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Everything posted by Rowen

  1. I like how my name makes such a hash of things when upside down. uÇÊoɹ is rather catchy.
  2. Originally Posted By: Kreador Originally Posted By: Randomizer One typo can ruin the whole game. Avernum: Escape from the Pot would transform it completely. ;-)
  3. Originally Posted By: Bureau of Individuality Actually, now I have a confession. It should be "Because you voted too late, I became a mod instead of Morgan." I wasn't the one voting, but I am the one botching grammar now. Your winning was due to a grammar error in the voting process? It's recount time!
  4. I thought something smelt dinosaury about those names. It was fun though.
  5. Rowen


    Click to reveal.. Originally Posted By: Tyranicus Originally Posted By: uǝʍoɹ Originally Posted By: Tyranicus According to your User Agent, you are using a Windows PC, so technically, you have two browsers, since Internet Explorer is built into Windows. Is there a way to uninstall IE from windows with out windows crying? Technically you can remove it from Programs and Features in the Control Panel, but all that really does is remove the shortcuts to it. It will still be on your computer because Windows uses the same engine for Windows Explorer. Curses, and I really thought I had rid myself if it. Its like the herpes of windows, always there even when you think its gone.
  6. Rowen


    Originally Posted By: Tyranicus Originally Posted By: uǝʍoɹ Why would you have more then one browser on your computer? I just got one that works for me (Chrome) and don't bother getting anything else. According to your User Agent, you are using a Windows PC, so technically, you have two browsers, since Internet Explorer is built into Windows. Is there a way to uninstall IE from windows with out windows crying?
  7. Rowen


    Why would you have more then one browser on your computer? I just got one that works for me (Chrome) and don't bother getting anything else.
  8. ET/SD might go on the (ERA X) PUBLIC NUISANCES list.
  9. I started playing KoL due to it being talked about on the SWF. That lead me to KoLradio and now I listen to that all the time. It was SV members that got me into playing it, but it wasn't on the SV forums. Edit: Oh and how would Aran/Polaran's Piper play into the history books?
  10. Rowen


    I had to take shelter in buildings twice today due to 10 minute hail storms that just hurt to be in.
  11. Session is tomorrow. Don't forget to set your alarm clocks or level up.
  12. With the RW is that game of his that was like gemcraft or something. Its been so long I haven't seen it I've forgotten. But that game did have a little following that stuck to that one form mostly. Other members that I can remember are Sir David (I think that was the PND) and Roxey Crant (Way missspelt but both were on Polaris) As for as community history goes, the Bandwagon thread about Alorael's post count that started his continuous name change was a notable mile point. Another note is the use of Canned as a title for spammers, and how Banned was a visible title too till *i changed it. Edit: Another note on Polaris was that Alorael had an ever growing negative post count number just like on SWF he has a growing one that can't reach the top level.
  13. Rowen


    You know winter is over once you have your last snow of the year in mind June.
  14. Slarty, will the continuation of the history be in this same thread, new post or edited into the first, or a new thread all together. Every time I see someone post in this one I think you updated it again and get all excited only to see that we are talking about satellites and the raging hormones in our youth against the machine. Makes me miss the silly posting of Polaris, and I'm still trying to move on with my life now that its not just dead, but gone.
  15. That seem mostly on spot from what I remember. I thought that the Solberg plagiarism happened earlier then 2001 on the ikonboard (summer or fall of 2000). But my memory is a bit foggy on that exactly. And I am now fearful, if Slarty is finishing projects then the Mayans did have it right.
  16. I heard this on KoL Radio tonight and just had to share it.
  17. I started with a demo disk that let that had Exile 1, 2, and 3 on it. I started with 3 and worked my way backwards to 1. By the time I got to the forums when BoE was almost released. On the same disk I found Escape Velocity. That is a game series that I enjoyed very much also.
  18. Rowen

    Baldur's Gate

    I am interested in what will be shown tomorrow. I do hope for a Baldur's Gate 2 but wont hold my breath for it.
  19. Originally Posted By: Nioca Its okay, it is just a game after all.
  20. 7 makes me think of Farscape for some reason. EDIT: 2 might be from Battlestar Galactic also, I remember that they wore lots of padded cloths in that show and funny looking space helmets.
  21. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan 8. Fry misses his dog.
  22. So I was looking over my calender and didn't have a date for the next session marked yet.
  23. #3 is Anya? from Buffy but I do not remember the episode or what was going on at the time.
  24. #6 is Jerry Seinfeld stealing the last marble rye from the old lady after he followed her from the bakery. EDIT: You have got to be kidding me >_<
  25. So... which of the 4 listed days is the session on?
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