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Everything posted by Rowen

  1. Rowen

    Welcome Triumph!

    With the new wave of mods now released upon the forums, which older mods can we expect to fade away from the boards all together?
  2. I know it has been said before and I am going to say it again. The forums are now amazingly easy to use on a smartphone.
  3. TM was funny and a god of BoE and a bit of BoA. ET was not funny and not a god of anything. That's how I remember them.
  4. Hmmm, has anyone played a party though the game where when a PC dies, they don't resurrect them? It sounds like it would be a little bit of a challenge, even more so on torment.
  5. Poor Salmon. I guess that explains why he has not posted here in a while.
  6. "Well come to Avernum, now you die." -Greeter Also welcome to to Spiderweb, please leave your sanity at the door.
  7. Hmm, a few things that I have eaten that are interesting. Beef: Rocky Mountain Oysters, breaded and fried up don't taste to bad. I paid $5 U.S. dollars to a guy to eat one raw once too. He lived. Antallope: They are common around where I live and so is hunting them. I find that they have a little richer taste then venison, but always thought of them as being in the same group as venison. Guinea pig or other rodents: Squirrel, cause if you shoot it, you eat it. Its really bony and has very little meat on it, but with teriyaki sauce you can pretend its chicken on a stick. Grasshoppers or locusts - Other insects or terrestrial arthropods: I'm surprised I'm the only on that marked these. Ate all of them as a kid being dares and in boy scouts survival. Edit: Also why no dog or cat on the list? I know that I've eaten dog before. I don't think I've eaten cat.
  8. I thought choosing mods on the 6th of November would have been funny.
  9. Here in Moscow we had almost two weeks of fall before it turned to winter. I miss fall already.
  10. Congrats to you too Jerakeen. I know that I find your posts in the AEFTP to be most helpful.
  11. A late congrats is in order along with a ponies!
  12. Rowen


    But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the global mods or admins of heaven, but my Father only.
  13. Rowen

    D&D GOG Sale

    I have never played a single one of those games before. I have looked them all up multiple times over the years and thought about buying some of them but always talk myself out of it. Today, I am am unable to talk myself out of buying the pack. I wanted to play this when they first came out, and now I am going to. I also think there is a difference in advertising something and sharing something. Someone else might want to debate where the line is between the two but I would say that the OP was sharing and not advertising.
  14. Death is natural. Is it sad when a loved one dies? Sure, but they were going to die anyways at some point in time. Its nothing to run away from, nor is it something to run towards. Edit: is what I thought of when I read the article.
  15. Rowen


    If we added human sacrifice to the sport it would become very interesting indeed.
  16. Originally Posted By: Sylaena Kyle Originally Posted By: Lilith i recognise your avatar and approve As do I - my Master System came with it built-in, though I sadly never managed to finish it. That game was my introduction to console gaming. I think the Wii has it on it now.
  17. The session is still tomorrow, right Sylae?
  18. Click to reveal.. Freckles L3 Female Str: 3 Dex: 3 Int: 1 Per: 4 (+1) 16 HP Feats: Bloodthirsty - 1PD "Bloodlust" +6HP, +2HIT for 2+level/2 turns Power Attack: Grants ability "Power Attack," allowing you to sacrifice up to -5 HIT for up to +5 CRIT on your next melee attack. Counts as a full round action. Athletics: 6 (+1) Gun Knowledge (Kinetic) 2 (+1) First Aid: 1 Intimidation: 4 (+1) Observation:1 Tactics: 2
  19. Rowen

    No, Seriously!

    I didn't mean for you to feel regretful, I have found the topic to be refreshing. I find myself understanding the plausibility of not only monkeys, but humans agreeing upon a forced social code in order for survival and compete against the larger, more aggressive ones such as alphas.
  20. Rowen

    No, Seriously!

    Originally Posted By: Future Wonderbolt Originally Posted By: Rowen is having tea with Gramzon I got a 40 dollar speeding ticket for going 109 mph. When was this? Nowadays it seems like you'd get the chair for driving like that. This was in Montana, just before Clark Canyon Reservoir. I made the drive from Moscow, ID to Idaho Falls ID, that day in 6 hours. It was the most scary drive of my life, but time was against life so I sped. Also, the state patrolman was amazing cool when I explained why I was and would continue to speed.
  21. Rowen

    Good idea!

    To me internet memes are just a lazy way of escaping having to form and articulate an opinion and just saying something that doesn't add to any conversational at all, but distracts from it.
  22. Rowen

    No, Seriously!

    This feels like a discussion my class had in philosophy 101 once. I'm sure that animals display what we can classify and morality, but how do we distinguish what is moral behavior and instinct?
  23. Originally Posted By: Nikki. Since Slarty isn't here to second you, I'll step up. DQ is definitely worth at least an hour of your time, trying it out. It also has yummy ice cream treats.
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