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Everything posted by Rowen

  1. I got mad every time all my achievements got reset during the beta.
  2. Here is mine. I do not like anything floating on my desktop. Ever.
  3. I'm getting an page telling me that I need to log on to facebook to see the pics you posted Synergy.
  4. Click to reveal.. Gramzon the Firebreather (Level 4) Occupation: Blacksmith/Farmer/Ass-kicker Alignment: Loyal (Lawful Good) Race: Dragonborn (Male) Religion: Sliros Strength: 8 Dexterity: 5 Intelligence: 2 Max Health: 52/52 HP Stamina: 6/10 Martial (Pole-arm): 4 Crafting (Metalworking): 2 Artifice: 2 Nature: 4 Religion: 2 First Aid: 2 Composure: 1
  5. Hark, a vagrant! is the only one that I would like to add to the list that is family approved.
  6. Fun times are had when Sarachim posts.
  7. Originally Posted By: Sarachim Next time, though, I promise you get to fight something. Something other than each other I hope.
  8. I'm having my internet changed over so I can save lots of $$$ this week. I'm going to do everything I can to be there on Friday but just wanted to give you the heads up incase my back up plan of going to my friends house for internet fails.
  9. Originally Posted By: Lilith Rowen's character is a dwarven warrior-noble: Click to reveal.. Worn: Dwarven Waraxe (left hand) Dwarven Shield that bears family crest (left hand) I've heard of having two left feet before. Lets say that shield is in his "other" left hand.
  10. I am glad that there is a new Barenaked Ladies album but sad that Steven Page left the group. It will never be the same.
  11. Are you talking about how some spells require rare/hard to find regiments to cast?
  12. Originally Posted By: Goldenking How is that ironic? At all? Would listing to Ironic when reading this be ironic?
  13. KoL Radio, that was the best part of the game.
  14. I don't think that a critical roll on a skill that you have no points in should act like a normal critical. If it did then everyone would just keep rolling until they got a 20 on what ever they wanted. If Nixak had roll the 20 on shooting the balista I would have liked to see him fail. He has no skill with shooting anything physically and definitely no Artifice skill to use a balista. But when Nixak rolled a 20 in a mind duel it was definitely a critical hit because Nixak knew what he was doing.
  15. Rowen

    GenCon 2010

    Indy is a little to far from Spokane, WA. I doubt that I will be able to make it.
  16. Rowen


    The fact that you can drink water from the tap is amazing be itself.
  17. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES RETRIOACTIVITY IS IN THE AIR FOR UBB Well its about time we got the show on the road.
  18. And when someone would get a Canned title they got a custom avatar of a can of spam to go with it. But this was back on the ikon board when I was just a lurker.
  19. Only title that I had was Canned. Only one letter away from Banned.
  20. Oldbies had Karma, newbies thought Karma meant something, lurkers didn't care, and Drakey was the law. Thats what I remember 2002-2004 being like.
  21. Rowen


    Originally Posted By: Dantius Did you know that malaria has killed more humans than anything ever, in all of history? And despite knowing how to cure it and how to prevent it, we still can't stop it? That said, I highly doubt mosquitoes could survive a nuclear detonation. Or tens of thousands of nuclear detonations. I would bet my life that we do have the ability to stop it. Its just that we don't care about it enough to try.
  22. From 2001 - 2004 I spammed very little. Late 2004 - 2006 I was in another country and never posted. 2007 - present I have been around but didn't start posting much until Slarty started the Witch Hunt. Since then I have been posting in most of the games and RP's.
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