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Everything posted by Rowen

  1. Nixak also has added a spell to his list. Blind Fury: Target's mind goes into an all consuming rage for a few turns. Target gets a bonus to all attacks for the duration of the spell but cannot distinguish friend from foe and may attack allies. Any idea when the next session might be? I'm free all this week.
  2. On one hand we have demo eroding and on the other Captain Hector blows up your ship. I hated that parrot.
  3. Originally Posted By: Ephesos So here's the thing. I'm not just gonna let you learn a spell like that via leveling. In fact, the higher up you get, the harder it's going to be to learn spells without actually being in the presence of a teacher. Does this apply to all spells or only Eph's Epic Spells? I was thinking of adding a few new mind spells to Nixak's list, do I need to find a trainer to do that now?
  4. I'm reading Game Change for now. Fun read.
  5. A human trying to use diplomacy on a bunch of human haters didn't work as well as I thought it would. It also didn't help that I rolled a 3 when talking to them. Time to invest points into universal diplomacy instead. Click to reveal.. Nixak, the mind-mage (Level 4) Occupation: Currently Unknown Alignment: Manipulative Race: Human Strength: 2 Dexterity: 2 Intelligence: 7 Max Health: 7/14 HP Stamina: 1/10 Magic (Enchantment): 8 Bluff: 2 Intimidate: 2 Stealth: 3 Diplomacy: 3 Perception: 1 Spells: * Mind Read - Get an impression of the target's surface thoughts. * Compulsion - Compel a target to act in a specific way, lest their actions be penalized. * Mind Duel - Blast a target's mind with psychic energy. * Mnemonic - Remember some specific sensory experience. * Blank Slate - Temporarily daze or stun a target by blanking out their surface thoughts. * Mind Barrier - Shield targets from mental attacks.
  6. Rowen


