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Everything posted by Rowen

  1. Click to reveal.. Name: Pepper Grinder Race: Human Sex: Female HP 10/10 STM 5/10 SP 5/5 Acrobatics: 6 Alchemy: 5 Arcana: 2 Material Magic: 11 (+1) Perception: 5 Stealth: 3 Stored Points: 2 (-1) Spells: Stone Warrior: Create a stone creature that fights for its summoner. Earth Manipulation: Change stone into metal and metal into stone and shape it during the process. Rock Maze: Reshape the ground to form a four foot tall spiked maze over an expanse of ground 30 feet long and 10 feet wide extending from the caster. Stoneskin: Form the ground around a target and meld it to the surface of their body, allowing them to move and melee attack while coved with stone for 2 rounds. Liquid Stone: Caster is able to tune a small spot of ground into a deep pool of liquid stone and the harden it once more. Grind: Quickly erode a bit of stone or metal over a few seconds. Basilisk's Gaze: Turn target into stone for 2 round. Cost 1 stamina per cast. Mass Effect™: Can make stones or metal lighter and weaker, or heavier and stronger. Inventory: Thread worn brown robes and leather boots 2x Energy Potion 1x Healing potion Two days worth of mushroom bread 2x healing sprigs 1x poisonous toadstool
  2. I am glad that Mariann and Aran were here to save the forums, and update UBB too. Thank you Admins and Mods for all the thankless work you put into keeping these forums running smoothly.
  3. Session is tomorrow or maybe its not. Either way, I'll be there.
  4. Back in 2006 there was school takeover by the students in Chile. They locked themselves inside, bared the doors and windows with desks to keep the military for forcing them out. Those not in the schools marched on La Moneda, (capital building). It lasted four days and was called the Penguin March by many of the locals I knew.
  5. Person in Patrick's tower wants it. And the Empire Agent under Formello also wants it.
  6. Boudicca, cause some women are baddass too.
  7. Each PC can train in the skill only once, for a total party of 40%.
  8. Super Smash Brothers 64 Myst (Original, not remake) Final Fantasy IV Exile 3 Escape Velocity Escape Velocity: Override Escape Velocity: Nova Alex Kidd In Miracle World Time Splitters 2 Mario Cart 64 Edit: Originally Posted By: Nioca Total Annihilation I love that game! I use to play it on my old dial up with my friend every day. Turned me into a Core believer.
  9. Rowen


    Chess is fun but I haven't played it daily since I was in the chess club back in high school. So please go easy on me as I can bet I can only see one or two moves ahead anymore if I'm lucky.
  10. Click to reveal.. (Character) Name: Pepper Grinder Race: Human Sex: Female HP 10/10 STM 5/10 SP 5/5 Acrobatics: 6 Alchemy: 5 Arcana: 2 Material Magic: 10 (+1) Perception: 5 Stealth: 3 Stored Points: 3 Spells: Stone Warrior: Create a stone creature that fights for its summoner. Earth Manipulation: Change stone into metal and metal into stone and shape it during the process. Rock Maze: Reshape the ground to form a four foot tall spiked maze over an expanse of ground 30 feet long and 10 feet wide extending from the caster. Stoneskin: Form the ground around a target and meld it to the surface of their body, allowing them to move and melee attack while coved with stone for 2 rounds. Liquid Stone: Caster is able to tune a small spot of ground into a deep pool of liquid stone and the harden it once more. Grind: Quickly erode a bit of stone or metal over a few seconds. Inventory: Thread worn brown robes and leather boots 2x Energy Potion Two days worth of mushroom bread A few healing sprigs I guess I need to make a new spell that deals with rocks. Any suggestions?
  11. Rowen

    MOD or NOT?

    1. Aran, he and his many bots would make for a very nice meat shield. But the admins and mods will frown upon this act. 2. After being banished to the underworld for sacrificing a mod, I would undoubtedly run into TM at some point and have to endure his toolbagness. 3. Once Stareye has been assassinated by the heroes of Exile, Slarty and the other mods will mount an invasion to teach us outcasts a leason..
  12. Originally Posted By: Galanos 3. Eyebrow hair which grows to a certain length and grows back to that (or a similar one) length (as I am told) if cut, yet does not regrow if plucked. Anyone who has ever plucked their eyebrows would say that this fact is not right. They grow back when plucked or waxed.
  13. Originally Posted By: Excalibur Originally Posted By: Trenton the Crazed Twilight Teen Wow. The topic drifted from embarrassing moments to movies in under 20 posts? That's a first in the time I have joined. Its almost as if someone WANTED to change the topic... Surely there have been other instances of topic drift in the past two years! There have been many topics that drifted from the original topic to that of topic drift. I think that only happens when no one knows where the drifting should go.
  14. Rowen


    This is what the University of Idaho uses as a guild line to finding out how much money you need for two semesters (one full academic year) of school. Code: Budget DetailBooks & Supplies $1,474.00Miscellaneous Expenses $4,018.00Room & Board $9,264.00Tuition & Fees $5,856.00Transportation $1,584.00Total: $22,196.00
  15. Rowen


    Another tip with book cost it to share a book with someone that needs the same book you do. I always share my English textbooks with someone and we split the cost that way, better to pay $60 and share then $120.
  16. Rowen


    I use a kindle for most of my textbooks. It saves money down the road. Also, I have not read the full thread, but sign up for work study if you can. That will save you money you will have to pay back. As for what I find I need money wize month to month, food is about $100, internet is $59, electric is separate from our rent that that varies from summer to winter, Netflix is like $9 and most important is $40 I set aside for not going insane. Its my whatever money, go out with friends, paid events, the theater (no movies), its money to to release steam and unstress.
  17. When in Chile, I walked an average of 15.5 miles per day for 4 months. At least my little step counter I wore said that.
  18. I sneezed a pickle slice out of my nose in junior high in the cafeteria. I was sitting at the popular girls table too. After that, I never sat with them again.
  19. Originally Posted By: The best men are mysterious. I don't talk to arts majors much. But when I do, I ask for the large fries. I'll make sure to spit in them just for you.
  20. Originally Posted By: Actaeon Where do you see computing in five years? Ten? Twenty?
  21. Originally Posted By: Excalibur Nintendo is already coming out with a hybrid touchscreen controller. It looks about as awkward as you'd expect it to be. Awkward or not, I know that I'll still get the wii u.
  22. Rowen


    Man, nostalgia is overrated. The past if full of nothing but the growing pains that shaped today. Life has the stretch marks to prove it.
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