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Everything posted by Rowen

  1. English to Spanish to English: Quote: Nine rows of the bean want to me have there, a beehive for the bee of the honey, and only live in the clearly bee-noisy one. Babel Fish is to literal with its translations.
  2. Turns out I will be unable to Sub on Sunday the 18th due a class meeting that day at 3pm PST. Just a heads up.
  3. Rowen

    Thank You Diki!

    I was going to say something witty but I forgot. Thanks for being a mod Diki, hope this isn't the end of your time in the forums.
  4. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Originally Posted By: Cthulhu Doesn't he realize how much energy the ring contains AFTER returning from Hellgrind? Well, yes, but not bothering to figure out what everything you're carrying around with you does before you risk your life and the lives of others is a stupid thing to do. Dikiyoba. That is how AIMhack seems to work. We loot and then wait forever before identifying the loot.
  5. The Dark is Rising Sequence by Susan Cooper. The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart. The Edge Chronicles by Paul Stewart and Chis Riddell
  6. Why do would people think that living longer is better?
  7. There is a difference in what you can claim as normal wear and tear and destruction of property in a small claims court. Punching holes the wall is not normal wear and tear.
  8. Eph, I was at the Sanctuary looking around and noticed that you posted the session 7 log from Bloodmarsh under the Selos section.
  9. OKay, fun session with me playing Casper for Jewels. I only hope that Jewels was not attached to all the gold that Casper had cause I did a little (a lot) of shopping and spent most of it from some nice gear. Here is the log: Click to reveal.. Casper: Since I'm not with the rest of the party should I just type in here or in the main chat? GM:Here works. What do you want to do? Casper: I make another streetwize check for a shoemaker. GM: There doesn't seem to be any cobblers in town. Footwear is imported, it seems. Casper:Can I see any stands that are selling shoes or boots? GM: No. Casper: I wonder the market then listening to conversations that people are having while looking for a blacksmith or someone that sells knifes or swords. GM:(Roll for over hearing the conversations.) You learn of a blacksmith near the main gate. Casper: I head back to the main gate then. GM:You find a small smithy. Casper: I go in (if it is inside, but I doubt it since that would be a fire hazard) and look for the smith so I can talk to him. GM: You enter the smithy, and meet with the smith. "Hello. What can I do for you?" Casper: "Good evening, I'm here to see if you have any wares for sale at the moment. I am interested in knifes in particular." GM:"Knives? Yes, we have a few of those. 1 gold apiece, or you can get some nice steel knives for 3 gold apiece." Casper:"I'd like to look at your steel knifes if you do not mind." GM: "Of course not." He shows you the knives. They look very sharp and lightweight. Casper: I feel the steel knifes and compare them to my current knifes (not the poor ones). GM: They feel a little more balanced. Like you could throw better with them. Casper: How many of the steel knifes are there? GM: About 20 Casper: I pull out my scimitar, "Could i exchange you this for a few of the steel knifes?" GM: He looks it over. "Not very high quality... Maybe for two." Casper: "Scimitar for two knifes and then I'd like to by 2 more." I pull out the 6 gold and hand them over. GM: He takes the weapon and gold, and hands over four knives. "Have a nice day." Casper: "Same to you." "Oh, you wouldn't happen to know of a fletcher here in town by chance?" GM: "Yeah, there's Andy. Runs a small Bowyer on the east side of town." Casper: "Could I get directions to his place please?" GM: "Sure, you go to the market square, take a right, and it's pretty much right up against the wall. You can't miss it." Casper: "Thank you. Have a wonderful day." I go to Andy's place. GM: You arrive at the bowyer's without incident. Casper: I go in. "Good day." GM: The dwarf behind the counter nods. "What can I do for you?" Casper: "I've come to sell or trade," I pull out the two bows and arrows. "Can you offer anything for these?" GM: "Erm... Yeah. They're not great quality, so 6 gold for the bows, plus 13 silvers for the arrows. Casper: "Deal." I smile and hand them over. GM: He hands you 6 gold and 13 silvers. Casper: "By chance you wouldn't know of a place I could pick up some leather good would you?" GM: "Ah'm afraid not. I don't get out much." Casper: "Thats okay, thank you for your time today." I smile. Once back in the street I try to find a tanner/leatherworker where I can get some type of armor. (Roll in main window for streetwize.) GM: You find your way back to the smith. "You're back." Casper: "I am, I'm afraid I left before asking if you might know of a tanner in town that might sell some goods that I can wear for protection." GM: "No... but I do have some nice pieces myself. Casper: "I would be happy to see them." GM: He wanders over to several suits of armor on display. "Metal armor. Better than any leather, you know!" "What kind of protection are you looking for?" Casper: "Something that will still allow me to us my knifes if attacked by bandits but keep me from being chopped up into little bits by a sword." "So light weight but durable I suppose." GM: "Ah. Well, I've got a nice breastplate. 