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Everything posted by Rowen

  1. 8bit Theater? I think they had to cross a canyon and deiced to kill everyone in a village and use their bodies to full in the canyon and cross.
  2. I might be wrong but I think that Nioca just gives a -5 to every roll for untrained skills. I'm thinking of when i played Casper and tried to use a sword and also when I played as Erika and tried to use a sword. Both don't have skill in it and It seemed that I was unable to do anything useful with the sword because it.
  3. Would the conversion rate of the old skills to the new skill be 1:1?
  4. For those of you who use wireless mice: what kind of batteries do you use and how long do they last before needed to be changed? I am using these and only have to change them once every three to four months. Is that good or bad?
  5. If you want to know what Jeff thinks I would recommend emailing him rather then posting on the forums. He does check the forums but not as often as he does his email. Good luck.
  6. I use a wireless mighty mouse. The extent of my gaming is FFXI, WoW, SC2, and Wesnoth. And if you find that you are using your mouse for FFXI or WoW then you need to start using the keyboard short cuts and macros. It makes playing funner and faster.
  7. Originally Posted By: Lilith Originally Posted By: Rowen I remember playing a game where you killed a turkey with a turkey baster. I cannot remember the name of that game. Was it an old black-and-white World Builder adventure game for Mac? If so, Radical Castle. Wow. I sent 2 hours trying to find the name of the game with my dad the other day. Thank you for finding it.
  8. I remember playing a game where you killed a turkey with a turkey baster. I cannot remember the name of that game.
  9. Originally Posted By: boggle But hey, what can you do? Not support hazing would be my first guess?
  10. I grew up with the major holiday called "Spud Day." It was a celebration of just that; spuds.
  11. Originally Posted By: waterplant Not being able to verify a theory doesn't automatically disprove it. Many ideas existed for centuries before they were disproved by scientific method. This is how I first read what you posted.
  12. I have loved Boregloaf as a character. Diki's writing is clean but yet very colorful and informative. That helped to make Boregloaf the coolest goblin to ever lived. Ever.
  13. Most of Nixak's side adventures (Solo times that nearly killed him) I think I posted in the Mote thread. I didn't post the mind battle that Nixak, Chak-Tha, and Kyrpohius had. To sum up what happened is that Nixak attacked Chak-Tha's mind and was beat back by not just Chak-Tha but some other mind that had linked with his. Nixak kept attacking and the other mind had no problem thwarting Nixak's attacks. Then Nixak spent 6 stamina on a last ditch mind duel against Chak-Tha and the other mind and did very well in wrecking some mental havoc until the other mind (It was Kyrophius, the God of Trickery) easily overpowered and nearly killed Nixak. Nixak got to see Kyrophius as as he was overpowered and beat down (very easily I might add). Also the silver scepter that Nixak had with him started to resonate with power during the battle with Chak-Tha and Nixak had no idea how or any practice with using it. Looking back I can count four times that Nixak should have died but somehow escaped death. First was when Nixak tried jumping across a river and slipped, hitting his head; he landed face up in the water and drifted down stream. Second was when he came to the rescue of looters in Quera while down to almost no health or stamina in a burning house; tattoo saved him that time. Third time was when he burned 6 stamina on a mind duel with Kyrophius and got his ass handed to him majorly; still had some stamina to keep him alive after that. Fourth time was when Chak-Tha did his finishing move and Nixak took the explosion head first and ended with his life hanging on by one stamina; the amazing party healer saved him with a great roll of the dice. Yeah, Nixak as escaped death a few times and even mind dueled with two different gods (one was the canopy drake). I have no idea how he is still alive.
  14. Originally Posted By: Ephesos 1. Epilogues... please submit them, even if it's something fairly mundane. Character continuity is awesome. I don't know about anyone else but I found that writing the epilogue for Nixak was very difficult to do with out making it some cheesy mesh of words. Nixak's is not that awesome.
  15. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Those are out of order, so the whole quotation is misleading. I thought it was main stream to miss quote and quote out of context these days.
  16. Does that mean that Saturday mornings for you are Friday nights for me? I feel like I'm caught up in some sort of time vortex now.
  17. I filled out the calendar with the dates and time that I know I can be there right now. I have a lot of traveling coming up this month so I hope to update the calendar later as actually know what is happening in my life. My wife has planed these trips and that means that she never tells me what we are doing until the day before we leave.
  18. Originally Posted By: Spidweb Lynaeus - Linn-Hard A-Uss. Lynaeus has long been the continent name in my D&D campaigns. I just like the way it looks. - Jeff Vogel For some reason I read that as Linn-Hard-Ass I think that is a great name.
  19. All I have to do is break the rules to get the unicorn to show up?
  20. My current computer is an '07 MBP. First computer was a Macintosh IIvi or a IIvx; I don't remember which one off the top of my head but I think it was a vi because it didn't have a cd player built in. We bought that separately. I remember I got in trouble when I downloaded escape velocity onto the computers hard drive because it took up so much space. That was also the computer that I used to play Exile on.
  21. I tried reading the Iliad and the Odyssey when I was a teenager. I wasn't able to get into them but I was able to read Paradise Lost. The style that it was writing in is so odd but yet so fun to read.
  22. Rowen

    Taking a recess

    I wouldn't say that we were bbf but I will miss reading your points of view on the topics that we have talked about on the forums. Take care and don't get lost.
  23. I would like to present evidence exhibit A for examination. They stand out because they are (or were) the worst at it to start with. Another point were new changes its course forever is the Iraq war and the 24 hr coverage. After the first few weeks they ran out of air-able tape but didn't want to loose their new watchers and started filling time with "entertainers."
  24. Anyone want to guess were I now fall on the map? Seems that I have moved drasticly in relation to my proclaimed religious beliefs. God would be so proud of me.
  25. He is aired on the Fox Entertainment News Channel. This is series business people. I don't get how people came make light of the Armageddon/Apocalyptic messages of god that he blesses us with being able to hear. The end of all human kind is coming in a wave of Nazi plans and plots that degrade us into little pumpkin patches where we are forced to wait every halloween for the Great Pumpkin to arrive and lift us up over the face of the earth... Oh god, writing this made me vomit inside my mouth.
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