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Everything posted by Rowen

  1. Quote: Originally written by Bobo: More than an Elite soldier or dervish/ Who goes into battle with loose change on them? What are they going to use it for? Buy a pop if they get thirst or something like that? ~All the giants you fight in the game are going to the bank to deposit their money. That's why they got so much change on them.
  2. Dogs or cats. ~I like the sound they make as I kill them.
  3. I just kill the dogs and cats in any town. Then I try to get out of town with out killing anyone else. ~I like the sound the dogs make when they die. ~~I feel so evil.
  4. I would love to test it. I'm working with a Blades scenario I'm creating on my Mac at school and would like a shot at it with my home computer. I'm good at finding bugs and little quirks in things. My e-mail address is Three000@aol.com (0 as in 0,1,2,3... not the letter) Edit: Sorry abot that, I was two minutes slow.
  5. I just want to say that an artical war should be avoided do to the fact that it might turn the articals into nothing but wasted space in an efort to get one more artical then someone else. I would much rather have a few really good articals then alot of bad ones. Just remeber that the articals are for those (AKA: me) that need help in getting their great idea out in a way that is fun for everyone. Don't loss focus and keep up the good work all you artical writers.
  6. I know this topic will die and go to topic heaven like all other topics but I just wanted to know: Does any one besides me feel like the Editor is a game? I mean that in a "it's so much fun to use; look at all I can do; I'm a god with this thing, or maybe a lesser one," way. I absoluty love that editor, I don't get have the things it's able to do and went I find out something new I feel on to of the world (kinda like when you just beat a boss on a game) I haven't even played the sceniros that came in the game. I don't think I'll end up playing them anytime soon. I got the game and went strait to the editor where I've had more fun then I have playing any game ever (exept for Dig Dug). Does it feel like a game to anyone else? Spidweb this is the best game/editor thing I have ever used. My hat is off to you. It makes me want to be a game programer it's so much fun.
  7. I wasn't thinking along the "I'm being controlled by mind power" lines. I was thinking more like "I must try to right to wrongs I've cuased, even though I can't fix them all I must try" thingy. I don't want to talk about it to much for fear of giving away to much info on my baby...I mean my scenerio...=P I hope my idea works out for the best. I'm a long way from this point but how do you beta test a scenerio you made? You know, to make sure the bugs are worked out and all (yes I know you know). And do it without everyone getting a copy and ruining the master plan of putting out the best scenerio you can for others to enjoy. Yes, all I want is to make a game others play and then say, "wow, that was fun, lets eat." Or something like that. Like I said, I'm a long ways away from this(maybe 5 months to a year).
  8. What if the villian joins you in the end?(or middle) You know what I'm talking about, turning from the dark side to the light side. How original is this idea? I'd like to know cause i'm using it in my scenerio and if it's really over used then I'll try something else.
  9. Nice article. It gave me some more insight to a problem I'm having. I found that is hard to mix all three and a few other element together it make a real life enviroment. Even harder when its your first try at making a scenario. But its coming out better then I had hoped. Maybe I'll be done by the time I'm fifty. =o Once more thanks for the article, it has helped answer questions I didn't even know I had.
  10. Thanx Shyguy! I'm going to dedicate something in my game to you just for giving me that idea. (like a town or some cool guy that has great ideas that you can only steal if you ask nicely) =P To much time on my hands and not much to do.
  11. Shyguy, thats a great idea. If it works can I use it for some of my scenarios? ( Gets part two of his scenario in his head befor he finishes part one ) It would work out good for me and my plans. Moowahaa <--evil laugh
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