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Everything posted by Rowen

  1. Rowen

    Island in Chaos

    Guess who had a wonderful past few weeks on the Oregon Cost Coast and got home today? I'll post some pictures in the photo thread. Wednesday will be fine for me to attend a session. Edit: Oh me indeed.
  2. Things that I liked or didn't like or just thoughts about Party of Three are as follow. ~Common Background. Before I got any character sheets we all agreed that the party knew each other and had some experience working together in the past. One of the key points to the background was that the characters were friends. This meant that they worked very well together (better then any other campaign I have read or been in so far I think) and the trusted each other. The trust was critical for this party as without it they would have fallen apart. The common background allowed me to use their past as a part of the campaign and help in character development. It also allowed me the challenge of trying to split the party trust in some way to add to the story and give the players something to overcome that a roll from a d20 could not. Click to reveal.. Common backgrounds is something I will do again. ~Health. I always fret over huge HP. I just don't feel that the 4 mage should not have 56 HP points while the tank has 121. That is worse inflation then we have in real life. I based character HP on this: 10+(3*STR). This meant that unless you put a point into your STR every level up, your HP would not change. And right along with this I changed/modified healing spells but this should be its own point. Click to reveal.. Character HP did not feel bloated to me as the GM. ~Healing Spells. I have always felt that a healing spell costing stamina was very heavy price to put on the healer in caparison to the rest of the party. The idea that I stole from others was to heal a smaller dice + a bonus or skill of some sort. After some talking and thinking I settled on this for healing. 2d3+Healing Skill+(-2 per repeated cast on each character). This meant that you could not just heal the whole party damage while you killed an entire city. After so many casts, your healing spells would have no effect for the rest of that game day. As the campaign go closer to the end I did become agitated with the healing spell as it made character HP become bloated once more. Get hit for 6 damage, get healed for 13. Next cast is still going to heal you more then the damage you take so no worries, do whatever you want (Thank you for not exploiting this in the game). To match the healing spell to the HP gain that I like I think that a simple change will be in order for the next campaign. 2d3+(Healing Skill/2(rounded down))+(-2 per repeated cast on each character) This will lower the amount of HP healed a lot. It will also discourage mini healers with 1 or 2 points in a healing skill acting as a main party healer for a whole campaign while still enabling them to heal themselves to a degree. Click to reveal.. Change spell healing. ~NPC. If you read a few logs you will see that I tried to name lots of different NPC's and give them a little personality. That is a HUGE undertaking. First off, write all the names down someplace so you do not act like I did and have to ask the players what a NPC was named. It always slowed down the session and ruined the moment. Second off, when they kill nameless on dimensional NPC and then loot them you can make it into a two dimensional NPC really easy. Have the player find a hand written note done by the NPC's grandchild. It makes the player think twice about having killed some little innocent child's grandparent and just might change how they treat NPC in the future (most likely not). One big thing I liked to do with NPC's was have them in sevral sessions and build up personalities with each one. Strict sense of duty at all cost, but hides the weight of it from others; be cheery and happy in the face of anything, but also humble and caring; abide your time and listen and watch as you manipulate others into doing what you want them to do. A NPC with or without a personality really can make or break a session so do what you must. Click to reveal.. More personality means it really feels like the NPC are other players. I will put up more as they come to me. I have already rewritten this three times due to my computer crashing so I am going to post what I have now.
  3. Rowen

    Island in Chaos

    Just add STR to tank! Click to reveal.. Name: Gunnar Fachtna Sigurd Leolin Race: Lacewing Occupation: Thief Catcher Level 5 Hit Points: 9/21 Stamina: 7/10 Str: 3 (+1) Dex: 8 Int: 3 History: 2 (Racial) Martial (Knife): 5 (+2) Nature: 5 Perception: 4 (+1) Stealth: 5 (+1) Streetwise: 3 Thievery: 5 (Racial) Stored Points: 0
  4. Rowen

    Independence Day

    Originally Posted By: Nikki You guys are missing a trick though. Hiding in wardrobes is immense fun. Because inside every wardrobe is a Lion giving out swords and shields with a task to kill a witch.
  5. Rowen

    Island in Chaos

    How many points do we get to use in this level up? I'll get it done as soon as I can too.
  6. Rowen

    Independence Day

    America is a continent. The USA, Canada, and Mexico make up the north part of America.
  7. Rowen

    The Party of Four

    People might be wondering who was with who and what were all the faction in play and the roll that different NPC's had with them. Here is the following information on it all. Click to reveal.. There are a group of people known as Gatekeepers. Inside that group is a subgroup known as the Nameless Ones(The Order). Cragwire was part of the Nameless Ones and was working the Robes in taking over the Schools so that he could kill off the other Gatekeepers and have complete control. Carnys and the Waife knew what was going and that Cragwire had a roll it the Nameless Ones but they did not know what. They both were students of Whsck and loyal to him and his want to stop the Nameless Ones from taking power but did not know Whscks full plans. Harlyfig was imprisoned by the Nameless Ones and they used his power for some time to grow stronger. Once Arell freed him he started killing the Nameless Ones that he could using Leaf to do so. The unknown Dragonborn Assassin is still unknown at present time. Gramzon was working under orders and pay from the Robes without knowing that they were under the control of the Nameless Ones. Present day Leaf is still unaccounted for. Rowan is a Gatekeeper but not a Nameless One. His location is currently unknown. Jarrox is down one arm and very drunk in Eolith.
  8. Rowen

