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Everything posted by Rowen

  1. Yeah, I am now working Friday and Saturday afternoons. It kills my social life but helps pay the rent. I am really sorry about this.
  2. Just have a lobster kill Jarrox in a fight. That way everyone else is not waiting on me and my horrible schedule to play a session. That or someone can take over Jarrox if they want. I'm willing to drop out to let the rest of the party keep playing.
  3. Yeah, 6 left over sounds right. Will those extra points roll over like the minutes on my phone plan?
  4. All thanks goes to Diki for being amazing and subbing for me. Click to reveal.. Jarrox Phiser Race: Dwarf Occupation: Noble Alignment: Drunk Level: 3 HP: 16/20 (+4) Stamina: 8/10 (-2) Str: 4 (+1) Dex: 5 Int: 3 Martial (Shields): 3 Artifice: 3 History: 3 (+1) Martial (Dwarven Waraxe): 3 Nature: 3 (+1) Perception: 3 Religion: 3 Drunken Rage "It's my ass and I'll kill you and all these lobsters and then make you into soup!" When you are drunk, you receive a bonus to attack rolls and a penalty to all other rolls. The drunker you are, the bigger the bonus or penalty. Worn: Dwarven waraxe (Some meanie head wont give it back to me) Shield with family crest Padded clothes (pants and shirt) Breastplate Vambraces Greaves and cuisses Gauntlets Pike helmet Backpack: Belt pouch (20 gold) Bedroll Fish hook and line (15') Flint and steel Hand axe Healing potion x2 Hempen Rope (50') Magic cooking pot Stamina Potion x2 Shovel Sunrod x2 Trail Rations (10 days) Aleskin x3 (1 is now empty) Whetstone
  5. I prefer to place last during Settlers of Catan. Then again that might be because I never getting to place first. Stupid weighted dice.
  6. If you change computers or have to wipe your HD, email Jeff at spidweb@spiderwebsoftware.com and explain the situation. After showing that you have in fact bought a copy of the game its wont be to difficult to get it reregistered again. All it requires is some patience. I had no idea that the registration code was such a horrible DRM. I thought having to login to an online server every time I wanted to play a single player game was annoying, but I guess entering a one time key beats that by a mile.
  7. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Seagull (I think it's a western gull, but I don't know enough to be sure.) I saw a baygull that looked just like that once. How do you tell them apart?
  8. Translators need Dikiyoba now. Diki is just that influential.
  9. I can only do Saturdays or Sundays till after the 10th of September. After that I no longer have a class from 3:30 till 6:30 every weekday.
  10. Click to reveal.. (Gramzon sure has changed from what he once was.) Gramzon the Firebreather (Level 5) Occupation: Blacksmith/Farmer/Ass-kicker Alignment: Self Loathing. Race: Dragonborn (Male) Religion: Forsaken by the Gods. Strength: 8 Dexterity: 5 Intelligence: 2 Max Health: 57/60 HP Stamina: 9/10 Martial (Pole-arm): 6 Crafting (Metalworking): 3 Artifice: 3 Nature: 4 Religion: 2 First Aid: 2 Composure: 1
  11. Out of those three dates Friday the 17th and Saturday the 18th work for me. My life has become a devotion to school right now. I have a class on the EU everyday from 3:30-6:30pm for the next three weeks so that is eating up my time and life for the moment. Thanksfuly it ends on the 10th of Sep, then I just have to write a huge paper for the class. If everyone else wants to do the session sooner then someone could sub for me. Otherwise the 17th would be the soonest I can make it.
  12. My adviser is a faculty member of the Foreign Language Department. She teaches 5 classes along with advising all of the Spanish Majors this year since her helper moved to another school. One think can be said for the advisers on my campus, they make sure you get into the classes you want. More then once I've had an adviser get me into a class that was way too for to take more students.
  13. I know that at the college I'm attending right now that B.A.'s have to take 4 classes of foreign language and that B.S.'s don't.
