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Everything posted by Rowen

  1. I saw the title and thought that there was a meet up. Looks like I'll be in stalker mode getting more close encounters. o.o
  2. I wont be able to hear it live. Will there be a recording?
  3. [media] [/media] I can't get the time in the link to work. You want to start at 6 minutes and 10 seconds.
  4. I am gone all July and into August so that is why I didn't fill out the calendar. I hope it works out and you all have fun.
  5. Jerakeen, I had the opportunity to watch my mother die of glandular cancer nearly nine years ago. Words always fall short, but I hope you not to get lost in the oncoming months/years.
  6. On second thought, what are the bathrooms like in these worlds. I want to go to the world with the best bathrooms and sell unsellable trowels there.. (Gets priorities strait.)
  7. I would live in Avernum and set up a shop selling unsellable trowels.
  8. I was reading the first post until I got to the above picture and saw what looks like MTV's My Little Pony, 16 and Pregnant. I hope the show works out and that they lower the animation for the dresses from starting at the breast line down to the waist line so they don't look pregnant, unless that is what the show is going for. Than power to them.
  9. I've been on Minecraft a lot lately. I guess I should get some Wesnoth in to break it up. What version is the server running now?
  10. A friend asked me what I thought of JJ Abrams Star Trek In To Darkness and I told him it was like Transformers, lots of action trying to block out the fact that little was done to make me feel attached and care for the characters in the movie.
  11. Do I need to download Wineskin to run your versions first?
  12. Congrats to everyone that has been here for so long. I guess I have been a member for over 11 years also. I least when someone asks me what I'm doing with my life I can say that I'm spending it on Spiderweb games.
  13. This seems like a good thread to put .
  14. I finally finished Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea again. Nothing like the free books on the Kindle to entertain me.
  15. My party sure made Hawthorne the object of their verb with a little help from Erica.
  16. The Indigo Plateau Tournament is starting soon and I have been asked to help out with it. I expect it will be a blast. So I will close the quiz on April 17th. Hurry and get your last answers in while you can.
  17. While you are all debating browsers, I'm over here enjoying some quite time waiting for the last few answers to be submitted.
  18. Congrats. Nothing like real life achievements to make it fun playing.
  19. Very good indeed. I have updated the quiz and also the hints with your correct answers.
  20. And over there on that wall are the last four from the Sinnoh Region. Fantina - Byron - Candice - Volkner - (Post have a cap on the amount of pictures in them.)
  21. (Now that real life is taken care of, time to get back to this.) I have updated the correct answers in the quiz. Also, I hope none of you forgot to look at the wall where I have pictures of all the badges and gym leaders hung up. Look, there are the first four from the Sinnoh region on that wall. Crasher Wake -
  22. I have updated the quiz with the correct answers once more. The Unova region is almost complete now.
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