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Everything posted by Rowen

  1. Rowen

    Let it be known

    At a post rate of 3.073 posts per day I have reached the high and might state that everyone else on this forum has already achieved. High quality spam. I remember that spam would lead to the coveted title CANNED.
  2. Rowen

    Island in Chaos

    I can make this Friday.
  3. Rowen

    The Party of Four

    Session 11: Carnys Task Session 11.5: Our Lord Eternal
  4. Rowen

    Left Behind.

    Click to reveal..
  5. Rowen

    Island in Chaos

    Reminder that today is session 7.
  6. Originally Posted By: Randomizer We know but this isn't a democracy on decision making, but a "benign" dictatorship. Sounds like the home I grew up in.
  7. Here are some tulips from down the street. They are in a tulip garden that is just amazing to walk in.
  8. Every season has its perks. Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall all can be good for fishing. But this year might be a bad year for fishing due to the high waters in southeast Idaho.
  9. Wait, I thought that the hp pavilion dv6000 was a laptop. If thats is true I think the graphics is integrated and you will have to replace the whole motherboard just to change out the graphics card.
  10. Rowen

    Left Behind.

    Being an Atheist doesn't sound all that exciting.
  11. One thing I enjoyed was the rainy winters in Santiago, Chile. I never liked the rain till I lived there.
  12. Originally Posted By: loyal servile of sasuke uchiha Summer is to hot? Where the hell do you live? I live in florida, where you live if you get snow in the winter it must not be a very hot place 4realz Living in a high plains desert, winters cab get to -14 Fahrenheit or below and summer hits and tops 104 for two or three weeks. Thankfully the only thing we don't have is humidity.
  13. Rowen

    Island in Chaos

    Friday is the 27th of May. The 30th of May is a Monday (holiday I think). Friday and the 30th happen only twice this year, once in September and once in December.
  14. Rowen

    Left Behind.

    If we are getting rid of people my vote goes for getting rid of country and rap singers.
  15. Rowen

    Left Behind.

    Oh, was that today?
  16. Rowen

    The Party of Four

    Spoilers for a reason. Originally Posted By: Triumph The Nameless Ones aka the Gatekeepers aka the Keepers aka the Order: bad guys, not much specific known about them; they control the Robes (aka purple robe dudes) and seem to be enemies of the undead emperor. Click to reveal.. What the party has learned is that the Nameless Ones are the Order, and some of them are Gatekeepers, who now control the Robes. Important to note that not all Gatekeepers are part of the Nameless Ones/Order, or so we are lead to believe. Click to reveal.. We also know that Harlifigrzix destroyed a factory where Focus Rods were made, claiming it to be an act against the Nameless Ones but it is unclear if he makes a distinction between the Nameless Ones and the Gatekeepers. Originally Posted By: Triumph The Waifs: folks like the diminutive forest dude; can operate in a dreamworld; enemies of the Order/Keepers/Nameless Ones; opposes cutting down slumwood. Click to reveal.. We only know of one Waife, The Seer; it lays claim to be a Gatekeeper and seems to be known by the Rouge Robes, suggesting ties to them. Very little it know of the little plant man who is not a Waife or with what faction it sides, if the laws of Mote even let it take a side (As per it words of the Laws that govern him). TLDR: Click to reveal.. The Order: Nameless Ones - control of the Purple Robes The Rouge Robes: Group of Robes that oppose the Order's rule. Seem to have friends in the Eight Schools of Magic Emperor Harlifigrzix Jafplivew: Claims to have been imprisoned by the Nameless Ones and the attacked a Focus Rob Factory that effected both those of the Order and the Eight Schools of Magic. Eight Schools of Magic: Scarlet Robes, seem to have ties to the Rouge Robes. Blockaded off from Ona by the Purple Robes. The Conclave: Flamekeepers who we have yet to find out what they know of everything that is happening. The Party of Three: Three Flamekeepers planning to take on and hopefully destroy/weaken the Order, Harlifigrzix, and the Rouges. Have yet to show favor towards any faction to a large degree.
  17. Rowen

    The Party of Four

    In the last two and a half weeks much has happened to the merry band of adventures in over two session and one side session. If there is one think that a GM never expects the PC's to do, its stop and talk for half a session about everything that has happened to them. Maybe it was a good thing they did this, the plot did need just a little clearing up. Session Nine: Whitty Tittle Goes Here Session 9.5: The Last Ruler of Mohete Session Ten: A Less Muddy View
  18. Rowen

    Osama is gone.

    Originally Posted By: loyal servile of sasuke uchiha Alorael said somthing about putting a fish in a bucket of bleach. What would happen if you did that? It kills it by suffocating (drowning?) it with no breathable oxygenated water. Expect it to thrash around a lot.
  19. Originally Posted By: madrigan Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith ...but it made me think about self defense and how helpless I would be if I couldn't escape from a dangerous situation. Does anyone have any expertise in this matter? My point is, the original question was not actually "how do I avoid fighting?" it was "what if I can't avoid a fight?" Not all fights are avoidable. You can be jumped without warning. Someone may attack you with the goal of doing you harm, not getting your wallet. You can end up in an altercation against more than one person, making it difficult or impossible to escape. You may be with someone else -- infant, elderly family member, handicapped person -- who cannot run away. You may need to protect someone else. The best answer is to avoid violence when you can but be prepared in case you can't. If there is no escape and you choose to fight back be prepared to let go of your 'honor,' your life is to valuable to be spent playing fair when in physical danger. Aim for the testiess, celiac plexus (solar plexus), throat, and eyes. You should have the goal of stopping the attack only long enough so you can get away. Sadly there is no getting away sometimes.
  20. This is not a solution to the battery drain or CPU usage, but I always us smcfancontrol on my MBP to try to keep it cooler. It might help a bit with the heat from a CPU running at full but doesn't fix the real issue. I run my fans at 5000rpms due to have burnt out three logic boards due to overheating.
  21. Rowen

    Osama is gone.

    Fishing is hunting too, don't know if many people make that connection or not. As for gutting and cleaning fish, unless the fish swallowed the hook, I aways catch and release. (But Bull Trout are always catch and release in the water. State regulation.)
  22. I've been robbed at gun point before. There was no quick to the draw to see who got their .33 out first, I just gave him my watch and left before he could say anything. Another time I person drew a knife on me and I just ran screaming me head off back the way I came from. He only chased a block and gave up when I crossed the street. My self defense is just to give them my stuff and move on before I get hurt. If they shoot me, well there is little I can do to stop a bullet with my hands, and I have no intention of being aggressive and making them defensive. Is there a one-size-fits-all solution? No. Just do what you need to do to not get hurt.
  23. Rowen

    Osama is gone.

    I hunt deer and rabbits but this year might go for an elk also. My in laws and friends also hunt and I get a supply of quail and pheasant from them.
  24. Rowen

    Happy Mothers Day

    I remember making a cheese omelet for mom when I was a little kid on mothers day. I went out side, picked some tulips and placed them on the tray next to the plate with the omelet and my mom got to have breakfast in bed that day. Happy Mothers Day all you moms.
  25. Rowen

    Quotes you love

    Originally Posted By: Lilith the point of spending millions on art is to distinguish oneself. good art is all alike; all bad art is bad in its own way Art for the sake of the Art, not the name of who created it.
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