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Everything posted by Rowen

  1. Our altar to the dead xbox won first prize tonight at the event. That is a cool link.
  2. The amount of puns since the forum change is becoming unbearable.
  3. Days of the Dead Alters that I helped make. Coco Chanel Xbox 360 Also a few pictures I got on campus just a few days ago. Econ building from the side Side ways growing tree Vines on a wall Source of life Thank you Sylae.
  4. This was my try out for sarcasm police.
  5. What would have shaken things up is if you stopped changing your PDN on a daily post basis and went back to the Alorael days of yore. But prophecy says that will only happen when you are tied to the stone table, killed, and rise up three days later to snipe every pedestrian that walks the face of the earth. A business suit and wings will give away your reincarnated state.
  6. Make a sarcasm font. Like italics, only it leans to the left and not the right. Language and comprehension problems solved. Noble Prize won.
  7. My dad had many talks to me as a kid about my tearing fake hearts out of my stuffed animals and sacrificing them while saying "Kali ma, Kali ma, Kali ma." Looking back on it now, I bet it really freaked out my parents.
  8. I would like to see the horse laid to rest, but some people still see money in its corpse they want to beat out of it first.
  9. Games that I bought and never played or took over 6 month to start playing are: Warcraft III and its expansion (Didn't have a computer that could play it when I bought it), Civilization III, Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast (waited 3 years to play it due to computer limitations), Fable, Gratuitous Space Battles, Fate (bought it after seeing a friend play it and forgot about), Lemmings (bought it but never played it since I had beaten the demo so many times). I might have forgot some games just because I don't remember them right now.
  10. Rowen


    Testing it out now. Thats silly, I was only missing the " " when I tried it earlier and couldn't get it to work.
  11. Rowen


    Jeff has blogged that he drew from the opera Duke Bluebeard's Castle in the creation of Avadon. He also blogged that he doesn't like opera. http://jeff-vogel.blogspot.com/2010/06/avadon-developer-diary-1-where-ideas.html How do I make my links all pretty like I could in UBB? Stupid new technology is hard for us old farts.
  12. That was one of the biggest shocks to me when I lived in Chile. Go you McDonald's for an avocado burger or KFC for an avocado wrap and they ask you if you want a beer to go with it. The beer cup sizes were also huge compared to the soda cup sizes. You could get a litter beer for crying out loud. And down there it seemed that boxed wine was the wine of choice. Everyone I knew seemed to drink that over bottled wine.
  13. Snuggle the puppy if you can. Doggies are the best in the world. I'm sorry for your loss/invevitable loss.
  14. Sooooo...My dad showed up in town for business today. Meaning that might be family bonding time later. If I'm not there than I'm strengthening my father-son relationship with fly-fishing.
  15. I would think that in that time a large amount of your cells died off and were replaced by new cells. You have changed on a cellular level at least.
  16. What is wrong with 7 that they had to make an 8?
  17. I even make a pic like Sylae did to answer. We are just to helpful sometimes.
  18. As far as the debate from the early years of Erika vs. Rentar. I think that Rentar was the better of the two simply because she knew the weakness of her enemy and was willing to use it. Erika didn't die cause Rentar fought dirty, Erika died because she was over confident in her power to beat Rentar. Erika didn't view Rentar as a deadly threat, and that is why she never took precautions against being defeated in the way she was. Hell, No one thought an X Wing could blow up the Death Star cause they were over confident in the power of the the space station. Death Star blew up, Erika died.
  19. In a fight to the death can there really be such things as dirty tricks?
  20. Don't be so mean to Lilith. I think her puns are funny even if you do not.
  21. In Fort Avernum one person is loathed over all. Tor. He gives you a stick and says, "Good luck." I know that secretly he is part of the corrupt bureaucracy of Avernum. He keeps all the good stuff that The Castle sends out for the new arrivals for himself and his few elite friends. Elect me King of Avernum 2012 and I will make put an end to the corrupt middlemen that plight our towns and discriminate new arrivals.
  22. After the merge of the final Avernum trilogy into one forum and the creation of many new threads in that forum it might be difficult to separate the threads from that forum specifically for A6. After writing that headache educing sentence I will say that the search function on the forums is much easier to use now. Go to advance search, chose which of the forums you want the search limited to, and enter the search terms and words with proper " " and , marks as needed. If you cannot find what you need with the search function you can make a new thread in the final Avernum trilogy forum and it will get answered. Welcome to Spiderweb, leave your sanity at the door.
  23. Closest I came to meeting another SWer was when I passed by Sylae's hometown to do some easy spelunking. Heck if there is ever interest in another SW round up I know I would go. I might even be willing to host it with enough persuasion.
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