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Everything posted by Rowen

  1. Thanks, I was just wanting to know what IC knowledge we might have of the world already. I'm looking forward to tomorrow.
  2. Are these the living dead zombies (popping out of graves 6 feet under or just if you died recently then you are a zombie, zombies)? Still alive but with a rabie like infection zombies? Brain eating zombies? The so high and drugged out that they seem dead zombies? Do we know any of this before hand?
  3. Almost never do I use the number pad for anything but imputing numbers on spread sheets and when I do I can arrow or tab my way around without the need of a mouse. When gaming, the right hand is left on the mouse all the time except when typing to other players. The number pad is still ignored also as I remap all the hot keys for playing on this.
  4. So little has been said about how the beta is. I'm guessing its nearly like the originals copy?
  5. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba My mind's eyes have been burned.
  6. Do any of you use a Dvorak keyboard layout regularly? And if yes, do you right shift on it more then on QWERTY?
  7. I left shift and I think it might be due to my being right hand dominate. Going to find if there has been a study on this.
  8. Originally Posted By: Polaran Originally Posted By: In memory of the forgetful Microfilm and microfiche are still preferred archival media. They have their benefits and their downsides, but they're among the most stable and easily stored media. Haven't seen them in libraries in a long while though. At least I'm old enough to have actually used them for research once (for a middle-school project, mind). Having done lots of genealogy I have used microfilm to look things up also. It still has its uses.
  9. Originally Posted By: Harehunter 14" was the most common tube at that time, but remember, the actual display area was more like a 12" diagonal. When the flat panels came out, a 14" screen was an actual 14" in display area, equivalent to a 16" CRT. Here I am reading this on 24" flatscreen. It boggles my mind when I think of the amazing advances I have witnessed in computer technology in just over two decades of my using them. I still get impressed when I open up my computer to clean it out. That GPU is huge! Harddrives are so big that I still have not filled even one 320 GB drive. The only harddrive I ever filled was a 256 MB drive. My mind is blown. Its like my double rainbow.
  10. Originally Posted By: The (Armored) Ratt I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, but if you aren't, throwing on riders to the budget bill is dangerous. This is a perfect chance for the unscrupulous to tag on a bill that gives their district, or them personally, money. See Pork Barrel Spending It can also be used to pass items of business that would not stand by themselves (i.e. grey wolf hunting). It is just another tool in the political system to get things done.
  11. All this talk of fences for rabbits made me remember reading this. Rabbit Island. Edit: Idaho has hunting regulations on wolfs also.
  12. Should not be playable in A2 and onward. I understand why they are and it makes sense plot of Avernum. The reason why is nothing more then personal taste and me being stubborn. If once race can do everything just fine, why add more?
  13. I might be the only one that thinks Nephilim and Sliths should not be playable, but I think they are due to the plot line from A1 to A2 and can respect that.
  14. I first found and played Exile 3 while on my old Performa. Several years later I got an HP and played the Avernum 1-3 on it. I now have a MacBook Pro I use for all Spiderweb games and AIM along with a self built computer running windows for everything else.
  15. Albums that I have and enjoy very very much are as follows. Simon and Garfunkle - All of their albums. BareNaked Ladies - All of their albums. Beyond that I might listen to so other stuff my wife has on her iPod, but I mainly stick to those two artistes.
  16. I collect debt. Once I started I found out that I don't really enjoy it as much as I thought I would.
  17. I'll just link you to this. You can watch as my facial grows in a little. I got rid of the mustache because it just looked nasty. Start of 2008 I shaved it all and have been that way ever since. Then I put on some weight.
  18. Rowen

    Troy Davis

    2. Please find other ways to kill yourself that don't affect my lungs also.
  19. Economic Left/Right: -0.88 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92 There we go. EDIT: Does this measure the U.S. notion of left/right or on the broader global notion of left right?
  20. Thats odd, my views seems to have shifted to a different . I'm going to have to take this again but now I know what not to answer so it should or should not be more accurate depending on how you look at it.
  21. I want to own a pet honey badger. I imagine it would keep life interesting.
  22. Rowen

    Thanks, Lion.

    Click to reveal.. (Quote train) Originally Posted By: Basically Originally Posted By: Triumph Originally Posted By: Arancaytrus Also, once it is finished, it will have been retroactively released in 2002. As a form of retrioactivity, does that mean Slarty is involved? No, if anything, it's Richard White. You need to get your implants checked. Did ye not know? The Nine Headed Cave Cow has blessed us with the reincarnation of RW in the form of Slarty. Sinners rejoice!
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