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Everything posted by Rowen

  1. Nutz, I need to start a new party then with some non-humans in it then. I went for the traditional "Empire" party and went all human. Looks I get to play it twice at the same time.
  2. One thing that struck me as odd is that I am playing for the Empire, but I can have lizards or kitties in my party. I thought the Empire was famous for it's hatred of all non-humans. Has that hatred changed over the last few years and now the surffice dwellers mingle every day with these other races, even to the point that they allow them to serve in thier army?
  3. I just hope that the release date doesn't get pushed back like it means nothing. I do understand the need to work out the bugs, but I really hope that here is no wait like with the last Zelda game. That really killed me.
  4. I thought that the fact that you are tracking down the "villain" (Dorikas I assumed because he got away in A4) made it clear that this was in chronological order with the other Avernum games. But that's just me.
  5. No hidden passages? Then I spent all that time walking into walls at random was for nothing? Oh-well.
  6. I only found Av 4 a little hard to get into for the first three days. The conrols were diffrent and I needed time to get use to them. Once I did I found it quite fun and that I really needed to level up a lot more then in the over Av games. Basicly, I'm looking forward to Av 5.
  7. Oh Snap, I know wait for the wrath of the gods for my double post.
  8. Quote: Originally written by Nelo Angelo, The Great Squirrel God: Anyone else killed Erika yet? Yuppers. => EDIT:To Kel: I just tryed to get Erika and I couldn't. Without haking that is. Just as a not to everyone, DON'T USE CLOUD OF BLADES ON DOOMGUARDS!!!! I did this and befor I knew it, the room was full of doomguards and they were poring in from outside the roome too. Story made short, I died. I did all this in A3 just so you know.
  9. Use the editor as a bank. When you get 15k, go to the editor and set your gold down to 0 and build back up to 15k. Just make sure you keep a recored of how many 15k's yoou have in the bank. It was an idea I picked up from someone on the boards
  10. If you help him the Drake Lord gives you a plate armor and tells you to go away. If you kill him you find a plate armor in his lair. The plate armor was rusted or something like that.
  11. I can never figure out how to do get in the Monastery of Madness. Any who could help a lost soul like mine?
  12. Non-playable: The sheep; it would be fun to go around and fight monsters as a sheep. Playable: I always us a Slith.
  13. It always fun when you learn things like that. I know I always want to get on the boards and tell everyone the things I found out playing a game. The bad thing for me is I always over look those two spells when I play.
  14. I think I got into the 50-60 range. This might have something to do with that fact that I live by the rule of: If it dies it was bad. Can you get into the negetive numbers?
  15. Killing friendlies will make you lose points, but with 52 that doesn't really matter, unless your trying to get all the NPC that can join you. Welcome to the boards.
  16. Spoiler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The curse on the house is lifted, you turn in to a bird, the game then ends. Spoiler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. In my A2 game I have the evil wizard Grazerl(I have no idea how to spell his name). It's cool becouse I use him to fight himself. Other then that I never use the spell. Yes Sasuke, the spell seemed not to be needed in A3.
  18. I would have to go with what AM said. I'll go do this on a game and see if it works
  19. I don't think you can heal the crystal One of the tooths is in the north west part of Avernum. You have to use a boat to get to the drakes. If I'm wrong I'm sorry, it's been a while since I played A2.
  20. What was the point of the house being haunted? Is it a side quest or something? Or is it just to lead me to the goodies in the house? By the way, kill the house maid if you can. It's cool. =>
  21. The only potions I used were at the start of a game and they saved me tons of times. They are helpful for a short time but after I get leveled up I power up my mage and priest and go to spells.
  22. Quote: Originally written by Fear and Loathing: The whole place turns against you, and guards are tough, but they're not unbeatable. The first time I fought with guards I they killed me really fast. After that it was no longer all about saving the world, only getting strong so I could have my revenge.
  23. I would try boosting your strength up and melee. Also, blademaster is helpful as is two handed weapons ~I always found magic to be way to powerful. The melee comes in handy though when I can't kill something with magic.
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