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Everything posted by Rowen

  1. Rowen

    Island in Chaos

    *Raises hand also* But I will hold off for now so others can have a turn at DM'ing. EDIT: If no one is going to start till April I am willing to go now I guess.
  2. Rowen


    I hand load my Mosin Nagant every 5 rounds. Its hard to find stripper clips that will fit properly in it.
  3. Rowen

    Island in Chaos

    I will make and submit a character but if there are lots of new players I'm okay sitting this one out so they can play.
  4. An idea for the HP bloat is to cap hp at a total of 10. Not having an HP level that raises can make the campaign feel diffrent and more 'real' in the sense that you are as easy to kill as anything else. Of course you can skill up in skills to not get yourself killed as easy but no more blood tanking. As for future ideas, (months maybe years down the road) would be to have a coming together campaign. There seems to be a connecting thread of your campaigns that is building up to something. I think it would be fun to have a campaign or many campaigns take place all at once and all end in the same place.
  5. Yellowstone is a wonderful place, after seeing your pictures I am starting to miss it. And I hope that you have a very nice zoom lens on your camera cause no one should be that close to a bison.
  6. Originally Posted By: FnordCola This is especially true given the goals for play that people have expressed on this page, and the nature of IM as a medium. In many tabletop RPGs, there is more of a "party face" for conversation, and a person designated as the go-to for any given skill check. Even then there are exceptions, mostly in terms of perception skills. In AIMHack as described, most people are going to be acting on impulse or on their own a lot of the time, rather than carefully planning things out to get the best person for the job every time; this means that it's useful for everyone to have almost every skill. And the skill system rewards such a build, by making a level in "almost every skill" combined cost about as much as a couple levels in the skill to which the character has dedicated him/herself. When I created Nixak for the the Oracle campaign I wanted to make a character that did one thing and was good at that one thing. Turned out that I was good at that one thing but beyond that was dead weight following around of a group of "competent" characters. I wanted Nixak to have a specialization in a tool and be the best at it but he was not. Due to this I made Jarrox, for City of Hope have l broad selection of skills. I worried that this would spread him out to thinly and make him dead weight also on the party (besides being a drunk). I would say that Jarrox can do almost any number of things in a campaign to some effect because he has a big tool belt of lots of little tools that he can use very effectively. Everyone else in City of Hope also have big tool belts with lots of little tools and when we encounter any kind of problem, like a nail that needs to be hammered, everyone is able to pull out their little hammers and together we can drive that nail very fast and very efficiently. Nixak had what looked like a big hammer due to have only one main skill class but when the hammer time came he couldn't work the nail as good as a the whole party from City of Hope. I think this is due to the Jake of all Trades concept being rewarded over someone that specializes. the reward is that if everyone is a Jack of all Trades in a campaign then there is almost nothing that that party can not do. If everyone in the party specializes in one or two skills only then they can't do as much because they lack that party skills that Jack of all Trades party does. I think I lost my point somewhere in there. I always think of Jake of all Trades like a Red Mage, can use while and black magic and can fight, but is no where near as good as a Fighter, White Mage, or Black Mage at doing what they do. In AIMhack a Jack of all Trades can do all that a Fighter, White, and Black Mage can and do it better. This seems backwards to me.
  7. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Re: Displacer Moose: I can't take credit for this: the displacer moose comes from Chainmail Bikini, a short-lived webcomic (it was written by the same guy who did DM of the Rings). Did no one like my Saber-Toothed Moose encounter?
  8. I'm still running MapTool 1.3.b76; should I update to 1.3.b82 for tonight?