  14. Originally Posted By: Empirically, no. Oh hey, I received a letter this morning and totally got in. Bring on the crippling debt! Congrats, Welcome to the world of higher academia, hope you have a strong liver.
  15. Its that time of year again when everyone goes off to huddle in classes and try to decipher the coded messages that are being taught to them. Some gather in groups of a few dozen and others in mass congregations of over 400 bodies. I gather in both. The following are the classes I'm taking this semester. Its a little funny and easy for me because I have already finished all my 400+ classes. I'm just working backwards in my education. Anthropology 220: Peoples of the World Economics 202: Microeconomics Spanish 305: Culture and Institutions of Spain Spanish 308: Proficiency in Reading (Poems)
  16. Originally Posted By: Sarachim Don't Look Down "Hold on a second, going to try something rather stupid." You believe that if you can't see danger, it can't see you. You get a bonus to acrobatics rolls and grappling attacks. Now Gramzon can have tea in a tree. His dreams are coming true.
  17. Originally Posted By: Masquerade Cant, I'm on a mac and consoles are illegal under the laws of the evil parent overlords. According to mum logic attaching a game-playing device to the television = me perminantly attached to the television = mum not being able to watch her shows. Do what I did: I got my mom addicted to the Zelda games on the N64. Then I would ground her from playing them for weeks at a time. After a month of fighting and an intervention by my dad we both could by video game when ever we wanted. EDIT: Golden Sun lets you use your old characters in the newer game. Nothing like playing with level 58 characters to make the game unbalanced.
  18. I love legos. Can I come over to your house to play?
  19. Click to reveal.. Jarrox Phiser Race: Dwarf Occupation: Noble Alignment: Drunk Level: 1 HP: 13/16 (+3) Stamina: 10/10 Str: 3 Dex: 5 (+1) Int: 3 Martial (Shields): 3 Artifice: 3 (+1) History: 2 Martial (Dwarven Waraxe): 3 (+1) Nature: 2 Perception: 3 (+1) Religion: 3 (+1) Worn: Dwarven waraxe Shield with family crest Padded clothes (pants and shirt) Breastplate Vambraces Greaves and cuisses Gauntlets Pike helmet Backpack: Belt pouch (20 gold) Bedroll Corroded Copper Coin Fish hook and line (15') Flint and steel Hand axe Healing potion x2 Hempen Rope (50') Magic cooking pot Stamina Potion x2 Shovel Sunrod x2 Trail Rations (10 days) Aleskin x3 (1 is now empty) Whetstone
  20. This was a high level (level 9) campaign to see how well the system would run at higher levels. Everyone was allowed to pick one perk for there characters that dealt with a skill that they had leveled up to 7 or any stat that was 10 or higher. Every character followed the Dust Bowl leveling system. Here you will find the complete log of this campaign. Following is a list of the characters. Sarachim Click to reveal.. Sarton, male Dragonborn Level 9 4 STR, 2 DEX, 6 INT 72 HP Vitaemancy: 15 Crafting (Alchemy): 10 First Aid: 8 Martial (Mace): 8 Composure: 1 Sarton is a cheerful, outgoing young man with one ambition: to live forever. The problem, he says with a smile, is that pursuing this goal is almost as deadly as abandoning it. Perk: Iron Alchemist Most alchemists need very specific ingredients to do their work, but Sarton has figured out how to make a potion out of almost anything. With time, a container, and some water, Sarton can whip up a basic healing, curing or stamina potion out of whatever’s lying around. Click to reveal.. (Spells) Egues-Tol's Despicable Pall (epic) -Costs 2 Stamina -A dark fog forms on the battlefield, giving Perception checks a -5 penalty. All attack rolls also suffer a -2 penalty within the cloud. Creatures who spend a turn in the fog lose 1 stamina. The caster is unaffected, and can sustain the effect by spending 1 stamina. Lehun’s Instant Servitor (epic) -Stamina cost varies based on the target This spell turns a newly-dead creature as an undead servant. This servant will obey all commands, and Sarton will be able to