    I wish the ipad could be used for note taking. I want to take notes on the pad by writing with a stylus and have what I write converted into a text format that is compatible with Word. If it could do that I would buy one and be the happiest note taker.
  7. When Nixak left the party, almost died, and used his blessing. Rowenoct27 is Nixak and Ephesossh is the GM. Click to reveal.. Nixak : Am I alowed to keep following the road south even if the party doesn't follow? DM : I mean, you can. You walk south, and come across another group of peasants picking through the debris of a collapsed building. Nixak : I use stealth to get past them unseen. DM: One of them notices you as you walk past. He throws a piece of trash at you. "Go away, filthy human!" Nixak: I keep walking south. DM: Ahead of you, you think you can hear the sounds of another large mob. Nixak: I try to sneak into a nearby building. DM: The closest building is actively on fire, looking like it's about to collapse. Nixak: Are then any allys near by that I can use to move to another street? DM: There are, but the sound of the mob is growing closer. Nixak: I choose an ally on the right to duck into and then do the same once onto the next street, ducking into another ally. DM: The alley you duck into is blocked by part of a building that collapsed. Nixak: Is that on fire? DM: Nope, not on fire. The sound of the mob is getting closer. Nixak: I spend a stamina to get over it. Do I need to roll? DM: You vault over the wall. Up ahead, you see what looks like another burning house. You can hear multiple voices coming from inside. Nixak: I try to hear what they are saying. (perception) DM: You can't make out much, but some of it sounds like "Help! HEEEELP!" (I mean, really? ) Nixak: "God I hate being me," I mutter to myself as I sprint in the burning building. DM: You take 4 damage as you sprint into the burning building. You soon find yourself face to face with a motley crew of individuals, who appear to be in the process of looting the building. One of them has his leg trapped under a burning dresser. Nixak: I spend a stamina to move the dresser off of the one under it. Need a roll? DM: Yes. Strength. You grunt and strain, but can't move the dresser. The fact that it's on fire deals another 1 damage to you before you realize how bad of an idea it was. The largest of the looters, an ancient-looking dragonborn, snorts. "And look what we have here. Little human, come to help us?" Nixak: I look at the dragonborn, "Is Zarusa nothing but a "little human" then? Do not judge everyone to the same standered untill you have measured them properly. Help me with this dresser and show how great and noble it is to be a dragonborn today." (Diplomacy) DM: The dragonborn snorts, and you actually see smoke come out his nostrils. "Boys, get him." Two smaller dragonborn, who look distinctly unfriendly, advance on you, while a third goes to move the dresser. Two more continue looting the room as if you weren't there. Nixak: (Can I spend a stamina to make blank slate hit more then one target?) DM: Yes. Nixak: I spend a stamina and cast blank slate on as many of them as I can at once DM: The two advancing on you stop for a moment, and you think that the spell might've worked. Then you realize that they were just drawing their longspears. DM: ...well? Nixak: Is it my turn again? Dm: That was why I paused, yes. Nixak: Okay, is there a window nearby? DM: On the other side of the dragonborn, yes. Nixak: "Fools, you think I came in here alown? Look behind you!" (Bluff) I then spring for the window and jump through it. DM: Roll the bluff. ... The dragonborn aren't fooled by your bluff. Nixak: (The dice are against me tonight. Really against me.) DM: Any other action you'd like to take? I would remind you that you do have Khashen's Blessing. rowenoct27 9:16 pm Nixak: (O.o) (Do I just tap the tatoo?) DM: (Basically, yes.) (You remember how it works mechanically, right?) Nixak: (No) (Its on my mac.) DM: (This is how the tattoo works. At any time, you can decide the outcome of a die roll, regardless of who rolled it. Your character must be present for the action that called for the roll. Once you use this ability, the tattoo disappears forever.) (Outrageous requests are not only discouraged, but will likely rebound on the player in unpleasant fashions. Khashen's magic is complex, after all, and the consequences of using it are not always clear.) Nixak: (I'm trying to think of something that I can do that doesn't end with me dead.) (Can use the roll to get out the the building?) DM: (You could certainly use it on a Dex roll.) Nixak: (but then they just might chase me down. (Okay, I know what I'm going to do.) I tap my tatoo (20) and cast blank slate spending another stamina to use it on as many of the Dragonbore as I can at once. Then I run in to the street like death is chasing me and go strait south. DM: Towards the manor? Nixak: Yes. DM: You tap the tattoo, and the world slows to a crawl. You see yourself repeated several times over the room. In several instances, you've been stabbed through by a longspear. In one instance, you've tripped and lie dead in a pile of burning debris. The floor grows insubstantial, as do the walls. You catch glimpses of other figures moving about the walls, and then a vision appears clear as a bell in your mind. You see yourself from a disembodied perspective, and watch as the tattoo unwinds itself from your neck, flapping into the room as if it were a real butterfly. It flaps its wings, which have taken on a bright blue hue. The room spins at right angles to reality, and the looters suddenly reel, collapsing to the floor. The next thing you know, you find yourself outside on the street, badly burned and exhausted. You are facing the backside of what appears to be the manor of Lord Hakkel. You can see a mob around the front of the building. Your neck burns. Nixak: (what is my hp and stamina at now? I want to make sure I have the same as you do.) DM: 4hp, 1 stamina. Nixak: I go inside the manor. DM: The back door is locked. (btw, hold on let me resolve stuff in the main window) Nixak: (Okay, I'm not using the main window besides to do rolls so I have no idea what is going on there. Makes it more like I am really away from the party. Just tell me when I'm good to start trying things again. :-) DM: Okay. You hear an explosion from the other side of the building. Nixak: Are there any windows on this side? Dm: None. Nixak: Do I still have my pack? ephesossh 9:40 pm DM: Yes. You can hear lots of shouting from the front of the manor. Some of it sounds like Zarusa. Nixak: I open the pack and pull out one of my potions and down it as I run around the right side of the manor. DM: You regain 3 hit points. The potion seems a little old. When you come around to the front of the manor, you are faced with the fence that you remember from the caravan.(Return to the main window.) Edit: Fixed up for the most part now. Eph did a wonderful job with the details of the use of the tattoo. I loved it.
  8. Oh Polaris, may you one day be left to rest in peace.
  9. I already told Eph that I can make it to the Mote: Selos session this Saturday. Now I just wanted to let the party know that I will be there too.
  10. Originally Posted By: Monroe But Jacob is dead. Doesn't stop him for giving direction to the others through Hurley. Death is just a communication barrier, not much else.
  11. My laptop screen stopped working as in now in the hands of the "apple people" to get fixed. It also has been making a spinning grinding noise that I really hope was the left fan and not my hard drive; there going to find out what made the noise and fix it to. I am trying to find a computer that I can use aim on right now and if I don't have one by Thursday I will ask for a sub. Sorry for the extra stress Eph.
  12. Rowen


