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The Almighty Doer of Stuff

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Everything posted by The Almighty Doer of Stuff

  1. A skill point check couldn't hurt as well, I think. As for the species check, could it possibly be set up so designers can set whether to check if the number of that species is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified number?
  2. If that's the case,then why did you misspell "improving" and "constantly" and fail to capitalize "I'm" twice? Your punctuation needs work too. I'm assuming English is your first language, since you're from England. Thus there's really no excuse for it except possibly dyslexia. It's worth remembering that although English may be your first language, we do have people here who have trouble with properly written English, let alone misspelled English. It's common courtesy to put in your best effort to make your writing legible. I've seen far worse writing than yours, but it could still be much better.
  3. You capitalize the first letter of every sentence, the pronoun "I", and proper nouns like the names of people, places, corporations, etc. If you can't spell, use a spellchecker, such as the one built into Mozilla Firefox. Firefox's will underline misspelled words with a red zig-zag, and right-clicking the word will bring up a list of suggestions. It's not quite as good as actually learning how to spell correctly (it's a very useful skill to have in life), but it's better than nothing.
  4. Just use Windows XP's built-in unzipper. Right-click the ZIP file, and you'll see "Extract All..." with the "A" underlined, and with no icon to the left. Use that, enter the folder you want to put it in, and you should be all set.
  5. I just did some research, and found that your graphics card is inadequate. Here are the technical specifications of your GPU, on the right-hand column: http://www.nvidia.com/object/mobogpu_nb_7series_specs.html Note that it does not even mention video RAM or OpenGL support. This is called "marketing". If they don't tell you what's missing, the average computer layperson won't know enough to do effective research and find out. Here's a more recent GeForce card, for comparison: http://www.nvidia.com/object/geforce_8M_techspecs.html It says on the bottom that it supports OpenGL 2.1, but it still doesn't mention RAM. Wikipedia indicates that the different 8M cards come in varieties with up to 512 MB of video RAM, however. This would be enough to run Geneforge 5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GeForce_8_Series#Technical_summary_2 Unfortunately, your GPU does not appear to be an actual card, unlike the 8M series, but is rather an integrated chip which likely does not have any of its own video RAM, and instead uses the computer's main RAM instead, which results in slow graphical display. If I am correct, your computer is a budget notebook computer, which was unfortunately not intended for gaming. Sorry. Might I recommend Blades of Exile instead?[/shameless plug] EDIT: Toby-Linn got in a post before me. Let me research her graphics card. EDIT 2: Toby-Linn's card, in addition to being more recent, has OpenGL 2.1 support and 512MB of video RAM, enough to run Geneforge 5. Your card is not powerful enough, unfortunately.
  6. Have you tried redownloading the ZIP file? Maybe something got screwed up. I just redownloaded it and there are two subfolders called "images" and "scenarios". Also, what method are you using to unzip the ZIP file? Windows XP's built-in unzipping utility should keep subfolders intact. If you're using a third-party unzipping program, maybe that's the problem. Other than that, there's nothing I can think of right now that would be causing this problem.
  7. True. But nevertheless, you start with both spells in every Exile game.
  8. Yes, you start the game with them. They're both level 3 Mage spells. Also, if you have no spellcasters, you'd damn well better have high Strength. If you have high strength, any door that can be picked can also be bashed. Unlock has the added benefit that it's the only thing capable of unlocking magically locked doors.
  9. I just unzipped the whole package into a folder on my hard drive and all three programs (game, scen editor, and PC editor) ran just fine.
  10. As an alternative to fixing the "problem", we could hypothetically just tell designers to be careful about giving different items the same type flag, and not try to protect them from themselves.
  11. Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel Originally Posted By: The Almighty Doer of Stuff The first 100 flags are reserved by the game for standard items that are used in most scenarios, so that they'll combine between different scenarios. I believe 101+ type flags are stripped from the items when the party leaves the scenario.) Well, they shouldn't be. If anything, it should just set the type flag to nothing (0, I guess). This is what I meant when I said the "101+ type flags are stripped from the items" and not "items with 101+ type flags are stripped from the party". Quote: By the way, if two different items combine because they share the same type flag, which item takes priority? I'm talking about the case where they are distinct items with different properties. This could create problems if someone is stupid enough to (for example) give type flag 38 to an Avatar Brew or something. (Type flag 38 is candles in the bladbase.) If they already had an Avatar Brew and they picked up a candle, would they lose the brew or would it gain an extra charge? If they had a candle and they picked up an Avatar Brew, would they gain a candle and not get the brew, or would the candle disappear and they get an extra charge on the brew? Or is there a check to avoid such bugs? There probably should be, though I'm not quite sure what. You'd have to be careful though, because sometimes, as is the case with the two different sized rocks, you want two different items to combine into one stack. Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel In fact, I think the best way would be to change the Cursed flag so that it prevents items from being unequipped, but shops will still buy it. Then the Not Sellable flag (or whatever you want to call it) means shops won't want to buy it. And when converting old scenarios, all items with the Cursed flag are automatically given the Not Sellable flag as well. Cursed items can be sold, though, once they're uncursed with Remove Curse or by a healer. This behavior should be preserved.
