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Everything posted by Rowen

  1. REGISTER ROWEN I will be here this time.
  2. I am free from now until the start of next semester. Just minus Christmas day when we are going to a friends for dinner.
  3. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith IAlso took a Latin literature class, but that simply enforced the notion that Spanish authors are insane. Did the authors write in Spanish, have there work translated to English, or just Chicana literature? I ask since I took a Spanish literature class and am taking another this spring. I really liked it, all but two of the novellas were in Spanish, and the others were Chicana Literature.
  4. Quote: Once upon a time, A NOUN VERBED at AN ADJECTIVE NOUN. Some day, when you least expect it, Mr. Q will suddenly pummel your body with A NOUN. You will not DIE or SURVIVE.
  5. Congrats! When the time comes don't feel abashed to tell people that you are on your honeymoon. I know that my wife and I got to the front of many lines and saved some money by telling people that. Best of wishes.
  6. I am game for this and you have my character already. If you need me to resend it to you I can.
  7. Rowen

    New main menu tabs

    Go drink the water from the tap in Santiago Chile. You can drink it and it is clean but unless you are used to it you will get sick for a bit. You can smell the chlorine in the water every time you turn on the tap. but the fact is the water is drinkable. Something we often do not think of as a luxury.
  8. So, I am rather late into the podcast world and have just started listening to a few free podcasts off of iTunes. So for I listen to Today in the Past, APR Prairie Home Companion, CBC Wiretap, and NPR Wait wait don't tell me. Since I'm late to the world of podcasts I was hoping some of you could refer some free podcasts that you enjoy. Just so you know I listen to podcasts when I walk to and from class. Thanks in advance.
  9. Rowen

    New main menu tabs

    I see the change now. I had to refreshen my page for it to show up. The new look seems more adventurey and less formal then it was before. Also, the tabs have moved on the screen I believe. Same order as before but they all moved up a little.
  10. Rowen

    New main menu tabs

    Wait, what changed?
  11. Just checking in on this. Do you need more information or comments on the fights to make a judgment?
  12. Not all things which need fixing are problems. I still have a custom title on my alt account. Just knowing that its there is reason enough for me not to want a title on this account. It also scares me into not logging into that account for fear of being title sniped.
  13. Eph, I'll send you an idea of a character that came to me over Thanksgiving break. Expect it in the next few days and help me figure out if I'm doing it right. Thanks and I cannot wait for when your next game gets going.
  14. Rowen

    Pet Peeves

    Teabagging and steeping tea are not the same thing. I never steeped tea while playing Halo after getting a headshot. But I guess someone could steep tea in that case.
  15. Its when your virtual date starts being flaky with you and spending more time with your best friend that you need to start worrying.
  16. That one guy dancing happened at the 2009 sasquatch festival this year out at the gorge. The band line ups this year were not as good as in years past. EDIT: At least there was not as much rain as there was in 2008, sunshine was nice.
  17. Rowen

    The Labyrinth RP

    Would it be possible to make a gunslinger type of character? What kind of technology would be found in this world? Is magic a common place thing or rare, or is magic nothing more then a trick of light and quick hands at cards? If the world is one were the Labyrinth players reside then magic is found but is not common. There will be hat sales men and axes that work backwards. Healers and as Eph has said, druids. Altho I am not sure what I druid would be able to do, talk with squirrels and find where they hid the nuts for the winter? I imagine horses can be found here and are used for work more then war. Steam power might possible but with magic perhaps other more efficient means are available. Looking at the map agriculture might be the largest form of work for people. As to if they own the land they farm or if they are serfs I have no way of telling. By the clusters of towns or villages I would guess bronze and iron are workable mettles and that maybe steel but rarely. People would build towns around blacksmiths, tanners, and other tradesmen. Blacksmiths are a little more permanent because anvils and smithing tools weigh more then one can carry on his back. Just some of my thought after looking at the map and some questions as to what what the state of this world might be that cannot be guessed at from the map. EDIT: After looking at the map again I am starting to think that the land masses are a bunch of small islands. That would change game play a lot. I need to go play Zelda: Wind-waker some more if they are all island. But having a talking boat would be the coolest thing.
  18. Rowen

    The Labyrinth RP

    All I know is that right now I am reading The Dark Tower. We need some gunslingers or the man in black who reads the future in cards classes.
  19. Rowen

    The Labyrinth RP

    Originally Posted By: Ephesos Yeah, I'm sorry, but we are past the point where a new character can be introduced without giving me a heart attack. Its good that you are a young vibrant chap then.
  20. Mushroom Buddies is very nice quality and framed well also. Colors are very balanced and nothing is overpowering or over bearing. I would recommend entering that picture in the county fair or state fair and see how it does.
  21. I base everything on Fox news. If they said it must be true. Better then if god had said it. Good think they are not biased.
  22. Rowen

    The Labyrinth RP

    EDIT: My brain is working to slow tonight.
  23. Rowen

    The Labyrinth RP

    I will be there to watch the continuing saga. I'm really enjoying this, so much that I bought Munchkins last week and played it with some friends.
  24. Rowen

    Magic Mouse

    As for batteries, I use Energizer Ultimate Lithium +AA. I turn off the mouse when I am not using the computer. I replace that batteries maybe once every 5 or 6 months. The technology in batteries have come very far in my life time. If I was using the same kind of batteries I used in my gameboy (the original) they would last about 1 maybe 2 days as most. These advances are very subtle to see at the moment but compared to many or a few years back they are quite significant.
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