  9. All points used up: Click to reveal.. Jarrox Phiser Race: Dwarf Occupation: Noble Alignment: So drunk that he's now competent. Level: 6 HP: 26/35 (+5) Stamina: 4/10 (?) Str: 5 Dex: 6 Int: 4 (+1) Artifice: 5 (+1) History: 5 Martial (Dwarven Waraxe): 4 Martial (Shields): 5 (+1) Nature: 5 (+1) Perception: 5 Religion: 5 (+1) Drunken Rage "It's my ass and I'll kill you and all these lobsters and then make you into soup!" When you are drunk, you receive a bonus to attack rolls and a penalty to all other rolls. The drunker you are, the bigger the bonus or penalty. Worn: Dwarven waraxe (Blade has some purple goop on it) Shield with family crest Padded clothes (pants and shirt) Breastplate Vambraces Greaves and cuisses Gauntlets (Purple goop on these too) Pike helmet Backpack: Belt pouch (20 gold) Bedroll Fish hook and line (15') Flint and steel (Slightly used) Hand axe Healing potion x0 Hempen Rope (46') Magic cooking pot Stamina Potion x0 Shovel (Tip is a bit dull from being used as a chisel) Sunrod x1 Trail Rations (8 days) Aleskin x3 (PURE ALCOHOL) Hip flask (Found in a metal cabinet) Whetstone Iron Pyrite (A handful) Jarrox doesn't have any bottles of the colored goop anymore does he?
  10. Originally Posted By: Alorael Sleep is very nice, but you're not aware enough of it to enjoy it. I'm aware that I'm asleep when I sleep. That also gives me control over my dreams as long as I don't believe that they are real. Once I think the dream is real I loose control. As for Nioca not sleeping; do you know anyone named Tyler?
  11. SPAN 306: South American Literature SPAN 411: Chicano Literature ECON 202: Retake MS 101 and lab: Military Science and getting yelled at ENG ???: Study of modern writing. Core 163: Globalization and its negative affects
  12. I saw the name of this thread and thought it was going to be about butter. Then I tried watching one of those videos and now I really wish it was about butter. At least butter doesn't have to force funny to keep people easting it like that video did.
  13. I'll have to leave for about 45 minutes to an hour in the middle of the session, we can just have Jarrox black out from the alcohol poisoning. EDIT: I got my dates mixed up. I'm here all day this Tuesday.
  14. Originally Posted By: Spidweb Back to Avadon. The world is almost done. - Jeff Vogel I am getting excited for Avadon to come out. Keep up with your great work.
  15. Quote: And, if you are a member of my forums reading this, know this. I love you guys. The idea that anyone wants to discuss my work at all, even to dump on it, is insanely flattering. I just hope that this makes clearer the instincts of efficiency and self-preservation that lead me to keep a little bit of distance. I like the bone he threw us to make us all not feel like asshats. We love you too Jeff.
  16. Every time I read about the cool dinos I think of Granius. "Hah! Now that's how you archaeology!"
  17. Like others have posted, I too found spiderweb games through a mac cd that had lots of other games on it too. I found Escape Velocity on that cd too for the first time and Realmz. I still have it in a box with my old mac performa that I played on back then.
  18. My resolution is to not quit my job now that I have to enter the past 4 months of data into a new data bass that we are using (copy paste doesn't work). The pay is nice but it gets so boring sitting in an office entering numbers and fixing other peoples reports for 8 hours a day on top of 6 hours of homework.
  19. Originally Posted By: Sauroposeidon Argentinosaurus. I bet it got its name from Argentina. *googles* Score one for capitan obvious.
  20. Rowen

    Merry Crimbo!

    For New Years day I was going to make stuffed shrimp. After I cleaned out 1 pound of jumbo shrimp I changed my mind; cooked some wheat spaghetti noodles, a nice red sauce with tomatoes in it to go on top, and sautéed the shrimp with the stuffing an to go on top of the red sauce. I hope the wife will like it. Edit: Pic EDIT #2: The wife did not like it. Shell fish is something I will be eating alone I guess.
  21. Originally Posted By: Tyranicus Unfortunately, I have tasted that which is Civilization V, and I cannot go back. Would it be safe for me to go from Civ III to Civ V (skip IV) without much of a learning curve?
  22. Rowen

    Merry Crimbo!

    Originally Posted By: Lilith feliz ano nuevo, everybody Please tell me you just forgot to use the Ñ. But if you do wish me a feliz ano nuevo then I guess thats okay too.
  23. Originally Posted By: Tirien Maybe the scene from Bambi where that one deer gets killed scarred them for life. That "one deer" was Bambi's mom, and I still cry just thinking about it.
  24. I see pokemon. Click to reveal.. EDIT: What are Diki's thoughts on the Dinotopia books?
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