25 gold, but it should be what you need." Casper: "Can I try it on and see how it feels and how I can move?" GM: "Sure. But don't think of just bolting out the door on me." Casper: "Here." pull off my shoes and set them on the next to me. "I wont get far if I tried without my shoes. I'm willing to try it on." GM: He raises an eyebrow, but lets you try on the armor. It's nice and light. Casper: "Could you part with this for 23 gold?" GM: Diplomacy check. "No, sorry. That's fine metal right there, I have to ask 25 gold." Casper: "Understandable, I'll take it." GM: He nods. "Thank you. Have a nice day!" Casper: As I hand the money over and put my shoes on as ask rather idly, "So how has business been for you? Do you sell lots of wares like this as of late, what with the bandits about and all?" GM: "Bah. Brigands don't bother us here with Lord Garth in control. Tend to meet a quick end, if you catch my drift." Casper: I smile, "Good to here that there is at least one city that is still safe from them." "One last question. Do you know where I might get some provisions in town? Hopefully something that will not spoil within a weeks time?" GM: "Well, you could always try the local tavern..." Casper: "Okay, thank you once more." I go back outside and make my way to the tavern but make a small detour to the temple of Sliros first. (Do I need to roll for that?) GM: Yes. You find the temple, with some difficulty. Casper: I go inside. GM: Your entry inside this temple is anything but serene. The sounds of a loud argument can be heard from near the alter. Casper: I stop and listen. GM: It appears Wallo is in an altercation with one of the priests. "...if they knew the kind of transactions you dealt in, they'd execute you here in this temple!" Casper: I keep listening. GM: The priest responds viciously. "Maybe they'd like to know exactly who you heal for a living? Have you told them you work for Niskos as well?" Casper: (History check on the name Niskos) GM: Niskos is a rival port city on Skarrifissk's northern coasts. Because of the Garth-Torres Fued, the two cities have been at an unspoken state of war for the past century. Wallo snorts. "Tell them for all I care. I'll be gone before morning anyway." Wallo turns and walks past you without a word. Casper: I proceed into the temple and make eye contact with one of the priests. GM: The priest stares at you for a minute. "Yes?" He asks irritably. Casper: "I've come to offer a prayer to Sliros but if now is not a good time I would understand." GM: "No, it's not... We're having some difficulties with a healer, and... Yes, if you wish to pray, go ahead." Casper: "Thank you." I offer up a pray to Sliros that I might be blessed with a steady throwing hand once more. (Religion roll) GM: You pray. You feel internally satisfied. Casper: Once done praying I raise my head and speak the the same priest once more, "What kind of problems?" GM: "It's none of your concern." Casper: "Of coarse, I did not mean to pry." "Would you have any healing potions for sale in this temple?" GM: "We would, if our supplier came through..." Casper: "So there are supply issues? This wouldn't be related to the bandits on the island would it?" GM: The priest shakes his head. "Again, it's none of your concern." Casper: (Would he know if I used read mind on him?) GM: (If he uses magic, it's possible) Casper: (If he uses magic? He's a priest for crying out loud! ) "I only ask because I was attack by bandits earlier this week." GM: "That is surprisingly common on this island." Casper: "Do you by chance know who might be the cause for all the bandit attacks as of late?" GM: "No." Casper: "And you have no healing potions at the moment?" GM: "No." Casper: "Do you have any other services or good you might be able to offer?" GM: "No." "Very well, may Sliros watch over you and this temple." I turn and leave. GM: Streetwise check to find your way back to the party. Casper: (Woot, I don't get left behind.) That leaves Casper with 3 Gold, 16 Silvers, and 15 Coppers. And also gives Casper 4 steel knifes and a breastplate for defense. Casper also owns a new pair of pants, shirt and undergarments.
  10. Desmond had no problems with tesla coils.
  11. I can make any date earlier then the 23.
  12. Plot twists can make or break a story.
  13. Rowen

