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Everything posted by Rowen

  1. I think you are right Lilith, it does look very similar to the one I have from the stems and the leafs to those nods that grow out of the stems. Nikki, I promise that my next thread will disappoint you even more than this one did with false hopes of something cool inside.
  2. From all the plant talk I said that I had some that I cannot identify. Here they are: two plants that I cannot name. Here are images of their leafs. I think they share a common type with these ones too
  3. I keep a Spath (Peace Lily) on the computer desk next to the window so it gets sunlight and I remember to water and talk to it. Yes, plants enjoy a good conversation. I have another two plants that I cannot easily identify. I'll edit some pics in for everyone to take a look at later today.
  4. I grow my own organic derailment in the backyard under a camouflage tarp so the Admins don't see it. It use it to treat my postinitis syndrome, I promise.
  5. I've enjoyed ponies since 1996.
  6. Rowen

    Quick food poll

    I have been having meats with only four to six meals a week (mostly fish or shell fish products and some chicken, no beef at all) and have upped my intake of starches and veggies As far as fruits go I like apples and will get them when they are on sale along with bananas, many berries and citrus too, but I find that some fruits are too sugary. I tend to avoid sugar heavy processed items (junk food and all that) and find that when I do eat the junk that if I eat more than two or three bites I feel sick from it. As for dairy I could not live without my brie cheeses.
  7. What if the goatee unexpectedly gained a Rowen?
  8. Rowen


    I have one in the spare bedroom next to my nagant, hatchet, and axe. I only use it twice or three times a year.
  9. Every post is a milestone. Parties and cake for everyone with every post!
  10. Rowen


    My mom always said it with thirty two, not just thirty. Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong riddle.
  11. That never stopped anyone from saying nothing.
  12. Want to invite Jeff to a meet up and not have it be awkward? That is what alcohol is for.
  13. before I put on my makeup i say a little...
  14. I shall reinstall tf2 now and beat people with my fish in a newspaper on your server
  15. but cod/mw2 teaches me that i'm amazing with handgun accuracy
  16. On NationStates you do. "Following new legislation in The Anama Empire, people can often be seen driving to work in war-surplus tanks."
  17. I need my guns and bayonets to fend off the pending Canadian invasion that will over run the US military and enslave all the southerners. The End Is Nigh! I Must Be Ready!
  18. Why does "old school" remind me of Shadow Vale?
  19. I'm not saying that the new skin is bad, its just different after just getting used to the old spiderlicious. Time to get adjusted to this skin before it gets changed again.
  20. The fury crossbow looks like it would hurt the user just to hold it. All those pointy ends everywhere. The Jade Halberd looks the best out of all that you have done so far to me. It looks delicate, but deadly. I know I would like to see the Flaming Sword and Ice Sword. Those two are my favorite of all the weapons. You could also do the Xin(sp) Skull for giggles. Cannot wait to see your next interpretation of a weapon.
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