see and hear whatever it sees/hears. If the servant was intelligent in life, it will retain whatever skills and knowledge it had. Sarton can only keep one servant at a time, and the same creature cannot be animated twice. Sarton must remain awake to maintain his servants, so they will all return to death when he rests. Soul Drain This spell drains some health from one target, and increases that of another. Spirit Advisor Briefly summons the spirit of a dead person to answer the party’s questions. Death Echo When cast on a corpse, this spell will reveal the circumstances of that creature’s death. Aura of Life Puts out a blast of healing energy centered on the caster, healing minor damage on all nearby allies. Nioca Click to reveal.. Name: Abbrupt Ceakiten Race: Male Dwarf Occupation: ONDS Founder and Specialist Alignment: Curious Home: Eolith Deity: Tempecomt Physical Description: 64 years old, 3'4'', 95 lbs (before armor), orange eyes, fair skin, blond ankle-length hair, no facial hair. STATISTICS STR - 6 | HP - 106 DEX - 3 | STM - 10 INT - 6 | SPD - 5 SKILLS Magic (Evocation) - 8 Magic (Transmutation) - 8 Martial (Axes) - 7 Perception - 4 Artifice - 3 Religion (Sea Deities) - 2 Nature - 2 TRAITS Spellweaver - Many years of magical training in intense situations have given Abbrupt an innate command of spellcasting. Any time he casts a spell and rolls a 20, he can choose to chain an additional spell immediately after the first. This second spell will cost as normal and has an elevated chance of failure. The perk does not stack on additional 20s, and stamina costs apply as normal. Click to reveal.. (Spells) STAR MISSILE (L8 EVC) EFFECT: Fires a superheated (in excess of 1400 Celsius) magic missile at the target. The resultant missile is capable of burning its way through all but the most stubborn targets and obstacles, and frequently causing ignition in any even slightly flammable objects. Also leaves a trail of fire in the air behind it because of its incredible temperature. MYON'S GALE (L6 EVC) EFFECT: Creates a massive gust of wind over a wide area. Stamina is required to sustain the wind for any length of time. (Uses include knocking airborn enemies out of the sky, knocking enemies down and back, propelling ship sails forward, or putting out fires) IMPLOSIVE FORCE (L8 EVC) EFFECT: Creates a magical vortex which proceeds to pull everything around it inward with incredible force for a brief period of time. Uses include casting inside of a creature or structure to severely damage it, or in an open area to mildly damage and pull together a group of enemies. COST: 1 Stamina LIMITATIONS: Does not differentiate friend or foe. Use as a magical vacuum cleaner is not advised. OBLITERATIVE DETRIMENTUM (L6 TRAN) EFFECT: An upgraded variant of Detrimentum. Disintegrates the targeted object AND obliterates any magic the object possessed. The altered nature of the increases its potency versus magical creatures, and makes it useful versus incorporeal creatures or objects. LIMITATIONS: While the spell can be cast against magic (e.g. magical barriers, wards), the manner in which the spell handles disruption is crude. This results in reduced potency and could potentially cause bizarre magical side-effects. INTEGRIFY (L6 TRAN) EFFECT: Greatly enhances the structural integrity of a targeted object. Useful for enhancing the durability of a damaged or unstable object, or as a buff to enhance a creature's resistance to damage. MYSTIC BOND (L5 TRAN) EFFECT: Repair's stronger cousin. Can weld anything to anything else seamlessly and permanently. LIMITATIONS: The difficulty of the weld increases if the objects are unrelated, of two different materials, magical, and so forth. Larger welds may require stamina. Triumph Click to reveal.. Name: Machaira Gallatin Human male, age 31 Alignment: Honorable Occupation: Bodyguard Level 9 Strength 6 Dexterity 4 Intelligence 5 HP 104 Stamina 10 Magic (Conjuration) 12 Martial (Tonfa) 8 Perception 7 Stealth 5 Nature 4 Perk: Constant Vigilance: as a bodyguard, Machaira’s keen senses are always alert for danger, and