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Everything posted by Rowen

  1. Click to reveal.. Character: Name: Pepper Grinder Race: Human Sex: Female HP 10/10 STM 5/10 SP 5/5 Acrobatics: 6 Alchemy: 5 Arcana: 2 Material Magic: 9 (+1) Perception: 5 Stealth: 3 Stored Points: 3 (+3) Spells: Stone Warrior: Create a stone creature that fights for its summoner. Earth Manipulation: Change stone into metal and metal into stone and shape it during the process. Rock Maze: Reshape the ground to form a four foot tall spiked maze over an expanse of ground 30 feet long and 10 feet wide extending from the caster. Stoneskin: Form the ground around a target and meld it to the surface of their body, allowing them to move and melee attack while coved with stone for 2 rounds. Liquid Stone: Caster is able to tune a small spot of ground into a deep pool of liquid stone and the harden it once more. Grind: Quickly erode a bit of stone or metal over a few seconds. Inventory: Thread worn brown robes and leather boots 2x Energy Potion Two days worth of mushroom bread
  2. Turns out I meant classic and not classical. Seems that to be a classic it has to stand a test of some time (never a set length) and carry a popularity (most people have heard of it if not read it).
  3. What exactly is or makes a "classical" author? Is it age, popularity, cultural influence? Are all classical authors dead? Is Stephenie Meyer a classical author? Why or why not? Can she become one? How?
  4. Before we crucify the state police forces of the U.S. just remember that they are way more fair and tolerant then police forces in some other countries. Whenever I see an officer in Idaho I don't feel I need to hide from them so they don't beat me bloody.
  5. Bumping this cause I want to fight zombies again sometime before spring starts.
  6. Originally Posted By: Just what the doctor ordered Yeah, and there'll always be that guy in the Pentagon who could snap and hit the big red button; the trick is to keep those people out of the system.
  7. I choose Stephenie Meyer because I simply do not like her writing. In this case her defeat is better than any victory could ever be.
  8. Rowen


    I wouldn't mind a line of sight teleportation like Nightcrawler has.
  9. Click to reveal.. Character: Name: Pepper Grinder Race: Human Sex: Female HP 10/10 STM 10/10 SP 5/5 Acrobatics: 6 (+2) Alchemy: 5 Arcana: 2 Material Magic: 8 Perception: 5 (+1) Stealth: 3 Stored Points: 0 (-2) Spells: Stone Warrior: Create a stone creature that fights for its summoner. Earth Manipulation: Change stone into metal and metal into stone and shape it during the process. Rock Maze: Reshape the ground to form a four foot tall spiked maze over an expanse of ground 30 feet long and 10 feet wide extending from the caster. Stoneskin: Form the ground around a target and meld it to the surface of their body, allowing them to move and melee attack while coved with stone for 2 rounds. Liquid Stone: Caster is able to tune a small spot of ground into a deep pool of liquid stone and the harden it once more. Grind: Quickly erode a bit of stone or metal over a few seconds. Inventory: Thread worn brown robes and leather boots 2x Energy Potion Two days worth of mushroom bread
  10. I enjoy Valentines's Day. After the 1st of January up until St. Patty's Day there are few holidays that are celebrated nation (U.S.) wide. I find that having a holiday the break the cold of the northwest winters to be welcoming. And just like some holidays this one has been commercialized and carries a preset mind frame of what it is for. Couples. I'm not bothered and never have been by the couples part as I tend to celebrate the holiday a few days after the 14th. Roses are on sale, candy is on sale, all the left over commercialization is on sale after the 15th and I enjoy spending money on it then, not before. As for the coupling part of the holiday, its good that there is a day used the reflect on why people are together.
  11. Originally Posted By: Actaeon (unless you count the Newton).
  12. I have the next session marked for the 14th of this month.
  13. I thought there was a session of zombies Saturday the 4th. Is there any campaign that has a session that day? I have it marked on my calendar as a AIMHack night for some reason.
  14. Click to reveal.. Character: Name: Pepper Grinder Race: Human Sex: Female HP 10/10 STM 10/10 SP 5/5 Acrobatics: 4 Alchemy: 5 (+2) Arcana: 2 Material Magic: 8 Perception: 4 Stealth: 3 Stored Points: 2 (+1) Spells: Stone Warrior: Create a stone creature that fights for its summoner. Earth Manipulation: Change stone into metal and metal into stone and shape it during the process. Rock Maze: Reshape the ground to form a four foot tall spiked maze over an expanse of ground 30 feet long and 10 feet wide extending from the caster. Stoneskin: Form the ground around a target and meld it to the surface of their body, allowing them to move and melee attack while coved with stone for 2 rounds. Liquid Stone: Caster is able to tune a small spot of ground into a deep pool of liquid stone and the harden it once more. Grind: Quickly erode a bit of stone or metal over a few seconds. Inventory: Thread worn brown robes and leather boots 2x Energy Potion Two days worth of mushroom bread
  15. I don't know how I forgot about this cover that Steve Burns did of one of my favorite songs.
  16. Rowen

    Island in Chaos

    Campaign is now over. King Drazo took a throwing knife to the knee and then the rebels took over the island.
  17. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity I think we've all realized that the most realistic scenario with computers running amok is that they try to sell us knock-off Viagra. My greatest technology fear is the blue screen.
  18. I like covers that are done on the spot-ish. I also like David Fords raspy voice so I tend to enjoy his fun covers. (starts at :45)
  19. Hey all. Session starts in 1 hour. Room is SWzombies2. If you're late my character will murder yours and take all your lootz.
  20. Originally Posted By: Kreador Originally Posted By: Jarval As "keeping items" is the topic, i wondered if it is safe to keep items piled up at the ground somewhere, or inside a chest or crate - or do they get deleted after some time? It is a persistent world, so things on the town/dungeon maps stay where you put them. I believe that there is a limit on how many items you can drop on one square.
  21. Rowen

    Island in Chaos

    So umm, yeah. Totally double post bumping this cause the last session is tomorrow. Be there, or Gunnar gets all teh lootz.
  22. Click to reveal.. Character: Name: Pepper Grinder Race: Human Sex: Female HP 10/10 STM 10/10 SP 5/5 Acrobatics: 4 Alchemy: 3 Arcana: 2 (+1) Material Magic: 8 Perception: 4 (+1) Stealth: 3 (+1) Stored Points: 1 Spells: Stone Warrior: Create a stone creature that fights for its summoner. Earth Manipulation: Change stone into metal and metal into stone and shape it during the process. Rock Maze: Reshape the ground to form a four foot tall spiked maze over an expanse of ground 30 feet long and 10 feet wide extending from the caster. Stoneskin: Form the ground around a target and meld it to the surface of their body, allowing them to move and melee attack while coved with stone for 2 rounds. Liquid Stone: Caster is able to tune a small spot of ground into a deep pool of liquid stone and the harden it once more. Grind: Quickly erode a bit of stone or metal over a few seconds. Inventory: Thread worn brown robes and leather boots 2x Energy Potion Two days worth of mushroom bread
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