    The Party of Four

    Session 14: An Arms Lenght Away Session 14.5: The Massacre Session 15: Grandpa is Dead Session 16: To Death and Undeath Here are the last session logs. This campaign is now finished. I very big thank you to RCCCL, Sarachim, and Nioca for playing. A special thanks to all those who have been reading the logs or have helped out playing in the campaign.
  9. Was there ever a hot-air balloon ride on the SW forums or was that only on Polaris?
  10. Rowen

    Island in Chaos

    Friday the 8th I will not be in town. I'll be gone till the 20th of July. Weddings, family reunions, and vacations are all taking place back to back starting on the 8th.
  11. Rowen

    The Party of Four

    Session is over and I have a quote. Originally Posted By: Arell ...did your ear just summon a portal? Logs for sessions 14 and 15 will be up soon.
  12. The only Karma is bad Karma. Especially when you bring it up here.
  13. I sneezed a pickle slice out of my nose back in junior high school. I was eating a hamburger at lunch, a friend made me laugh and I snorted my mouth full of food up my nose. Next thing I knew I sneezed it all out and the biggest part of it was a pickle slice. I screamed at my nose bleed. But I still eat pickles, it didn't scare me away from them.
  14. After our first family mac we got a HP. That was 9 years ago. They have bought HP's since then and each one has lasted a good 5 years plus as long as we upgrade the ram when its needed. I have no complaints about HP. Glad that you found a computer that fits what you are looking for. Sometimes that can be very hard to do.
  15. When I can use my cooked food as a blunt force weapon I tend to just throw it away.
  16. Really? It sounds good to me.
  17. Rowen

    All hail Lilith!

    Is it a goal to have at least one mod logged in at all time?
  18. Rowen

    All hail Lilith!

    Originally Posted By: Lilith Originally Posted By: Rowen Lilith as a mod, again? She is going to pun-ish us all. i hate to disappoint you guys but like 95% of my duties are going to involve banning spambots that happen to post during the freakish antipodean hours I keep No more puns?
  19. Rowen

    All hail Lilith!

    Lilith as a mod, again? She is going to punish us all.
  20. Quote: 5. How many canonical fluffy turtles, or other fluffy animals, can you name? Didn't someone have an actual stuffed turtle and post pics of it on the boards at one time? Quote: 7. What about AIMHack campaigns? Labyrinth, Selos, Bloodmarsh, Brigand, Dustbowl, Theressa, CoH, One Eph did at his summer camp, Rummors, Two one shot campaigns (one by Nioca in place of Brigand, another by Diki), IiC, Party of Three, One that is secret from the masses, EoD. I know that I am missing a few that have been run privately also. Quote: 8. Within the Spiderweb boards, how many specific forums can you name that can no longer be reached by natural means? (Note: forums that have been merged or split into other forums, e.g. Exile 2 into The Exile Trilogy, do not count.) There was a brief time that the secret forum was available for everyone to see. Quote: 14. How many members can you name who spoke in the third person in every post, for some period of time? Rowen did this for a few months back in 2oo4.
  21. Rowen

    The Party of Four

    Session 12: Time Alone and Double Vission Session 13: Three Drowned Rats
  22. For two years back from October 2004 to November 2006. I was in the Santiago, and not the rich parts of the city, but the slums.
  23. How many of you shower with sandals on? Its another habit I picked up from Chile.
  24. The ankle support on my shoes are always the first to break down, die, and the padding falls apart leaving the plastic in the ankle support scraping me as I walk. On average I walk 10-12 miles a day around town and campus, wearing the sole down and breaking through it into the shoe itself. This leads me to going through shoes at a rate of having to replace my walking shoes ever 6-7 months. The only time that I have gone longer with my walking shoes was when I lived in Chile. The shoes broke down (Doc, Martins) in about 5 months while I was walking 21 miles a day on average. Instead of replacing those, I pulled the plastic ankle support out of the shoes and bought some full foot gel inserts. Replacing the inserts once every month (Dr.Scholl's gave me a great deal on a 2 year supply of inserts) I was abel to use my shoes for a just over 2 years. The soles of the shoes wore through and the most of the stitching had giving out (my toes could stick through the holes in the stitching). I also now have scars on my heels from months of blisters. Moral of the story if there is even one? Its very hard for me to find a decent pair of shoes that are made for heavy use.
  25. Rowen

    Island in Chaos

    Very great session tonight. The Griffon Whisperer made an appearance. Click to reveal.. Name: Gunnar Fachtna Sigurd Leolin Race: Lacewing Occupation: Thief Catcher Level 4 Hit Points: 15/18 Stamina: 10/10 Str: 2 Dex: 8 Int: 3 (+1) History: 2 (Racial) Martial (Knife): 3 Nature: 5 (+5) Perception: 3 Stealth: 4 Streetwise: 3 Thievery: 5 (Racial) Stored Points: 2 I had 3 stored points from last level up, giving a total of 17 to use in this time. Only used 15 leaving 2 stored up.
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