    I am wondering how long others spend procrastinating. If no one answers then I will have a very strong answer. As for me I should be finishing an essay paper that is due in 20 minutes, but I am typing this and plan to check for updates on Order of the Stick and Erfworld next.
  13. Saturday is questionable for me at the moment, my wife has something planned that day but wont tell me. Sunday is fine as are all the other evenings in the upcoming week.
  14. The snowboarders need to stop wearing tight pants.
  15. Eph, no worries about this weekend. You have done so much running two parties at once that you deserve a break. You also deserve a lot of "thank you"s and "you are awesome"s because you are a great gm. I think I am speaking for both parties when I say these have been some very fun Friday nights due to you. Thanks for everything.
  16. I will be here this Friday if it still matters. Any night this week other then tonight works rather well for me as a matter of fact. I did the holiday a week early to skip the large crowds.
  17. Originally Posted By: Randomizer No wardrobe malfunctions. Thank god, I like The Who fully dressed and staying that way.
  18. Wait, new year resolutions? Why didn't anyone tell me a new year started?
  19. I didn't trust Radiant Pearl with trades because I thought he was Fae for most of the game. I was also faced with the challenge of what to do with no equipment other then my leather armor. Do you keep exploring to find a weapon or use the skribbane and attack someone? What if the mod shop was brought back? How would that have affected this game?
  20. Rowen

    What now?

    Have you considered college? Right now I know 8 people over the age of 40 that are enrolled in the same classes as me and all of them are trying to open more doors in the workforce with more education. It is not "the" solution, but it is an option when available. I am rather worried about leaving school due to the current state of the workforce at the moment. I might be getting a masters just to avoid leaving school before things improve.
  21. The only real run-in with prescription drugs I had as a child was when my brother left his riddlin on the counter and I ate the whole bottle in one go. As a result I got my stomach pumped for the third time. This was when I was a little over two years of age. EDIT: Worse the prescription drugs, I seemed to find house hold cleaners and drink them. One stomach pumping was for drinking half a bottle of condensed lysol cleaner and the other was for drinking window cleaner. Both of these were made available for me to drink due to my older brothers not picking up after they finished their chores, just as my older brother left the riddlin in a place that I could reach. I think my brothers were trying to get rid of me. >_<
  22. Do you want us to tell you what our questions are before the session so you can come up with some answer for them or we doing this on the fly?
  23. Click to reveal.. Occupation: Currently Unknown Alignment: Manipulative Race: Human Strength: 2 Dexterity: 2 Intelligence: 7 Max Health: 12 HP Magic (Enchantment): 6 Bluff: 2 Intimidate: 2 Stealth: 3 Diplomacy: 3 Perception: 1 Spells: Mind Read - Get an impression of the target's surface thoughts. Compulsion - Compel a target to act in a specific way, lest their actions be penalized. Mind Duel - Blast a target's mind with psychic energy. Mnemonic - Remember some specific sensory experience. Blank Slate - Temporarily daze or stun a target by blanking out their surface thoughts. Mind Barrier - Shield targets from mental attacks. I may be squishy but... yeah, I am squishy. I'm hiding behind you.
  24. Rowen


    Originally Posted By: I need no introduction (and in a reply to the point of the thread): So PITA is the Dues Ex Machina that saves the rabbits? That putting them in very high regards.
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