earth Empires, the Change Theme option is on the very bottom of the page, on the left, next to the orange RSS feed button. EDIT: OH DANG I DIDN'T REALIZE A ZILLION PEOPLE ANSWERED THIS ALREADY INCLUDING MYSELF APPARENTLY
  2. It's on the very bottom of the page, on the left, next to the orange RSS feed button. It says "Change Theme" and it looks like a link, but it's a button.
  3. Too bad ArcticWolf doesn't hang around here anymore, Saunders. I have a great recipe for grilled invisible n00b flank steak with a mango chutney I'd like to share with him.
  4. Same here. My original PDN was from when I was pretending to be a space alien, and the space alien's name was my PDN and still is my username. In fact it's still my AIM ID and email address as well, but only because those are the addresses everyone I talk to knows. I definitely prefer being ADoS though.
  5. There's a college professor somewhere in the US who is notorious for encouraging his students, and anyone else interested, to eat cicadas. He makes them into tacos, and supposedly they're very good.
  6. Congratulations, you're a moderator now! Too bad you're still a dork.
  7. See my post in your other thread, here: http://spiderwebforums.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/18566-avernum-4-cant-get-it-started/ I know you'll read that post anyway, but I'm posting this here for the convenience of others with similar problems who are looking for A5 and not A4.
  8. Your resolution is too low. Sorry, but netbooks aren't for playing games. Unless you want to play SkiFree: http://ski.ihoc.net/ I love SkiFree.
  9. It's easy. There are very few posts on a particular day, and one person posts in numerous threads. This doesn't have to be a single back-and-forth conversation.
  10. If I avoided eating every creature I thought was adorable, I'd be a vegetarian. As it stands I don't eat anything that's endangered, and I don't eat anything that either has complex language skills or seems likely to have complex language skills that we just haven't been able to decode (elephants and cetaceans).
  11. It was cuttlefish, but now that I think about it I don't think I've ever actually had it. See my signature. I must have gotten confused. I thought cuttlefish were tasty, but now I remember they're not tasty, they're adorable. Ashley crocheted me a cuddly plush one. His name is Captain Calder Kraken, the Cuddly Cuttlefish.
  12. I like eel sushi. I haven't had it any other way though.
  13. Chicken is the second option in the birds question He was so hungry he thought he could ride a horse, but he did it wrong.
  14. Nalyd, and presumably his uncle, live in Ohio, where it is legal to keep a Bengal tiger in a small cage in your backyard shed.
  15. I was trying to play E1-3 but I couldn't get them to work even in Wine. Sylae told me it was because of PulseAudio, which I don't know how to remove, so I just started playing A1-3 instead. As I've said elsewhere though, the graphics have a certain painting-like charm that doesn't seem to be matched by the 3D-rendered, folded-down isometric graphics of Spidweb's newer games, at least in my opinion.
  16. That cake looks delicious. Nevermind what I said! If I get a cake like that, I volunteer to be a moderator!
  17. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA *insert link to %*@*&@#*&$^&$%#* @#%#%&ing @#$*$*#!!~)*(%? with a side of (something so obscene even random symbol censoring of it will cause puppies to explode) here* (Even if I wasn't in the habit of being extremely obscene, intentionally or unintentionally, I'm extremely irrational and don't always have a firm grasp on reality. Nice joke, though. )
  18. I'm on Firefox 16.0.1 and it has the title in the title bar. Maybe it's newfangled Windows styling conventions or something? I'm using Linux. I know Ashley's Mac OS X laptop has different styling baloney than my Linux boxes, or the WinXP I had on both of them previously.
  19. Evidently, as she said in the other thread, Google Chrome eliminated the title bar in an attempt to be hip and stylish or something.
  20. Not the tab, the title bar. The VERY top of the window, where the minimize, maximize, and close buttons are. Unless you're using some ridiculous, obscure browser. Firefox does it, at least.
  21. Out of the four main Beatles (John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison), who was the only one not to divorce his first wife? I don't know if this one is actually too easy or if it's just my fanatical Beatles fan-ness that makes me think it's easy, but you never know. Some people think EDIT: If you want to include Pete Best and Stuart Sutcliffe, neither of them divorced their first wives. Stu died before he could get married, and Pete remains married to his first wife to this day. They're probably a little too obscure for non-hardcore fans to even mention though, which is why I specified only the Beatles who took their band to stardom.
  22. This is an important distinction, because without it, the answer is probably "mama" and "dada". Those were mine. My third was "Gickey" (Mickey Mouse). No joke. (Or it might have been my sister or brother, but I think it was me.)
  23. Under your scheme, there should probably also be music for when you make a friendly town hostile, I think. Fascinating stuff, Lenar Labs.
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