therefore at the start of any combat, he receives a free action. Click to reveal.. (Spells) Xian Bombardment (Epic: “Anvil falls, some one dies.”): Bombards target with large anvil. Costs 2 stamina points per use. All conjured anvils can be dispelled afterward. Ikat’ika’s Friend in Need (Epic: “You and what army?.”): Limit once per day. Costs 3 stamina. Summons rare and powerful semi-intelligent creature (such as a canopy drake, dire boom eagle, or rhinoceros – but NOT kangaroo), loyal to caster and trained to fight for him. Allied creature fights for two rounds of combat before returning whence it came; caster may spend stamina to sustain it further rounds. Balbus’ Instant Aid: magically administers first aid with conjured materials. Firin’s Limitless Resources: summons a basic, no-frills version of most any object. Hydro Pump: summon a high-powered blast of water to dowse target; does less damage than more solid attacks, but likely to stun, slow, or distract an enemy. Dikiyoba Click to reveal.. Name: Angrissa Wavestrike Race: Dwarf Occupation: Historian Alignment: Fastidious Strength: 5 Dexterity: 6 Intelligence: 5 Health: 88 Stamina: 10 Martial (Bow): 10 Magic (Abjuration): 6 Martial (Trident): 3 History: 6 Composure: 4 Perception: 1 Artifice: 1 Religion: 1 Well-aimed shot: Angrissa has a knack for hitting the weak spots of enemies with her arrows. (If a bow attack roll is 15 or above, it does extra damage.) Click to reveal.. (Spells) Balbus' rubber cloak: Shields the target from water and mud. Buoyancy: Makes the target lighter and so better able to float. Cleanse: Removes dirt, rust, and grime from the target. Emerald armor: Creates a magic-deflecting shield around the recipient that's attached to a heal spell. It enhances the recipient's magic resistance, and whenever a spell misses the recipient, there's a small chance of the spell being absorbed by the shield and providing minor healing. Mystic trumpet: Raises an alarm if unauthorized creatures enter a designated area. Spineshield: Creates a force shield that turns away physical attacks. If the attack happens in close quarters, there is a chance the force of the attack will rebound on the attacker. Sticky tread: Greatly reduces the target's chance of slipping on tricky surfaces such as ice, slick rock, and steep slopes. Tripfire sigil: This sigil is infused with explosive energy. When someone enters a certain proximity of the sigil, it detonates, doing damage to everything within decent radius. A stamina can be spent to enhance the blast power and radius further. Ephesos Click to reveal.. Name: Granius Daren (Level 9) Occupation: Noble Race: Elf Alignment: Meh STR: 8 DEX: 5 INT: 3 Speed: 5 Hit Points: 130/130 Stamina: 10/10 Martial (Sword): 8 History: 5 Streetwise: 5 Composure: 8 Perception: 7 Perk-Marked Foe (Martial): Granius may choose to designate one foe at the beginning of an encounter with multiple enemies. He gets a +2 bonus to attacks made against them, and gets a +2 bonus to defenses against them. However, those bonuses are changed to equal penalties against all other enemies in the encounter. -Riposte: Granius may delay his action until an enemy attacks him. If he is attacked, he may attempt to best the enemy's attack roll, where a success lets him counter-attack, taking half damage from the triggering attack. If he is not attacked... well, he wastes an action. -Savaging Lunge: Granius may attempt to attack each adjacent enemy, but takes penalty of -1 to defenses that round for each enemy he hits. -Raging Counter: Once per encounter, when Granius is hit by an adjacent enemy, he may bludgeon them with the hilt of his sword and scream at them. This pushes them back one square, and gives them a -5 penalty to their next attack against Granius. Over all this campaign was fun to host and I really hope that those who took part enjoyed it.
  21. I might be 10 to 20 minutes late. I have a birthday party that I have to make an appearance at and act like age really has any meaning other then everyone is going to die.
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