    Animated Avatars

    Originally Posted By: Khoth I need to stop skimming people's posts, having my eyes pick out something like "our name would be pronounced Human-Zombie, and it was entirely common in ancient cultures" and thinking "hang on, what ancient culture had zombies?" Dinosaurs went extinct due to the zombie infestation during their time period.
  14. English-Spanish-French-Italian- English-Japanese-English-Greek-French-Spanish-English. I thank that was all of the translations. Quote: D' ? l' ? L' entrance is economy easily with and to this Don' ? [is word 2$ ace] of the place she was scared of the t that is enumerated according to a great part of the cover under the friendly letter. I vote for Nioca's when the time comes. The reference to SoT is great.
  15. Rowen

    Animated Avatars

    Nothing confines Alorael other then our imaginations.
  16. I can sub if some one needs. *Looks at Jewels*
  17. I'll be able to sub for some one. *Looks at Nikki*
  18. Another flaw is not with the game but that we are comparing it with Jeff's games. Eschalon is relatively new compared to the Exile, Avernum, Genforge series. Jeff has had time to work out the most of flaws that we find in Book 1 from his games; but we can and do find flaws in his as well, they just are different. Basilisk Games is new to the RPG game design that we have been playing since Jeff first started. We have expectations of what a game will be like due to having played Jeff's games in the past. I would argue that the major flaw of the game is that we are comparing it to preexisting games that have overcome those same flaws some time ago.
  19. Originally Posted By: Monroe But things chase you so far! I was just running away from two lizards, but ended up running into a third. I just barely beat the third, but the first two caught up to me and finished me off. No offense, I'm sure you strategy types probably love this game, but I think I've seen enough. Have fun. That was the same problem that I had with the demo. Demos that kill the player over and over again get deleted from my computer.
  20. I could sub if there is a session on Tuesday.
  21. That quote from Nixak is missing a verb, I still don't know what I was trying to say in that sentence.
  22. I spy Robin Hood in those graphics.
  23. Nixak had a very fun night. After staring into the depths of the mind of a superior being that was a canopy drake he was the translator for the party with the humans that live in the jungle as they bartered for goods. Click to reveal.. [GM]Ephesos"...I swear get back or I'll call the shaman!" Nixak "Its okay, we are friend of Khielik." I touch the amulet around my neck. [GM]Ephesos"...oh thank Korossos." Nixak "We just came from slaying the beast Korossos sent to the jungle. Khielik was a most brave warrior in that fight. " [GM]Ephesos"It is dead? Wonderful!" "But why are you here now?" Nixak "We were invited here to rest after the helping in the fight. We are travailing to a near by city." "Everyone you see with me is friendly and also helped in the slaying of the beast." "I believe some of them with to trade goods with you if you are willing." [GM]Ephesos "Well, yes. But I don't take coins." Nixak "Sorry, he is still on edge after the fight." [GM]Ephesos "Okay." Nixak "Is it okay if they look around for something they might be able to trade you for?" [GM]Ephesos "Yes, yes that would be fine. Just don't break anything." Nixak "Do you have anything to cover the bald elf's head?" [GM]Ephesos She gestures at the helmets. Nixak "Do any of your staves have any special properties about them?" [GM]Ephesos "I do not know. None that I know of." "I did not make them, and the man who did said nothing of magic." Nixak "What would you like to trade the elf for that?" [GM]Ephesos "I do not know what he has." "Those are what she has to trade with." [GM]Ephesos "Hm." Nixak "Do you know what that is?" [GM]Ephesos She sounds insulted. "We may live away from your cities, but we are not stupid." Nixak "I am sorry, I meant no disrespect. I only wondered if you had heard someone play one before." [GM]Ephesos "We have similar