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Everything posted by Rowen

  1. I tried running a party with a fighter and three archers in the testing. It was so much harder, but not imposible (besides not having level 3 dispel barrier). I wouldn't recommend for new players.
  2. Lower level spell books is the term for the three spell tomes you can read that teaches you the first seven spells for priest or mage magic, or dispel barrier. IThey only teach those spells up to level 2 so you have to find the individual tomes to learn a spell up to level 3.
  3. I can only choose private viewing for the calendar. If there was a way to make it pubic then it could have a use for all the GM's to see when different campaigns have sessions and for the players to see it too.
  4. There is the "Ignore this user" feature on the board that can be found inside everyone's profile that you can click. There also is also a niffty stalker feature called "View Posts" so I know know where you post, how often, and at what time of day.
  5. Character: Click to reveal.. Name: Pepper Grinder Race: Human Sex: Female HP 10/10 STM 10/10 SP 5/5 Acrobatics: 2 Alchemy: 3 Arcana: 1 Material Magic: 6 Perception: 3 Stealth: 2 Spells: Click to reveal.. Stone Warrior: Create a stone creature that fights for its summoner. Earth Manipulation: Change stone into metal and metal into stone and shape it during the process. Rock Maze: Reshape the ground to form a four foot tall spiked maze over an expanse of ground 30 feet long and 10 feet wide extending from the caster. Stoneskin: Form the ground around a target and meld it to the surface of their body, allowing them to move and melee attack while coved with stone for 2 rounds. Liquid Stone: Caster is able to tune a small spot of ground into a deep pool of liquid stone and the harden it once more. Backstory: Click to reveal.. While everyone was being thrown into Avernum, I chose to go. After hearing that Emperor Hawthorne had died I knew what was coming; the last scouring of the surface. One last call to be sent to Avernum and I am not one to miss out on such a great opportunity. Once in Avernum I spent a few months at the Tower of Magi but found it to be restrictive. I left for the Abyss and freedom. I never thought twice about my new home until the Empire showed up. Inventory: Click to reveal.. Thread worn brown robes and leather boots 2x Energy Potion Two days worth of mushroom bread
  6. Rowen

    Island in Chaos

    Name: Gunnar Fachtna Sigurd Leolin Race: Lacewing Occupation: Thief Catcher Level 7 Hit Points: ??/?? Stamina: 10/10 Str: 5 (+1) (+goblin strength) Dex: 8 Int: 3 History: 5 (+3) (+1 Racial) Martial (Knife): 6 Nature: 6 Perception: 4 Stealth: 6 Streetwise: 5 (+2) Thievery: 5 (+1 Racial) Stored Points: 0
  7. Rowen

    Island in Chaos

    Silly question. How many skill points do we get?
  8. And what a lovely farewell thread it is. Also, incredible timing with the count and the date. That alone makes your return all the more anticipated.
  9. Three words to make Avernum the best game ever. Avernum: The Musical.
  10. Rowen

    Island in Chaos

    Sweet baby-back ribs of mouth watering goodness. I can't wait. Is it bad that I don't remember what happened in the last session?
  11. I wasn't trying to say that having a pre-session where the players all talk with the DM about the game, character builds, and expectations is not worth doing. I just think that it seems to be a post-choosing-players activity. Having everyone make characters and then attend a session and amend them might not be the best way either. I tried choosing the players before they made characters and then did a pre-session to try to get the characters to form a party. I doubt that was the best way to do it either. I honestly don't think there is a best way to do it. Just because I have concerns does not mean that I do not want to participate or that I would not want to have a pre-session, it just means that I would show up at the pre-session with no character pre-made and with no expectations of what kind of character I would like to play until I find out if I am playing.
  12. Originally Posted By: Sarachim Signing up: I’m going to do a character creation and player selection mini-session like Lilith did for ATCT. As silly as this sounds but can't you choose the players before hand with PM's and then do a mini-session with them to set up the characters? Or do you want to do it exactly like Lilith did: have everyone show up, and then seem to choose from a predeterminer list, and make everyone that was not chosen to play wonder why the hell they had to come to a mini session to be told "you aren't playing, good day."
  13. Ben took 2 bullets while at 2 HP and lived. That is what a real tank is. Take damage and live to take more. Who needs high HP, combat skilled, and damage resistant characters when you have Ben to take the bullets for you? It's like having a Mario on steroids.
  14. I watch everything on the specific shows website/hulu/netfix. Only use for a TV is playing wii games. Shows that I am watching are Bones, Claymore, Darker then Black, Doctor Who, NCIS, Psych, Smallville, Star Trek: DS9, Star Trek: Voyager, and Walking Dead
  15. Click to reveal.. Ben, L3 Male Former Minister/Charismatic Traveler (Rowen) STATUS: Healthy LOCATION: Present ATTRIBUTES: 3STR/3DEX/2PER/3INT HP [10+2S]: 0/0/16 AC [10+D]: 11 SPD [3+½D]: 3 Well Read – 1PD, get a +4 to any INT roll. [Ready] Weapon Proficiency (Automatics) SKILLS Athletics: 4 Driving: 5 Speechcraft: 3 Deception: 2+1 Intimidation: 0+1 Negotiation: 2+1
  16. Does playing Settlers of Catan count as a table top? Or are we reserving this for the old style D&D, Battletech, and Robotech paper and pencil games.
  17. That makes me wonder. Does cave fungus glow all the time or intermittently? Can we say that the fungus set when it gets dark?
  18. So umm, the zombies should be killing us in less then a week now. Don't forget to be there.
  19. Rowen

    Print Journalism

    Am I the only one that gets the Spiderweb forums in a newspaper? Its just above the crossword and Sudoku puzzles on B5
  20. I think having some monsters immune to types of damage makes sense. I just wish there was a way to make the PC's immune to damage also.
  21. Originally Posted By: jlsgaladriel Ah, found it. Originally Posted By: jeff When a player is on the default difficult level, has built his or her characters poorly, and is playing straight through the main storyline with mediocre tactics, that player should almost never be killed. (bottom feeder 2009) Somehow I think giving "make this harder!" feedback for my normal runthrough would be a waste of time. I think Jeff was talking about my kind of party build. I like to put a points into every skill available just because I can. Jack of all trades and almost 100% worthless. But I do agree with Jeff's thought that a person should be able to make different characters and still beat the game. If only on character build was worth while to have, then why have all the other needless skills to distract you from that build?
  22. Okay, I'm sure that I've eaten there then on one of my hundreds of drives from north Idaho to southeast Idaho.
  23. Quote: They have good steak Is there one of those in Missoula? It looks very familiar to me.
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