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Everything posted by Rowen

  1. Rowen


    The only drinkable vodka that I've had was when I was doing body shots at a party. And that only happened after we drank a bottle of Patrón Añejo. Later that week I tried vodka before drinking other alcohol to take off the edge and decided to not drink for the rest of the night. That stuff is beyond nasty.
  2. Here is the challenge: In the space of 10 minutes, create a vibrant, descriptive paragraph or poem about a location or activity, but do not directly name it. Click to reveal.. (Drowning in Egyptian Thread) Kicking, turning, ever stirring Drowning in Egyptian thread. Freezing, burning, never pleasing Dripping sweat off my forehead. Tangled, ensnared, ever corralled Wishing I could only leave. Drifting, sinking, never leaving Monsters haunt my visions here. Retiring, relaxing, ev’r waxing Darkness creeps into my head. Slipping, crashing, never blinking I lay down into repose.
  3. I've not seen 9 out of the 30 movies represented with photos.
  4. Bring back the paddles with holes in them and stiff leather belts that leave huge welts. That was the best teacher I ever had and our kids deserve the best.
  5. I laugh when I lye too.
  6. I love your intonation when you pronounced those words. Very flowing and easy to listen too.
  7. Sometimes I read threads like this one and then get depressed.
  8. The number I was looking for was four. Congrats Karoka Number between 1 and forever. 1, for, ever.
  9. I'm thinking of a number between 1 and forever.
  10. I've got an older 2007 MPB before the unibody come out. The logic board has melted 3 times in the last 5 years now from heat problems. Haven't had heat issues in two years since I started using a third party fan control. This MBP has turned me off from buying another Mac computer for a long time.
  11. Tyran, what cooling system do you have rigged up for you MBP? Has your outer case started to warp yet from all the heat? Mine did, the keypad looks like an earthquake zone now.
  12. Originally Posted By: Harehunter Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S Are you sure you're not TM? You are right on target Slarty
  13. Rowen


    I wouldn't say the internet was the spark, just a median for it.
  14. I haven't felt an earthquake, let alone a tremor since I left Chile. Hope the Northeast is doing okay.
  15. Will you be using Map Maker for this campaign?
  16. Originally Posted By: Master1 Is this planned? Is this a conspiracy? Or are my eyes just too tired? This is Alorael we are talking about. Everything is planned with no thought before hand to the planning taking place.
  17. Originally Posted By: Slarty This is an undertaking, with the emphasis on the under. As you said, I looked under and found this.
  18. Oh yeah, its not like I planed a 2 hour drive to Spokane at the same time. I'll be there.
  19. Another reason not to live in Texas.
  20. Originally Posted By: The Turtle Moves I can't believe I'm finding out about this via Spiderweb. This is where I go for all my real time news updates.
  21. Originally Posted By: Lilith then misc got killed off It will always live on in our hearts and make us cry in fear. And welcome, glad to have new faces from steam joining us.
  22. I own and played through both of the first two Golden Sun games twice. My first play through of the first game was amazing. The second game started to drag out after getting to the other side of the ocean, but picked back up when I reached the North. I have yet to go buy the latest of the Golden Sun games for the DS but imagine that I will so I have something to do in my classes this fall.
  23. Originally Posted By: Lilith Originally Posted By: Triumph I hope someday Secret of Mana is re-released on a system I have access to...it sounds interesting. Yeah, Slarty, the Oracle Zeldas were pretty amazing. I liked Ages a bit better than Seasons, though the puzzles sometimes made my brain hurt. Secret of Mana is on the Virtual Console, so if you have a Wii... Spending student loans to download it now...
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