instruments." Nixak "The elf can play very well and can play for you if you would like. [GM]Ephesos "That would be good. I'd like to make sure it's in working condition." "Yes, that will be fine." Nixak "She says that it is a one of a kind guitar and has no equal on the island but will trade it for the helmet and two healing potions if you have them." 8:40 PM [GM]Ephesos "The helmet is fine lizardskin, my brother worked it for a week to keep it supple." Nixak "The lacewing wishes to know what is in the bottles." [GM]Ephesos "Wine, potions brewed by Khielik... I think one contains mustard." Nixak "The elf is willing to teach you how to play also if you wish." [GM]Ephesos "Tell them they can just offer items and point to what they want." "Hm. The guitar, for the helmet and one healing potion. She can teach me later this evening." Nixak "The elf asks if you could toss in bottle of wine also?" [GM]Ephesos "Hm... fine. There will always be more wine." Nixak "That elf, sometimes I wonder what goes on in her head." [GM]Ephesos "Clearly it was enough to remove her hair." Nixak "The Elf wishes to trade that knife that she used to fight the beast for those sandals." [GM]Ephesos "One knife? She insults my brother." Nixak "The goblins what the robe and to healing potions, she says you can pick out what you find to be fair from her goods if there are any." wants the rope and two* [GM]Ephesos "Nice trade." "Yes, it was clear they have not been used. Fine condition." Nixak "I have nothing to trade but I am willing to teach you a trick of the mind to bring some of your happiest thoughts to the front of your mind anytime you wish for all you have done for my friends." [GM]Ephesos "Certainly." Nixak That was the thank you motion. "The elf asks what you would like to trade her for that staff there." [GM]Ephesos "The bow, the arrows, and the robes." "And I'll throw in the sandals." Nixak I pull out my silver scepter, “could I trade you this for that staff and the sandals? I would like to present them as a gift to the elf." [GM]Ephesos "She seems to want to add the knives. And I'm okay with that." "And that... that is too valuable. I could not take that from you." "It would not sit well with my conscience." Nixak "I understand." [GM]Ephesos "Bow, arrows and the robes." "Fine, if she won't give the knives, that's fine." Nixak "What time would you like the elf and I to come by tonight to teach you?" [GM]Ephesos "Moonrise would be fine." Nixak "We will be her at moonrise. Thank you for dealing fair with us." [GM]Ephesos "You are welcome. May the gods smile on you." And Level up: Click to reveal.. Nixak, the mind-mage (Level 6) Occupation: Currently Unknown Alignment: Manipulative Race: Human Strength: 2 Dexterity: 2 Intelligence: 7 Max Health: 18 HP Magic (Enchantment): 11 Bluff: 2 Intimidate: 2 Stealth: 3 Diplomacy: 4 Perception: 1 Spells: Mind Read - Get an impression of the target's surface thoughts. Compulsion - Compel a target to act in a specific way, lest their actions be penalized. Mind Duel - Blast a target's mind with psychic energy. Mnemonic - Remember some specific sensory experience. Blank Slate - Temporarily daze or stun a target by blanking out their surface thoughts. Mind Barrier - Shield targets from mental attacks. Blind Fury: Target's mind goes into an all consuming rage for a few turns. Target gets a bonus to all attacks for the duration of the spell but cannot distinguish friend from foe and may attack allies. Dumping points into Enchantment is nice after I saw what it could do in the fight tonight
  24. Happy Birthday Dantius. Would one of the basic commands that I can give to the Boom Squirrel be "Bark" (Boom) and "Don't Bark" (Don't Boom) or would that be to complex?
  25. After talking with Diki we decided that this would be good. Click to reveal.. Allen "Sawbones" Macterris, the surgeon (Level 5) Occupation: Sawbones Alignment: Convenience Race: Goblin Deity: Mariona Strength: 5 Dexterity: 3 Intelligence: 4 Max Health: 27 HP Martial (Medical Equipment): 6 First Aid: 6 Nature: 2 Crafting (Medical): 3 Intimidate: 1
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