  12. The first 100 flags are reserved by the game for standard items that are used in most scenarios, so that they'll combine between different scenarios. I believe 101+ type flags are stripped from the items when the party leaves the scenario. Also, I think Chokboyz was referring to deleting items when there's more items on the ground in a town than the game can handle. It deletes rocks from the ground first because nobody cares about rocks. Better to delete a rock than to delete the Ubersword of Death. (Side note: I almost called Chokboyz "Ormus". I must be more tired than I thought. Bedtime!)
  13. Type 15 is your standard, run-of-the-mill Rock, both the large form and the small form.
  14. Whatever, I was just being dramatic. I already copied most of my progress over to a new scenario created with the Super Editor. But yes, I tried just entering zero, and it said I had the wrong password. So presumably the new editor is placing a password on scenarios created with it. Now I'm creating overpowered items for god parties. I don't know how it will compare to Undoomvahgaz Armor, but this one maxes stats, gives all spells and alchemy, and will be freely available, rather than by request only like Zaloopa does with his scenario. Plus he seems to have disappeared, last I heard.
  15. Perhaps the refresh should be on the Affect Gold (and probably Food) node itself? Also, curses! I can't open my scenario in the Super Editor to make the god items! It asks me for a password, but I assigned it no password. CBoE has no scenario password functionality at all, as far as I'm aware. Ugh. So much wasted effort.
  16. Another bug: Excess gold is not dropped when a special called during dialogue gives the party lots of gold. Try following the instructions in that unfinished scenario, and when you talk to Deifier, ask him about "Halibut", then "Buckwheat". Then, train Spell Points as high as they will go for all party members. Then say "Kingpin" and then "Buckwheat" again, and train again. Watch the gold counter as you do these things.
  17. Found another weird one, involving a dialogue node that calls a town special. When you say "Halibut" to Deifier in this utility scenario I'm making, instead of saying what he's supposed to say, he says "Rectangle 1".
  18. FYI, Ctrl+N does not create a new party, despite advertisement to the contrary in the File menu.
  19. Hypothetically, you could allow for both sizes, just to make it easier until someone actually does make all the icons bigger. I'm not volunteering. I have little graphic editing skill, and only managed to make that one look decent because I was manipulating public-domain photographs I found on Wikimedia Commons.
  20. I'm slightly confused. Will we eventually be including every scenario with the package, or just the three standard plus Bandit Busywork in the Custom Scenarios like it is with Win32 CBoE Beta 2? We're not really under any obligation to include it at all, even if it is the only post-release Jeff Vogel scenario. I'd much rather see scenarios Milu's "New Market City", and maybe Jewels's "Sound Showcase" included with the package, if we're not including every scenario we have.
  21. Now that I've been attempting to play through Bandit Busywork, I'm realizing just how sloppily it was put together. Spelling mistakes, they're/their/there and similar mistakes, missing quotes, buggy node chains. Plus it's only four towns long. the scenario really does feel like busywork, complete with entirely unlikeable people giving you the work to do. Do we really need to include this with the program? I'm worrying it will give people a bad impression of BoE, especially since it's a beginner-level scenario that could possibly be the first one they play. At least that larger scenario icon might see use some day once the capability is implemented, maybe... EDIT: What I suggest we could do instead of putting Bandit Busywork in the Start Scenario dialog, is implementing the capability to use larger icons in the Custom Scenario dialog, in addition to making the teaser text area larger a la Start Scenario, then we could combine Start Scenario and Custom Scenario into one button called Start Scenario and free up another Main Menu button for whatever we want.
  22. I created a fresh copy of the program in a test directory, from the original ZIP. No problem. Must have been a one-off fluke. Wouldn't be the first time I've had oddities happen. In Exile II, I recently had the top half of an E3 Mutant Giant chase me in the outdoors and run away. Then I had Soldiers that looked like Beggars, Archers that looked like Captains, and an Evil Priest that looked like an E3 Brigand. I restarted the program and the graphics fixed themselves (the half-a-giant was actually some Giant Lizards).
  23. I disagree, I've always loved Upper Exile, although I don't know how much of that is due to it being my introduction to Spiderweb Software. I like the bandit/goblin lair (was it called Wolfrider Warren?), and the introduction of the adorable Spiny Worm in Ghikra, among other things.
  24. Just a quick question, because I wanted to show my girlfriend BoE and she forgot her Macbook at home. Are the save files currently portable between Windows and Mac, or is it only portable between old Mac and new Mac?
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