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Everything posted by Rowen

  1. Rowen

    Island in Chaos

    Session is coming up really fast now. Be ready.
  2. Originally Posted By: Master1 Wikipedia doesn't lie Originally Posted By: Wikipedia Hahn, nicknamed the "Radioactive Boy Scout", is an Eagle Scout who received a merit badge in Atomic Energy and spent years tinkering with basement chemistry which sometimes resulted in small explosions and other mishaps. He was inspired in part by reading The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments, and tried to collect samples of every element in the periodic table, including the radioactive ones. Hahn diligently amassed this radioactive material by collecting small amounts from household products, such as americium from smoke detectors, thorium from camping lantern mantles, radium from clocks and tritium (as neutron moderator) from gunsights. His "reactor" was a large, bored-out block of lead, and he used lithium from $1,000 worth of purchased[1] batteries to purify the thorium ash using a Bunsen burner.[2] --- Although his homemade reactor never achieved critical mass, it ended up emitting dangerous levels of radioactivity, likely well over 1,000 times normal background radiation. Alarmed, Hahn began to dismantle his experiments, but a chance encounter with police led to the discovery of his activities, which triggered a Federal Radiological Emergency Response involving the FBI and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. On June 26, 1995 the United States Environmental Protection Agency, having designated Hahn's mother's property as a Superfund hazardous materials cleanup site, dismantled the shed and its contents and buried them as low-level radioactive waste in Utah. Hahn refused medical evaluation for radiation exposure.[1 What can a boy scout not do?
  3. Rowen

    The Party of Four

    Double post bump for tonight. Session 9 is upon us.
  4. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Dikiyoba just wants to know why the archeologists are the ones perpetrating the dinosaur hoax. Are the paleontologists in on it too, or it some sort of weird interdisciplinary rivalry? The field of paleontology doesn't actually exist. That's just a myth perpetuated by archaeologists. Having just re-read Motel of the Mysteries I know the truth about archaeologists and the wannabes. Time to burn down every museum in existence and free ourselves of the lies!
  5. Rowen

    Quotes you love

    Quote: Kuzco: D'oh! You threw off my groove! Guard: I'm sorry, but you've thrown off the Emperor's groove. [the old man is thrown out of the palace window] Old Man: Sooooorry! Quote: Yzma: A llama? He's supposed to be *dead*. Kronk: Yeah, weird. Quote: Kronk's Shoulder Angel: You're not just gonna let him die like that, are you? Kronk: My shoulder angel. Kronk's Shoulder Devil: Don't listen to that guy. He's trying to lead you down the path of righteousness. I'm gonna lead you down the path that *rocks*. Quote: Yzma: That's it, Kronk! Break the door down! Kronk: Break it down? Are ya kidding me? This is hand-carved mahogany . Quote: Kuzco: No touchy.
  6. Rowen

    The Party of Four

    Here is the log from session 8 were the party got to meet not only themselves but a someone very familiar and influential on all AIMhack players. Session Eight: Future Visits Next session is this Tuesday, May third at 4pm PDT EDIT: Here are the two symbols on the two letters that the party still has. Click to reveal.. Click to reveal.. My skill using Paint is very lacking.
  7. Originally Posted By: Artemis~ Imo, I'm american Anyone from the Americas is an american.
  8. 5000 posts? Man, who reads all these?
  9. Rowen

    The Party of Four

    24 Hour warning! One hour warning cause I forgot to do this yesterday.
  10. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith I spent enough money as a child gambling on Pokemon cards and Mage Knight figurines. Never again. Pokemon is not gambling, its collecting.
  11. When my friend worked at a casino here local I went and tried my hand a black jack. I only went with twenty dollars and made double that and then lost it all. I felt the 'you can get rich quick' idea of gambling and I also felt the 'that twenty could have bought me dinner if I wasn't an idiot.' Over all, I can see the appeal to gambling but it doesn't outweigh the risks for me. (I also did lotto tickets for a money, wast of money.)
  12. Last time I saw a HP in the theater a group of little kids started crying at some scary point in the movie. I would say that latter HP movies are not targeted at pre-teens as much as the first 2 movies were.
  13. Libya? What is that? I type of food dish?
  14. Originally Posted By: Impudent Strumpet! Forget Hermione - for his post I wanna take Rowen for a drink first. If I dress up as Hermione for the drinks would that be taking it to far?
  15. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba For instance, if you developed a system that used the four elements and also allowed wizards to combine their powers together, you could conceivably get a bunch of wizards working together [...] By your powers combined, I am Capitan Planet! Go Planet!
  16. Originally Posted By: Goldenking However, while lying about beliefs is usually not accepted, lying about your appearance with cosmetics and other such tools of aesthetics is accepted. Cosmetics are an accepted form of a veil that people were. I don't view it as a lie, rather a life choice.
  17. Originally Posted By: *i Part of what I've heard about winning the lottery is that it is far more a curse than a blessing. Hurley is a prime example.
  18. I'm reading Happiness by Richard Layard and Canicula by Norma Elis Cantu.
  19. Rowen

    The Party of Four

    Fixed it. Also, next session will be April 27th. Come to see Eolith, and learn untold secrets.
  20. Rowen

    The Party of Four

    Sarsus: Fresh Fire and Slag are okay. Porifio: Hypno-toad spell and Crafting spell are okay. Arell: Healing is aproved, just change it from (2d3+Skill) to (1d3+Skill). Guarding Spirit and Salamandric Blood are okay too. Session Six: Punch Drunk Session Seven: End of Slumwood Next session will most likely be next week. Check the PM for dates.
  21. Routers that use Wifi can make a difference depending on how far away you are from them but it sounds like you are in the same house with everything, but that is extreme. If you have an upstairs and downstairs putting the router upstairs always seems to help, but that may be superstition on my part. Whenever I can I will avoid using a router and plug strait into the wall.
  22. I just finished reading Tan Lejos de Dios by Ana Castillo. Very dark humor mixed with absurd reality making strong critics of the social world facing women. I like it.
  23. Check that your internet is running at the speed that you are paying for. Go to Speedtest.net and run a dozen or so tests during a day and check that they speeds match or are within what service you are receiving. If it is slower they what you pay for call up your provider and talk to them about it and get it worked out. Most of the time its not a hardware issue but every now and then it is.
  24. Quote: Quote: Quote: Then could you please tell me what profession makes use of diagramming sentences? Writing a grammar book doesn't count, nor does teaching how to diagram sentences. Learning foreign languages? Linguistics, and its many branches? I haven't thought of that; point taken. I never knew of any kind of practical application for it, except as a way to kill a cumulative 2-3 years' worth of classroom time that easily could have been much better spent. I could say the same about the math that I took in high school now that I work as a translator. I would have much rather spent the time reading and studying language. Its all a point of personal perspective, Math is needed just as much as proper verbal and written communication even if I don't see its daily use by me. The education from school wasn't worthless for me. It was the social cliques that formed, elevating high school into something more then its not, that I found tiresome.
  25. Surprisingly I have had good experiences with customer service. Even more so when I called up Time Warner about internet contention issues. I may have been on the phone with them for 3 hours and talked to three people, but each one of them did their job and once they could do no more about it passed me up the chain. Was it a bother that it took 3 hours? Sure. Was it a bother that they did their all to help me and that is why it took 3 hours? No. Thanks Customer Reps for being so great.
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